
Level: 72.02 (Rank 62) Economy: 2,936 Account: Upgraded Expire: 20 Jun 2020 Account Age: 1,016 Days Its been a while, but I'm back. Lets see what this Universe has in store for me this time.-=-=-=-Media. Pulls down account statistics for constant viewing. delphian/astro-empires-chrome-extension.

Contents Basic informationThe Leviathan is very good in confrontations with,. It does poorly in confrontations with, and.Leviathans may be used to good effect with fighters when occupying because their high armour and shield strength is a combination which is difficult to drive away.

They are also good at defending mobile fleets as Leviathans provide a 5% armour and the power bonus to your fleet, making it more difficult for an enemy to attack.Leviathans are among the slowest units within Astro Empires. They can use jump gates but will still lag behind the rest of the fleet when launched separately than other fleets, even if those other fleets were launched at the same time.Advanced Information Fighter Assault PlatformCertain players include Leviathans in a fighter and/or heavy bomber drop in order to increase the damage and get better ratios. Since Leviathans can carry 4000 fighters each they don't require separate Fleet Carriers or Carriers unless you cannot afford to build enough Leviathans to carry all the fighters you wish to take with you.Leviathan StackingThe other route is a Leviathan stacker; build as many as possible and include them in your fleet. It is recommended that you produce 50 Leviathans in order to become an 'effective' Leviathan stacker; once you reach the goal continue building as many as possible.The levi stacker (for short) is most effective at shield raping cruiser fleets with small numbers of heavy cruisers and battleships. Small numbers of heavy cruisers can be almost shield raped (possibly only 10-20 damage coming through a leviathan's shields), so it takes a large number to kill all your leviathans if you have a stack. Generally it takes 600-800 heavy cruisers to kill 1 leviathan in one hit, so keep this rule of thumb in mind when planning attacks.Levi stackers will not find many opportunities for profit beyond a blob crash.

In a blob crash however Leviathans can become essential for catching straggler fleets or ill-composed battle fleets. Some opportunities exist for profit outside of blob crashes, usually when mobile fleets are not over their owner's astro, or someone leaves a cruiser fleet over their own base with insufficient command centers to repel you. Such opportunities can make very beautiful ratios but they are rare.OccupationLeviathans are also good for permanent occupations of players or to hold a United Colony base (probably overkill, though). United Colony bases can kill dreadnoughts occasionally with heavy cruiser spawns, but it is unlikely they will kill a Titan and it's impossible for any UC spawn to kill a Leviathan, so you have the security of knowing that your UC base is safe.Also, since UC technology level is so low, it is possible to shield rape UC heavy cruisers off-base when you achieve shielding level 23 for lots of profit. When UCs disband, and no one has held the base, there will usually be a few dreadnoughts and loads of HC left over.

The sims castaway stories windows 10. The Sims Castaway Stories features many gameplay features and objects from The Sims 2 expansion packs that were released before The Sims Castaway Stories: From University - some objects, such as bubble bars; From Nightlife - fury, attractions and turn-ons and turn-offs are included.

This is a prime target for a levi stacker.Base AttacksMany players make the mistake of using leviathans to attack bases when they first get them. Generally, this is not a good idea. Usually, one level of planetary rings will kill one Leviathan, so your ratios when attacking bases will be very bad unless your opponent has a lot of fleets that can be shield-raped. Or they do not have planetary rings yet.Leviathans can be used with unshielded units to attack a base with multiple planetary rings, but your profit margin will be much lower than using a standard cruiser or heavy cruiser attack fleet. Leviathans should only be used for base attacks if you're an experienced player. (x) in Shipyard indicates the number of required. Train simulator 2016 full download.


due to the tech level needed to construct these units their stats are more closely Power:16000, Armor:15840, and Shield:72.Stats not listed are not affected by the minimum tech level needed to construct the ships.Gallery.

