
Feb 17, 2003  For Dark Cloud 2 on the PlayStation 2, GameFAQs has 73 cheat codes and secrets. A video which features all the ways that you can find each scoop (missable or not) in Dark Cloud 2 / Dark Chronicle A very special thank you goes out to http.

In order to unlock the powerful weapon called Fudoh’s Battleaxe, you must complete the georama collection (and other requests) of Matataki Village. The full list of what needs to be done is below. Once you’ve done all of this, Toan will see Treant and Treant will give him some Power-up Powder. Then, Treant will receive the axe from Grudo. Baron's House - Near the waterfall. Bunbuku's House - Near a Watermill. Cacao's House - Surrounded by trees.

Couscous' House - On top of Earth A. Gob's House - Near Kye & Momo's House. Kye & Momo's House - Near the Wise Owl Shop. Mushroom House - On top of Earth B. Pao's House - Near the Peanut Pond. Wise Owl Shop - Completely surrounded by riverJack's Store Secret In Queens, be sure to complete the King's house first to get the genie, Ruby, as an ally.

After this, complete Jack's weapons store, but he won't give you a gift if you go in without Ruby in your party. If you have Ruby though, he will give you the Platnum Ring and a hammer with a money making ability! Windmill Slash To unlock the windmill slash, a powerful attack that will hit everything around you, you must get 100% in all three categories of the Georama Analysis for Norune Village. To do this you have to first collect everything (for 'Collection') then piece it all together ('Completion') then ask all the villagers 'How should I rebuild Norune?' And put their house where they want it ('Request'). Here is how it goes:My House-facing-the sun(cave side)Macho's, near the Divine Beast CaveLaura's, away from the mayor's housePaige's, near the pondClaude's, near Laura's houseHag's, infront/facing drans windmillAlnet's, away from Macho's houseGaffers Buggy near other housesThen Dran will fly down and teach you the technique, enjoy!

Boss Strategies The Dark Cloud Board has already yielded a bunch of great information, including these great boss strategies from ehixon. Divine Beast - Use both of your.use Xiao to hit him while he is flying, and he will fall.switch to Toan, attack with your sword. You can use stamina potions and feathers but it's not neccesary. If you do it right he'll be dead in no time and you should take little to no damage.2. Forest Guardian - Again, multiple characters is the key, though you don't really have to do it this way.

Auto target the monkey.see how it targets his big hairy toes? And golly.you have a big hammer.smash em! Get close, wait until he swings at you and move in close and attack. He will be stunned, giving you time to use your strongest character to move in and attack a while. Repeat until he's dead. Again, feathers and potions are helpful but far from essential.3. Shipwreck.ice queen -Hands down this is the most annoying boss in the game.

A couple ways to approach her:a)Stock up on feathers and potions and run in circles until you get close.when you are within range, use your sword to attack until it breaks her shield.then back off and use a ranged attack with the fire element. Repeat.b)This takes longer but it's really easy. Equip Ruby and Xiao with a fire attack. When the battle starts, run and hide behind a pillar. This will block her attack that freezes you. Pop out between her attacks and shoot her with Xiao until it says 'no effect'.switch to Ruby and shoot her once (more will have no effect) then back to Xiao.

Just repeat this until she's dead. It takes a while.4. The Kings Curse - Again, you want to use the person you just got.

Notice how the boss is made up of that black wind stuff that Ungaga could blow away? Same idea here. Get some distance between you and the boss, turn and face him and hold down the attack button to do his special.

The boss will walk right into it and be stunned, giving you a chance to switch to your strongest cahracter and whack him. Switch back to Ungaga and repeat.5.

Minotaur - This is one if the easiest if you get the trick. I used Toan exclusively. Make use of his affection for those kegs by standing with one between you and the minotaur.

He will charge you but stop when he hits the keg and pick it up. While he is drinking it you have time to charge in and hit him. When you do he will run off giving you time to find another keg to hide behind. You can also use a ranged attack while you are wating for him to come back if you want.6. Dark Genie - Form 1-He thrusts up his hands at you, not too hard to avoid. Notice on the hands what color eyes there are and match your elemental attack to that. The wind attack happens once in a while which is pretty much unavoidable.