21 Mar 2020Antares GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Antares galaxies is now open.
28 Sep 2019Nexus GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Nexus galaxies is now open.
30 Mar 2019Utopia GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Utopia galaxies is now open.
6 Oct 2018Mystic GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Mystic galaxies is now open.
30 Jun 2018Typhon GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Typhon galaxies is now open.
10 Mar 2018Lynx GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Lynx galaxies is now open.
30 Sep 2017Kepler GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Kepler galaxies is now open.
1 Jul 2017Jade GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Jade galaxies is now open.
25 Mar 2017Sigma GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Sigma galaxies is now open.
17 Dec 2016Iridium GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Iridium galaxies is now open.
24 Sep 2016Hydra GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Hydra galaxies is now open.
25 Jun 2016Gaia GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Gaia galaxies is now open.
19 Mar 2016Rigel GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Rigel galaxies is now open.
12 Dec 2015Frontier GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Frontier galaxies is now open.
26 Sep 2015Elysium GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Elysium galaxies is now open.
27 Jun 2015Drako GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Drako galaxies is now open.
21 Mar 2015Quantum GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Quantum galaxies is now open.
6 Dec 2014Centauri GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Centauri galaxies is now open.
13 Sep 2014Bravo GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Bravo galaxies is now open.
31 May 2014Andromeda GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Andromeda galaxies is now open.
31 May 2014Orbital PlantsOrbital Plants are now available for Construction.
31 May 2014Version 2A new version was released. More information here
28 Feb 2014Android appAstro Empires Android app was released. Get here
15 Jan 2014NotificationsWhen some game events occur it is now displayed in a side notification box.
16 Nov 2013Pegasus GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Pegasus galaxies is now open.
15 Oct 2013Anti-GravityAnti-Gravity is now available for Research.
15 Oct 2013Version 1.5A new version was released. More information here
25 May 2013Omega GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Omega galaxies is now open.
1 Dec 2012Nova GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Nova galaxies is now open.
10 Dec 2012AE in HungarianThe Hungarian language was implemented in the game.
6 Nov 2012Fog of WarNow when a player fleet visits a region the game saves the astro types and bases during 90 days.
7 Aug 2012Mobile SkinThis new skin has been specially designed to make using the game as easy as possible from a smaller touch screen device.
26 May 2012Mira GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Mira galaxies is now open.
16 Feb 2012New Community PortalThe community portal was renewal with a more modern layout. Visit here
14 Feb 2012New AE VideoAstro Empires first video was released. View it here
17 Dec 2011Lyra GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Lyra galaxies is now open.
24 Sep 2011Ares GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Ares galaxies is now open. This is the first AE round based server.
2 Jul 2011Kappa GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Kappa galaxies is now open.
20 May 2011Skin Blue NovaA new game skin named Blue Nova was released.
26 Apr 2011AE in ArabicThe Arabic language was implemented in the game.
5 Mar 2011Homepage redesignedThe game homepage was redesigned with a new background and making use of the game units in animations.
27 Jan 2011New AE Gift StoreA new AE gift store was launched at Zazzle with new merchandising products. Visit here
21 Jan 2011Interactive mapAn interactive map, with zoom, pan, fleets display, was implemented.
30 Nov 2010AE in NorwegianThe Norwegian language was implemented in the game.
22 May 2010Juno GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Juno galaxies is now open.
25 Oct 2010Press KitThis kit help users to write articles about Astro Empires, it contains facts, interviews and original material. Get here
20 Oct 2010Fan KitThis kit help users to set up a Astro Empires fan site, it contains an sample website and original material. Get here
18 Oct 2010AE in ChineseThe Chinese (Simplified) language was implemented in the game.
17 Oct 2010AE in PolishThe Polish language was implemented in the game.
14 Jul 2010AE in SpanishThe Spanish language was implemented in the game.
6 Jul 2010AE in ItalianThe Italian language was implemented in the game.
5 Jun 20102 Millions AstrosThe Astro Empires universe has reached the mark of 2 millions colonisable astros.
22 May 2010Ixion GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Ixion galaxies is now open.
7 May 2010AE in GreekThe Greek language was implemented in the game.
5 May 2010Community PortalA game community portal was launched that contains AE news, downloads, images galleries and community content. Visit here
22 Mar 2010AE in DutchThe Dutch language was implemented in the game.
20 Mar 2010Items 3D animationOur first item's 3D animation is now available (Battleship), we plan on introducing the other item's animation on a regular base.
2 Feb 2010Game TourA game tour is now available at the game homepage.
7 Jan 2010AE in SwedishThe Swedish language was implemented in the game.
5 Dec 2009Helion GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Helion galaxies is now open.
18 Nov 2009Interactive TutorialAn interactive tutorial to help in the first steps with the game was implemented.
11 Nov 2009Graphic Pack KitA Graphic Pack Kit is now available containing help files and tools to help users making they own custom skins.
6 Nov 2009AE in FinnishThe Finnish language was implemented in the game.
22 Oct 2009AE in FrenchThe French language was implemented in the game.
24 Sep 2009AE in DanishThe Danish language was implemented in the game.
21 Jul 2009New LayoutAE counts now with a new layout, that is prepared to be more flexible in the creation of skins.
16 Jul 2009AE in PortugueseThe Portuguese language was implemented in the game.
30 May 2009Gamma GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Gamma galaxies is now open.
22 Nov 2008Fenix GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Fenix galaxies is now open.
3 Aug 2008Tachyon Communications
Tachyon Communications is now available for Research.
Capital is now available for construction.
21 Jun 20081 Million AstrosThe Astro Empires universe has today reached the mark of 1 Million colonisable astros.
24 May 2008Epsilon GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Epsilon galaxies is now open.
18 Mar 2008WormholesWormholes can now be used to fast travel between galaxy sets.
17 Nov 2007Delta GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Delta galaxies is now open.
19 Sep 2007Logistics commanderLogistics commander are now available for recruit.
20 May 2007Ceti GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Ceti galaxies is now open.
13 Feb 2007CommandersCommanders are now available for recruiting.
13 Jan 2007GoodsGoods are now available for production.
26 Nov 2006Beta GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Beta galaxies is now open.
31 Oct 2006Ion Bombers
Ion Frigate
Ion Bombers and Ion Frigate are now available for production.
17 Oct 2006Leviathan
Death Star
Leviathan and Death Star are now available for production.
17 Oct 2006Orbital ShipyardsOrbital Shipyards are now available for construction.
12 Aug 2006Multi-Level PlatformsMulti-Level Platforms are now available for construction.
24 Jul 2006Biosphere Modification
Fleet Carrier
Biosphere Modification is now available for construction.
Fleet Carrier is now available for production.
8 Jul 2006CyberneticsCybernetics is now available for research.
5 Jul 2006DrekonsAn alien presence is detected coming from outer space.
4 Jul 2006United ColoniesSome inactive players accounts are joined to create one bot account the United Colonies.
4 Jul 2006Artificial Intelligence
Android Factories
Artificial Intelligence is now available for research.
Android Factories is now available for construction.
18 Jun 2006Jump GateJump Gate is now available for construction.
11 Jun 2006Heavy BombersHeavy Bombers are now available for production.
3 Jun 2006Scout ShipScout Ship are now available for production.
28 May 2006Antimatter Plants
Orbital Base
Planetary Shield
Planetary Ring
Antimatter Plants, Orbital Base, Planetary Shield, and Planetary Ring, are now available for construction.
20 May 2006Alpha GalaxiesThe first Astro Empires server is now open.

Level: 72.02 (Rank 62) Economy: 2,936 Account: Upgraded Expire: 20 Jun 2020 Account Age: 1,016 Days Its been a while, but I\'m back. Lets see what this Universe has in store for me this time.-=-=-=-Media. Pulls down account statistics for constant viewing. delphian/astro-empires-chrome-extension.

Contents Basic informationThe Leviathan is very good in confrontations with,. It does poorly in confrontations with, and.Leviathans may be used to good effect with fighters when occupying because their high armour and shield strength is a combination which is difficult to drive away.

They are also good at defending mobile fleets as Leviathans provide a 5% armour and the power bonus to your fleet, making it more difficult for an enemy to attack.Leviathans are among the slowest units within Astro Empires. They can use jump gates but will still lag behind the rest of the fleet when launched separately than other fleets, even if those other fleets were launched at the same time.Advanced Information Fighter Assault PlatformCertain players include Leviathans in a fighter and/or heavy bomber drop in order to increase the damage and get better ratios. Since Leviathans can carry 4000 fighters each they don\'t require separate Fleet Carriers or Carriers unless you cannot afford to build enough Leviathans to carry all the fighters you wish to take with you.Leviathan StackingThe other route is a Leviathan stacker; build as many as possible and include them in your fleet. It is recommended that you produce 50 Leviathans in order to become an \'effective\' Leviathan stacker; once you reach the goal continue building as many as possible.The levi stacker (for short) is most effective at shield raping cruiser fleets with small numbers of heavy cruisers and battleships. Small numbers of heavy cruisers can be almost shield raped (possibly only 10-20 damage coming through a leviathan\'s shields), so it takes a large number to kill all your leviathans if you have a stack. Generally it takes 600-800 heavy cruisers to kill 1 leviathan in one hit, so keep this rule of thumb in mind when planning attacks.Levi stackers will not find many opportunities for profit beyond a blob crash.