I wouldn't worry about it though, you'll need your resources later. If he ducks under his wings, he will be changing the color of his hands, so be prepared to switch elements. Just keep hacking at him and eventually.Form 2 - He will now do the unavoidable wind thing ALL THE TIME.

Stamina potions are great here, you still fall down but don't take any damage. The laser attack its easily avoidable. Just switch to whoever has the strongest ranged attack and go to work on him.Form 3 - Ok, this is tricky because there is a lot going on, if you get hit you are dead quick and the background is disorienting. But, it's not that tough.

I used Toan with the holy element. Your first priority is to get to the boss while his head is down and his mouth is open. Don't try to target, it will probably target one of the skeletons wandering around and turn you and.ahh its bad. Besides, the crystal in his mouth is beig enough that if you can't hit it, well, you shouldn't have gotten this far. SO.run up hit his mouth. Right away, he will stomp a foot and these energy waves will come at you.

Run away from them and back around in a little circle, so you end up right back at his mouth. Hit him again, run in a circle. Repeat and he'll be dead in no time.If you MISS.or take too long doing the circle.he will sit up and do his laser attack. DON'T GET HIT. It takes a lot of HP away.

Just run around frantically until you hear it stop and charge his mouth again. Odd Gaffer Secret When building Norune village, be sure to build Pike's house BEFORE Odd Gaffer's store because if you don't, Odd Gaffer will hurt his back while fixing his sign, which causes him to have not even half as much supplies but if you build Pike's house first, the event will be Pike helping Odd Gaffer with his sign causing him to have a TON of stuff! The Demon Shaft. Doesn't sound like a place you want to be, does it? The Demon Shaft is a hellishly long dungeon (100 levels) that you get after you complete Dark Cloud.

Once you unlock it, you can access it through the 'Go To Other Areas' Map. Gem Attachments List Looking for a quick and dirty listing of what the different gem attachments do for your weapons?

The drawbridge is now down, opening up an entirely new section of the town for you to explore. Thoroughly search the area. Be sure to refer to the Ideas section to make sure you get everything. There is a Potato Pie, Max's favorite food, in front of Cedric's Maintenance Shop. Don't miss it.

If the dungeons have been too difficult for your tastes, it wouldn't be a bad idea to hit the Underground Channel again. While you're down there, you can talk to Donny about your Scoops.Once you finish tying up loose ends in town, ride the train back to Sindain Station.

Find the gap in the trees, and head for Sindain to continue your quest. SindainAs you enter the area, you'll find a cottage in the woods. Scout out the area for a few ideas, then go in. Inside the house, one of the Firbits will tell you the story of Holly. When it ends, Max will have another flashback, this one about potato pies. Conda will escort you to the entrance of the forest, and give you a bottle of Grape Juice.

Dungeon 2 - Rainbow Butterfly Wood - Venture to the Unexplored WorldThe second dungeon is harder than the first one, which is to be expected. Its key is called the Fairy Saw.Floor 1: Frightening Forest. Time Limit to Defeat All Monsters: 04:45. Fish Goal: 70 cm or more. Spheda (Prize: 3 Treasure Chest Keys). Attack and defeat all enemies using only MONICA'S SWORDEnemies:. Himarra.

(x8). Man-Eating Grass (x8). Skeleton Soldier (x8)Georama Materials:. N/AThis is a fairly standard dungeon. Monica is a new character, so don't even bother with the challenge until both she and her weapon are stronger.

Once they are, you can return to deal with the many vicious plants lurking in the woods.Scoop Take a picture as the grass prepares to spit poison at you.Floor 2: Strange Tree. Time Limit to Defeat All Monsters: 04:45.

Dark Cloud 2 Walkthrough

Fish Goal: 65 cm or more. Spheda (Prize: Resurrection Powder).

Attack and defeat all enemies using only ITEMSEnemies:. Moler (x5). Pumpkinhead (x5).

Tore. (x5)Georama Materials:. N/AAs you enter this floor, Monica will hand over some a few synth items and explain the processes of spectrumizing and synthesizing. Get through the dungeon just as you have with every other one. It wouldn't be a bad idea to hold off on the badge until you've got a few more items worth throwing.Scoop - Tore's Nap Before you attack Tore, take a picture of him sleeping peacefully. Scoop - Floatin' Earth Digger Get a shot of Moler as he flies through the air.