In a blob crash however Leviathans can become essential for catching straggler fleets or ill-composed battle fleets. Some opportunities exist for profit outside of blob crashes, usually when mobile fleets are not over their owner\'s astro, or someone leaves a cruiser fleet over their own base with insufficient command centers to repel you. Such opportunities can make very beautiful ratios but they are rare.OccupationLeviathans are also good for permanent occupations of players or to hold a United Colony base (probably overkill, though). United Colony bases can kill dreadnoughts occasionally with heavy cruiser spawns, but it is unlikely they will kill a Titan and it\'s impossible for any UC spawn to kill a Leviathan, so you have the security of knowing that your UC base is safe.Also, since UC technology level is so low, it is possible to shield rape UC heavy cruisers off-base when you achieve shielding level 23 for lots of profit. When UCs disband, and no one has held the base, there will usually be a few dreadnoughts and loads of HC left over.

The sims castaway stories windows 10. The Sims Castaway Stories features many gameplay features and objects from The Sims 2 expansion packs that were released before The Sims Castaway Stories: From University - some objects, such as bubble bars; From Nightlife - fury, attractions and turn-ons and turn-offs are included.

This is a prime target for a levi stacker.Base AttacksMany players make the mistake of using leviathans to attack bases when they first get them. Generally, this is not a good idea. Usually, one level of planetary rings will kill one Leviathan, so your ratios when attacking bases will be very bad unless your opponent has a lot of fleets that can be shield-raped. Or they do not have planetary rings yet.Leviathans can be used with unshielded units to attack a base with multiple planetary rings, but your profit margin will be much lower than using a standard cruiser or heavy cruiser attack fleet. Leviathans should only be used for base attacks if you\'re an experienced player. (x) in Shipyard indicates the number of required. Train simulator 2016 full download.


due to the tech level needed to construct these units their stats are more closely Power:16000, Armor:15840, and Shield:72.Stats not listed are not affected by the minimum tech level needed to construct the ships.Gallery.

21 Mar 2020Antares GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Antares galaxies is now open.
28 Sep 2019Nexus GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Nexus galaxies is now open.
30 Mar 2019Utopia GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Utopia galaxies is now open.
6 Oct 2018Mystic GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Mystic galaxies is now open.
30 Jun 2018Typhon GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Typhon galaxies is now open.
10 Mar 2018Lynx GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Lynx galaxies is now open.
30 Sep 2017Kepler GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Kepler galaxies is now open.
1 Jul 2017Jade GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Jade galaxies is now open.
25 Mar 2017Sigma GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Sigma galaxies is now open.
17 Dec 2016Iridium GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Iridium galaxies is now open.
24 Sep 2016Hydra GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Hydra galaxies is now open.
25 Jun 2016Gaia GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Gaia galaxies is now open.
19 Mar 2016Rigel GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Rigel galaxies is now open.
12 Dec 2015Frontier GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Frontier galaxies is now open.
26 Sep 2015Elysium GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Elysium galaxies is now open.
27 Jun 2015Drako GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Drako galaxies is now open.
21 Mar 2015Quantum GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Quantum galaxies is now open.
6 Dec 2014Centauri GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Centauri galaxies is now open.
13 Sep 2014Bravo GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Bravo galaxies is now open.
31 May 2014Andromeda GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Andromeda galaxies is now open.
31 May 2014Orbital PlantsOrbital Plants are now available for Construction.
31 May 2014Version 2A new version was released. More information here
28 Feb 2014Android appAstro Empires Android app was released. Get here
15 Jan 2014NotificationsWhen some game events occur it is now displayed in a side notification box.
16 Nov 2013Pegasus GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Pegasus galaxies is now open.
15 Oct 2013Anti-GravityAnti-Gravity is now available for Research.
15 Oct 2013Version 1.5A new version was released. More information here
25 May 2013Omega GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Omega galaxies is now open.
1 Dec 2012Nova GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Nova galaxies is now open.
10 Dec 2012AE in HungarianThe Hungarian language was implemented in the game.
6 Nov 2012Fog of WarNow when a player fleet visits a region the game saves the astro types and bases during 90 days.
7 Aug 2012Mobile SkinThis new skin has been specially designed to make using the game as easy as possible from a smaller touch screen device.
26 May 2012Mira GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Mira galaxies is now open.
16 Feb 2012New Community PortalThe community portal was renewal with a more modern layout. Visit here
14 Feb 2012New AE VideoAstro Empires first video was released. View it here
17 Dec 2011Lyra GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Lyra galaxies is now open.
24 Sep 2011Ares GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Ares galaxies is now open. This is the first AE round based server.
2 Jul 2011Kappa GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Kappa galaxies is now open.
20 May 2011Skin Blue NovaA new game skin named Blue Nova was released.
26 Apr 2011AE in ArabicThe Arabic language was implemented in the game.
5 Mar 2011Homepage redesignedThe game homepage was redesigned with a new background and making use of the game units in animations.
27 Jan 2011New AE Gift StoreA new AE gift store was launched at Zazzle with new merchandising products. Visit here
21 Jan 2011Interactive mapAn interactive map, with zoom, pan, fleets display, was implemented.
30 Nov 2010AE in NorwegianThe Norwegian language was implemented in the game.
22 May 2010Juno GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Juno galaxies is now open.
25 Oct 2010Press KitThis kit help users to write articles about Astro Empires, it contains facts, interviews and original material. Get here
20 Oct 2010Fan KitThis kit help users to set up a Astro Empires fan site, it contains an sample website and original material. Get here
18 Oct 2010AE in ChineseThe Chinese (Simplified) language was implemented in the game.
17 Oct 2010AE in PolishThe Polish language was implemented in the game.
14 Jul 2010AE in SpanishThe Spanish language was implemented in the game.
6 Jul 2010AE in ItalianThe Italian language was implemented in the game.
5 Jun 20102 Millions AstrosThe Astro Empires universe has reached the mark of 2 millions colonisable astros.
22 May 2010Ixion GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Ixion galaxies is now open.
7 May 2010AE in GreekThe Greek language was implemented in the game.
5 May 2010Community PortalA game community portal was launched that contains AE news, downloads, images galleries and community content. Visit here
22 Mar 2010AE in DutchThe Dutch language was implemented in the game.
20 Mar 2010Items 3D animationOur first item\'s 3D animation is now available (Battleship), we plan on introducing the other item\'s animation on a regular base.
2 Feb 2010Game TourA game tour is now available at the game homepage.
7 Jan 2010AE in SwedishThe Swedish language was implemented in the game.
5 Dec 2009Helion GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Helion galaxies is now open.
18 Nov 2009Interactive TutorialAn interactive tutorial to help in the first steps with the game was implemented.
11 Nov 2009Graphic Pack KitA Graphic Pack Kit is now available containing help files and tools to help users making they own custom skins.
6 Nov 2009AE in FinnishThe Finnish language was implemented in the game.
22 Oct 2009AE in FrenchThe French language was implemented in the game.
24 Sep 2009AE in DanishThe Danish language was implemented in the game.
21 Jul 2009New LayoutAE counts now with a new layout, that is prepared to be more flexible in the creation of skins.
16 Jul 2009AE in PortugueseThe Portuguese language was implemented in the game.
30 May 2009Gamma GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Gamma galaxies is now open.
22 Nov 2008Fenix GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Fenix galaxies is now open.
3 Aug 2008Tachyon Communications
Tachyon Communications is now available for Research.
Capital is now available for construction.
21 Jun 20081 Million AstrosThe Astro Empires universe has today reached the mark of 1 Million colonisable astros.
24 May 2008Epsilon GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Epsilon galaxies is now open.
18 Mar 2008WormholesWormholes can now be used to fast travel between galaxy sets.
17 Nov 2007Delta GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Delta galaxies is now open.
19 Sep 2007Logistics commanderLogistics commander are now available for recruit.
20 May 2007Ceti GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Ceti galaxies is now open.
13 Feb 2007CommandersCommanders are now available for recruiting.
13 Jan 2007GoodsGoods are now available for production.
26 Nov 2006Beta GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Beta galaxies is now open.
31 Oct 2006Ion Bombers
Ion Frigate
Ion Bombers and Ion Frigate are now available for production.
17 Oct 2006Leviathan
Death Star
Leviathan and Death Star are now available for production.
17 Oct 2006Orbital ShipyardsOrbital Shipyards are now available for construction.
12 Aug 2006Multi-Level PlatformsMulti-Level Platforms are now available for construction.
24 Jul 2006Biosphere Modification
Fleet Carrier
Biosphere Modification is now available for construction.
Fleet Carrier is now available for production.
8 Jul 2006CyberneticsCybernetics is now available for research.
5 Jul 2006DrekonsAn alien presence is detected coming from outer space.
4 Jul 2006United ColoniesSome inactive players accounts are joined to create one bot account the United Colonies.
4 Jul 2006Artificial Intelligence
Android Factories
Artificial Intelligence is now available for research.
Android Factories is now available for construction.
18 Jun 2006Jump GateJump Gate is now available for construction.
11 Jun 2006Heavy BombersHeavy Bombers are now available for production.
3 Jun 2006Scout ShipScout Ship are now available for production.
28 May 2006Antimatter Plants
Orbital Base
Planetary Shield
Planetary Ring
Antimatter Plants, Orbital Base, Planetary Shield, and Planetary Ring, are now available for construction.
20 May 2006Alpha GalaxiesThe first Astro Empires server is now open.
...'>Astro Empires Lyra(17.03.2020)
  • gridapp.netlify.appAstro Empires Lyra ★ ★
  • Level: 72.02 (Rank 62) Economy: 2,936 Account: Upgraded Expire: 20 Jun 2020 Account Age: 1,016 Days Its been a while, but I\'m back. Lets see what this Universe has in store for me this time.-=-=-=-Media. Pulls down account statistics for constant viewing. delphian/astro-empires-chrome-extension.