Scoop - Dangerous Pumpkin As the Pumpkinhead spins its pitchfork, take a photograph of it.Floor 3: Rolling Shells Red Seal. Time Limit to Defeat All Monsters: 04:30. Fish Goal: 46 cm or more. Spheda (Prize: 3 Stamina Drink). Attack and defeat all enemies using only MONICA'S MAGICEnemies:.

Himarra (x6). Man-Eating Grass (x6). Skeleton Soldier (x6). Tortoise.

(x4)Georama Materials:. N/AStock up on Armband Repair Powder before you tackle the challenge of this dungeon.

Only Monica can participate at first, due to the Red Seal placed on the level. Advance as usual. Feel free to hold of on even attempting the challenge right now. There's always time later, you know. The Tortoises can be deadly, so be sure to carry a few Bombs with you just to deal with them. Once you defeat the final enemy, the seal will be broken, and you'll be able to use Max and Steve again.Floor 4: Great Fish Swamps You'll run into the missing dwarves as soon as you step into the swamp area.

Try talking to them. They aren't at all interested in returning to their home. The one sitting on the log is the only normal guy in the bunch.

Give him your Grape Juice, and he'll hand over the Fishing Rod. You'll also get Mimi, a type of bait.Stay in the general area and fish to bolster your rod's strength. This is a good place to do it, as the Firbit is always nearby to give you more bait. You can also return to previous floors to tackle the fishing challenges they present, though it isn't likely that you'll succeed at any of them. Find any pool of water and start fishing. When you finally tire of this, reel it in and move on.Advance deeper into the swamp, and you will encounter a freakishly hairy individual by the name of Master Utan.

Poor guy, sitting all alone in the forest with no friends. He was probably driven into exile because of his appearance. Fortunately, he's well on his way to cosmetic recovery, as you can tell from his gorgeous pedicure and exotic jewelry. A full body wax, a visit to the dermatologist, and I'm sure he'll be positively studly.


Well, once the swelling from having his wisdom teeth pulled goes down… Scoop - Master Utan Take a picture of poor, paralyzed Master Utan. This is one of the easiest scoops in the whole game.Head back to the swamp and fish until you catch at least one Priscleen, then stand in front of the giant pool and put a Poison Apple on your hook. Toss it in, catch a fish, and do your thing. Way to win the favor of the 'Holy One.'

I'm not quite sure he'd really want a lip piercing, but Monica seems to think so. Scoop - King Mardan Take a picture of the ever-glamorous (not to mention feminine) King Mardan.Since when have fish even had eyelids, let along eyelashes? The teeth are a bit disturbing, too. Not to mention the 'little boy' and 'dirty' comments. Or maybe I'm just a pervert. Get your Scoop, then hand over one a Priscleen.


Go back and catch one if you didn't before. 'Kiss all the grime off my body' must be the most disturbing thing I've heard all week. Anyway, return to the clearing with the Firbits, speak to the mustachioed midgets, and head back to Sindain. SindainEnter the Dwarves' House, and watch the joyous reunion.

For some reason, the head dwarf wants to repay you by sending you off after Holly. You're going that way anyway, so you might as well look for their pastry wench.Head outside, and you'll be treated to your real reward: a helicopter-like device that builds anything you can think of. Meet Carpenterion. You'll get a short explanation of the machine, and Geostones.

Going with the tutorial mode, you'll run into your first Time Gate outside. Monica will talk about this one. If your brain happens to turn into a pudding-like substance during one of these explanations, feel free to zonk out for a while. Head back to the forest after Monica finishes talking.

Dungeon 2 - Rainbow Butterfly Wood - Venture into the unexplored worldFloor 4: Great Fish Swamps Return to Master Utan and speak to him again. He'll move the boulder blocking access to the next floor for you. Head through the gap.Floor 5: This is a Geostone?

Feb 17, 2003  For Dark Cloud 2 on the PlayStation 2, GameFAQs has 73 cheat codes and secrets. A video which features all the ways that you can find each scoop (missable or not) in Dark Cloud 2 / Dark Chronicle A very special thank you goes out to http.