    Contents Basic informationThe Leviathan is very good in confrontations with,. It does poorly in confrontations with, and.Leviathans may be used to good effect with fighters when occupying because their high armour and shield strength is a combination which is difficult to drive away.

    They are also good at defending mobile fleets as Leviathans provide a 5% armour and the power bonus to your fleet, making it more difficult for an enemy to attack.Leviathans are among the slowest units within Astro Empires. They can use jump gates but will still lag behind the rest of the fleet when launched separately than other fleets, even if those other fleets were launched at the same time.Advanced Information Fighter Assault PlatformCertain players include Leviathans in a fighter and/or heavy bomber drop in order to increase the damage and get better ratios. Since Leviathans can carry 4000 fighters each they don\'t require separate Fleet Carriers or Carriers unless you cannot afford to build enough Leviathans to carry all the fighters you wish to take with you.Leviathan StackingThe other route is a Leviathan stacker; build as many as possible and include them in your fleet. It is recommended that you produce 50 Leviathans in order to become an \'effective\' Leviathan stacker; once you reach the goal continue building as many as possible.The levi stacker (for short) is most effective at shield raping cruiser fleets with small numbers of heavy cruisers and battleships. Small numbers of heavy cruisers can be almost shield raped (possibly only 10-20 damage coming through a leviathan\'s shields), so it takes a large number to kill all your leviathans if you have a stack. Generally it takes 600-800 heavy cruisers to kill 1 leviathan in one hit, so keep this rule of thumb in mind when planning attacks.Levi stackers will not find many opportunities for profit beyond a blob crash.

    In a blob crash however Leviathans can become essential for catching straggler fleets or ill-composed battle fleets. Some opportunities exist for profit outside of blob crashes, usually when mobile fleets are not over their owner\'s astro, or someone leaves a cruiser fleet over their own base with insufficient command centers to repel you. Such opportunities can make very beautiful ratios but they are rare.OccupationLeviathans are also good for permanent occupations of players or to hold a United Colony base (probably overkill, though). United Colony bases can kill dreadnoughts occasionally with heavy cruiser spawns, but it is unlikely they will kill a Titan and it\'s impossible for any UC spawn to kill a Leviathan, so you have the security of knowing that your UC base is safe.Also, since UC technology level is so low, it is possible to shield rape UC heavy cruisers off-base when you achieve shielding level 23 for lots of profit. When UCs disband, and no one has held the base, there will usually be a few dreadnoughts and loads of HC left over.

    The sims castaway stories windows 10. The Sims Castaway Stories features many gameplay features and objects from The Sims 2 expansion packs that were released before The Sims Castaway Stories: From University - some objects, such as bubble bars; From Nightlife - fury, attractions and turn-ons and turn-offs are included.

    This is a prime target for a levi stacker.Base AttacksMany players make the mistake of using leviathans to attack bases when they first get them. Generally, this is not a good idea. Usually, one level of planetary rings will kill one Leviathan, so your ratios when attacking bases will be very bad unless your opponent has a lot of fleets that can be shield-raped. Or they do not have planetary rings yet.Leviathans can be used with unshielded units to attack a base with multiple planetary rings, but your profit margin will be much lower than using a standard cruiser or heavy cruiser attack fleet. Leviathans should only be used for base attacks if you\'re an experienced player. (x) in Shipyard indicates the number of required. Train simulator 2016 full download.


    due to the tech level needed to construct these units their stats are more closely Power:16000, Armor:15840, and Shield:72.Stats not listed are not affected by the minimum tech level needed to construct the ships.Gallery.

    21 Mar 2020Antares GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Antares galaxies is now open.
    28 Sep 2019Nexus GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Nexus galaxies is now open.
    30 Mar 2019Utopia GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Utopia galaxies is now open.
    6 Oct 2018Mystic GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Mystic galaxies is now open.
    30 Jun 2018Typhon GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Typhon galaxies is now open.
    10 Mar 2018Lynx GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Lynx galaxies is now open.
    30 Sep 2017Kepler GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Kepler galaxies is now open.
    1 Jul 2017Jade GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Jade galaxies is now open.
    25 Mar 2017Sigma GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Sigma galaxies is now open.
    17 Dec 2016Iridium GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Iridium galaxies is now open.
    24 Sep 2016Hydra GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Hydra galaxies is now open.
    25 Jun 2016Gaia GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Gaia galaxies is now open.
    19 Mar 2016Rigel GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Rigel galaxies is now open.
    12 Dec 2015Frontier GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Frontier galaxies is now open.
    26 Sep 2015Elysium GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Elysium galaxies is now open.
    27 Jun 2015Drako GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Drako galaxies is now open.
    21 Mar 2015Quantum GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Quantum galaxies is now open.
    6 Dec 2014Centauri GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Centauri galaxies is now open.
    13 Sep 2014Bravo GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Bravo galaxies is now open.
    31 May 2014Andromeda GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Andromeda galaxies is now open.
    31 May 2014Orbital PlantsOrbital Plants are now available for Construction.
    31 May 2014Version 2A new version was released. More information here
    28 Feb 2014Android appAstro Empires Android app was released. Get here
    15 Jan 2014NotificationsWhen some game events occur it is now displayed in a side notification box.
    16 Nov 2013Pegasus GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Pegasus galaxies is now open.
    15 Oct 2013Anti-GravityAnti-Gravity is now available for Research.
    15 Oct 2013Version 1.5A new version was released. More information here
    25 May 2013Omega GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Omega galaxies is now open.
    1 Dec 2012Nova GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Nova galaxies is now open.
    10 Dec 2012AE in HungarianThe Hungarian language was implemented in the game.
    6 Nov 2012Fog of WarNow when a player fleet visits a region the game saves the astro types and bases during 90 days.
    7 Aug 2012Mobile SkinThis new skin has been specially designed to make using the game as easy as possible from a smaller touch screen device.
    26 May 2012Mira GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Mira galaxies is now open.
    16 Feb 2012New Community PortalThe community portal was renewal with a more modern layout. Visit here
    14 Feb 2012New AE VideoAstro Empires first video was released. View it here
    17 Dec 2011Lyra GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Lyra galaxies is now open.
    24 Sep 2011Ares GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Ares galaxies is now open. This is the first AE round based server.
    2 Jul 2011Kappa GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Kappa galaxies is now open.
    20 May 2011Skin Blue NovaA new game skin named Blue Nova was released.
    26 Apr 2011AE in ArabicThe Arabic language was implemented in the game.
    5 Mar 2011Homepage redesignedThe game homepage was redesigned with a new background and making use of the game units in animations.
    27 Jan 2011New AE Gift StoreA new AE gift store was launched at Zazzle with new merchandising products. Visit here