In order to unlock the powerful weapon called Fudoh’s Battleaxe, you must complete the georama collection (and other requests) of Matataki Village. The full list of what needs to be done is below. Once you’ve done all of this, Toan will see Treant and Treant will give him some Power-up Powder. Then, Treant will receive the axe from Grudo. Baron\'s House - Near the waterfall. Bunbuku\'s House - Near a Watermill. Cacao\'s House - Surrounded by trees.

Couscous\' House - On top of Earth A. Gob\'s House - Near Kye & Momo\'s House. Kye & Momo\'s House - Near the Wise Owl Shop. Mushroom House - On top of Earth B. Pao\'s House - Near the Peanut Pond. Wise Owl Shop - Completely surrounded by riverJack\'s Store Secret In Queens, be sure to complete the King\'s house first to get the genie, Ruby, as an ally.

After this, complete Jack\'s weapons store, but he won\'t give you a gift if you go in without Ruby in your party. If you have Ruby though, he will give you the Platnum Ring and a hammer with a money making ability! Windmill Slash To unlock the windmill slash, a powerful attack that will hit everything around you, you must get 100% in all three categories of the Georama Analysis for Norune Village. To do this you have to first collect everything (for \'Collection\') then piece it all together (\'Completion\') then ask all the villagers \'How should I rebuild Norune?\' And put their house where they want it (\'Request\'). Here is how it goes:My House-facing-the sun(cave side)Macho\'s, near the Divine Beast CaveLaura\'s, away from the mayor\'s housePaige\'s, near the pondClaude\'s, near Laura\'s houseHag\'s, infront/facing drans windmillAlnet\'s, away from Macho\'s houseGaffers Buggy near other housesThen Dran will fly down and teach you the technique, enjoy!

Boss Strategies The Dark Cloud Board has already yielded a bunch of great information, including these great boss strategies from ehixon. Divine Beast - Use both of your.use Xiao to hit him while he is flying, and he will fall.switch to Toan, attack with your sword. You can use stamina potions and feathers but it\'s not neccesary. If you do it right he\'ll be dead in no time and you should take little to no damage.2. Forest Guardian - Again, multiple characters is the key, though you don\'t really have to do it this way.

Auto target the monkey.see how it targets his big hairy toes? And golly.you have a big hammer.smash em! Get close, wait until he swings at you and move in close and attack. He will be stunned, giving you time to use your strongest character to move in and attack a while. Repeat until he\'s dead. Again, feathers and potions are helpful but far from essential.3. Shipwreck.ice queen -Hands down this is the most annoying boss in the game.

A couple ways to approach her:a)Stock up on feathers and potions and run in circles until you get close.when you are within range, use your sword to attack until it breaks her shield.then back off and use a ranged attack with the fire element. Repeat.b)This takes longer but it\'s really easy. Equip Ruby and Xiao with a fire attack. When the battle starts, run and hide behind a pillar. This will block her attack that freezes you. Pop out between her attacks and shoot her with Xiao until it says \'no effect\'.switch to Ruby and shoot her once (more will have no effect) then back to Xiao.

Just repeat this until she\'s dead. It takes a while.4. The Kings Curse - Again, you want to use the person you just got.

Notice how the boss is made up of that black wind stuff that Ungaga could blow away? Same idea here. Get some distance between you and the boss, turn and face him and hold down the attack button to do his special.

The boss will walk right into it and be stunned, giving you a chance to switch to your strongest cahracter and whack him. Switch back to Ungaga and repeat.5.

Minotaur - This is one if the easiest if you get the trick. I used Toan exclusively. Make use of his affection for those kegs by standing with one between you and the minotaur.

He will charge you but stop when he hits the keg and pick it up. While he is drinking it you have time to charge in and hit him. When you do he will run off giving you time to find another keg to hide behind. You can also use a ranged attack while you are wating for him to come back if you want.6. Dark Genie - Form 1-He thrusts up his hands at you, not too hard to avoid. Notice on the hands what color eyes there are and match your elemental attack to that. The wind attack happens once in a while which is pretty much unavoidable.

I wouldn\'t worry about it though, you\'ll need your resources later. If he ducks under his wings, he will be changing the color of his hands, so be prepared to switch elements. Just keep hacking at him and eventually.Form 2 - He will now do the unavoidable wind thing ALL THE TIME.