    21 Jan 2011Interactive mapAn interactive map, with zoom, pan, fleets display, was implemented.
    30 Nov 2010AE in NorwegianThe Norwegian language was implemented in the game.
    22 May 2010Juno GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Juno galaxies is now open.
    25 Oct 2010Press KitThis kit help users to write articles about Astro Empires, it contains facts, interviews and original material. Get here
    20 Oct 2010Fan KitThis kit help users to set up a Astro Empires fan site, it contains an sample website and original material. Get here
    18 Oct 2010AE in ChineseThe Chinese (Simplified) language was implemented in the game.
    17 Oct 2010AE in PolishThe Polish language was implemented in the game.
    14 Jul 2010AE in SpanishThe Spanish language was implemented in the game.
    6 Jul 2010AE in ItalianThe Italian language was implemented in the game.
    5 Jun 20102 Millions AstrosThe Astro Empires universe has reached the mark of 2 millions colonisable astros.
    22 May 2010Ixion GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Ixion galaxies is now open.
    7 May 2010AE in GreekThe Greek language was implemented in the game.
    5 May 2010Community PortalA game community portal was launched that contains AE news, downloads, images galleries and community content. Visit here
    22 Mar 2010AE in DutchThe Dutch language was implemented in the game.
    20 Mar 2010Items 3D animationOur first item\'s 3D animation is now available (Battleship), we plan on introducing the other item\'s animation on a regular base.
    2 Feb 2010Game TourA game tour is now available at the game homepage.
    7 Jan 2010AE in SwedishThe Swedish language was implemented in the game.
    5 Dec 2009Helion GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Helion galaxies is now open.
    18 Nov 2009Interactive TutorialAn interactive tutorial to help in the first steps with the game was implemented.
    11 Nov 2009Graphic Pack KitA Graphic Pack Kit is now available containing help files and tools to help users making they own custom skins.
    6 Nov 2009AE in FinnishThe Finnish language was implemented in the game.
    22 Oct 2009AE in FrenchThe French language was implemented in the game.
    24 Sep 2009AE in DanishThe Danish language was implemented in the game.
    21 Jul 2009New LayoutAE counts now with a new layout, that is prepared to be more flexible in the creation of skins.
    16 Jul 2009AE in PortugueseThe Portuguese language was implemented in the game.
    30 May 2009Gamma GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Gamma galaxies is now open.
    22 Nov 2008Fenix GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Fenix galaxies is now open.
    3 Aug 2008Tachyon Communications
    Tachyon Communications is now available for Research.
    Capital is now available for construction.
    21 Jun 20081 Million AstrosThe Astro Empires universe has today reached the mark of 1 Million colonisable astros.
    24 May 2008Epsilon GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Epsilon galaxies is now open.
    18 Mar 2008WormholesWormholes can now be used to fast travel between galaxy sets.
    17 Nov 2007Delta GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Delta galaxies is now open.
    19 Sep 2007Logistics commanderLogistics commander are now available for recruit.
    20 May 2007Ceti GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Ceti galaxies is now open.
    13 Feb 2007CommandersCommanders are now available for recruiting.
    13 Jan 2007GoodsGoods are now available for production.
    26 Nov 2006Beta GalaxiesA new Astro Empires server with the Beta galaxies is now open.
    31 Oct 2006Ion Bombers
    Ion Frigate
    Ion Bombers and Ion Frigate are now available for production.
    17 Oct 2006Leviathan
    Death Star
    Leviathan and Death Star are now available for production.
    17 Oct 2006Orbital ShipyardsOrbital Shipyards are now available for construction.
    12 Aug 2006Multi-Level PlatformsMulti-Level Platforms are now available for construction.
    24 Jul 2006Biosphere Modification
    Fleet Carrier
    Biosphere Modification is now available for construction.
    Fleet Carrier is now available for production.
    8 Jul 2006CyberneticsCybernetics is now available for research.
    5 Jul 2006DrekonsAn alien presence is detected coming from outer space.
    4 Jul 2006United ColoniesSome inactive players accounts are joined to create one bot account the United Colonies.
    4 Jul 2006Artificial Intelligence
    Android Factories
    Artificial Intelligence is now available for research.
    Android Factories is now available for construction.
    18 Jun 2006Jump GateJump Gate is now available for construction.
    11 Jun 2006Heavy BombersHeavy Bombers are now available for production.
    3 Jun 2006Scout ShipScout Ship are now available for production.
    28 May 2006Antimatter Plants
    Orbital Base
    Planetary Shield
    Planetary Ring
    Antimatter Plants, Orbital Base, Planetary Shield, and Planetary Ring, are now available for construction.
    20 May 2006Alpha GalaxiesThe first Astro Empires server is now open.
    ...'>Astro Empires Lyra(17.03.2020)