Stamina potions are great here, you still fall down but don\'t take any damage. The laser attack its easily avoidable. Just switch to whoever has the strongest ranged attack and go to work on him.Form 3 - Ok, this is tricky because there is a lot going on, if you get hit you are dead quick and the background is disorienting. But, it\'s not that tough.

I used Toan with the holy element. Your first priority is to get to the boss while his head is down and his mouth is open. Don\'t try to target, it will probably target one of the skeletons wandering around and turn you and.ahh its bad. Besides, the crystal in his mouth is beig enough that if you can\'t hit it, well, you shouldn\'t have gotten this far. SO.run up hit his mouth. Right away, he will stomp a foot and these energy waves will come at you.

Run away from them and back around in a little circle, so you end up right back at his mouth. Hit him again, run in a circle. Repeat and he\'ll be dead in no time.If you MISS.or take too long doing the circle.he will sit up and do his laser attack. DON\'T GET HIT. It takes a lot of HP away.

Just run around frantically until you hear it stop and charge his mouth again. Odd Gaffer Secret When building Norune village, be sure to build Pike\'s house BEFORE Odd Gaffer\'s store because if you don\'t, Odd Gaffer will hurt his back while fixing his sign, which causes him to have not even half as much supplies but if you build Pike\'s house first, the event will be Pike helping Odd Gaffer with his sign causing him to have a TON of stuff! The Demon Shaft. Doesn\'t sound like a place you want to be, does it? The Demon Shaft is a hellishly long dungeon (100 levels) that you get after you complete Dark Cloud.

Once you unlock it, you can access it through the \'Go To Other Areas\' Map. Gem Attachments List Looking for a quick and dirty listing of what the different gem attachments do for your weapons?

The drawbridge is now down, opening up an entirely new section of the town for you to explore. Thoroughly search the area. Be sure to refer to the Ideas section to make sure you get everything. There is a Potato Pie, Max\'s favorite food, in front of Cedric\'s Maintenance Shop. Don\'t miss it.

If the dungeons have been too difficult for your tastes, it wouldn\'t be a bad idea to hit the Underground Channel again. While you\'re down there, you can talk to Donny about your Scoops.Once you finish tying up loose ends in town, ride the train back to Sindain Station.

Find the gap in the trees, and head for Sindain to continue your quest. SindainAs you enter the area, you\'ll find a cottage in the woods. Scout out the area for a few ideas, then go in. Inside the house, one of the Firbits will tell you the story of Holly. When it ends, Max will have another flashback, this one about potato pies. Conda will escort you to the entrance of the forest, and give you a bottle of Grape Juice.

Dungeon 2 - Rainbow Butterfly Wood - Venture to the Unexplored WorldThe second dungeon is harder than the first one, which is to be expected. Its key is called the Fairy Saw.Floor 1: Frightening Forest. Time Limit to Defeat All Monsters: 04:45. Fish Goal: 70 cm or more. Spheda (Prize: 3 Treasure Chest Keys). Attack and defeat all enemies using only MONICA\'S SWORDEnemies:. Himarra.

(x8). Man-Eating Grass (x8). Skeleton Soldier (x8)Georama Materials:. N/AThis is a fairly standard dungeon. Monica is a new character, so don\'t even bother with the challenge until both she and her weapon are stronger.

Once they are, you can return to deal with the many vicious plants lurking in the woods.Scoop Take a picture as the grass prepares to spit poison at you.Floor 2: Strange Tree. Time Limit to Defeat All Monsters: 04:45.


Fish Goal: 65 cm or more. Spheda (Prize: Resurrection Powder).

Attack and defeat all enemies using only ITEMSEnemies:. Moler (x5). Pumpkinhead (x5).

Tore. (x5)Georama Materials:. N/AAs you enter this floor, Monica will hand over some a few synth items and explain the processes of spectrumizing and synthesizing. Get through the dungeon just as you have with every other one. It wouldn\'t be a bad idea to hold off on the badge until you\'ve got a few more items worth throwing.Scoop - Tore\'s Nap Before you attack Tore, take a picture of him sleeping peacefully. Scoop - Floatin\' Earth Digger Get a shot of Moler as he flies through the air.

Scoop - Dangerous Pumpkin As the Pumpkinhead spins its pitchfork, take a photograph of it.Floor 3: Rolling Shells Red Seal. Time Limit to Defeat All Monsters: 04:30. Fish Goal: 46 cm or more. Spheda (Prize: 3 Stamina Drink). Attack and defeat all enemies using only MONICA\'S MAGICEnemies:.

Himarra (x6). Man-Eating Grass (x6). Skeleton Soldier (x6). Tortoise.

(x4)Georama Materials:. N/AStock up on Armband Repair Powder before you tackle the challenge of this dungeon.

Only Monica can participate at first, due to the Red Seal placed on the level. Advance as usual. Feel free to hold of on even attempting the challenge right now. There\'s always time later, you know. The Tortoises can be deadly, so be sure to carry a few Bombs with you just to deal with them. Once you defeat the final enemy, the seal will be broken, and you\'ll be able to use Max and Steve again.Floor 4: Great Fish Swamps You\'ll run into the missing dwarves as soon as you step into the swamp area.

Try talking to them. They aren\'t at all interested in returning to their home. The one sitting on the log is the only normal guy in the bunch.

Give him your Grape Juice, and he\'ll hand over the Fishing Rod. You\'ll also get Mimi, a type of bait.Stay in the general area and fish to bolster your rod\'s strength. This is a good place to do it, as the Firbit is always nearby to give you more bait. You can also return to previous floors to tackle the fishing challenges they present, though it isn\'t likely that you\'ll succeed at any of them. Find any pool of water and start fishing. When you finally tire of this, reel it in and move on.Advance deeper into the swamp, and you will encounter a freakishly hairy individual by the name of Master Utan.

Poor guy, sitting all alone in the forest with no friends. He was probably driven into exile because of his appearance. Fortunately, he\'s well on his way to cosmetic recovery, as you can tell from his gorgeous pedicure and exotic jewelry. A full body wax, a visit to the dermatologist, and I\'m sure he\'ll be positively studly.


Well, once the swelling from having his wisdom teeth pulled goes down… Scoop - Master Utan Take a picture of poor, paralyzed Master Utan. This is one of the easiest scoops in the whole game.Head back to the swamp and fish until you catch at least one Priscleen, then stand in front of the giant pool and put a Poison Apple on your hook. Toss it in, catch a fish, and do your thing. Way to win the favor of the \'Holy One.\'

I\'m not quite sure he\'d really want a lip piercing, but Monica seems to think so. Scoop - King Mardan Take a picture of the ever-glamorous (not to mention feminine) King Mardan.Since when have fish even had eyelids, let along eyelashes? The teeth are a bit disturbing, too. Not to mention the \'little boy\' and \'dirty\' comments. Or maybe I\'m just a pervert. Get your Scoop, then hand over one a Priscleen.


Go back and catch one if you didn\'t before. \'Kiss all the grime off my body\' must be the most disturbing thing I\'ve heard all week. Anyway, return to the clearing with the Firbits, speak to the mustachioed midgets, and head back to Sindain. SindainEnter the Dwarves\' House, and watch the joyous reunion.

For some reason, the head dwarf wants to repay you by sending you off after Holly. You\'re going that way anyway, so you might as well look for their pastry wench.Head outside, and you\'ll be treated to your real reward: a helicopter-like device that builds anything you can think of. Meet Carpenterion. You\'ll get a short explanation of the machine, and Geostones.

Going with the tutorial mode, you\'ll run into your first Time Gate outside. Monica will talk about this one. If your brain happens to turn into a pudding-like substance during one of these explanations, feel free to zonk out for a while. Head back to the forest after Monica finishes talking.

Dungeon 2 - Rainbow Butterfly Wood - Venture into the unexplored worldFloor 4: Great Fish Swamps Return to Master Utan and speak to him again. He\'ll move the boulder blocking access to the next floor for you. Head through the gap.Floor 5: This is a Geostone?

...'>Dark Cloud 2 Walkthrough(05.03.2020)
  • gridapp.netlify.appDark Cloud 2 Walkthrough ★ ★
  • Feb 17, 2003  For Dark Cloud 2 on the PlayStation 2, GameFAQs has 73 cheat codes and secrets. A video which features all the ways that you can find each scoop (missable or not) in Dark Cloud 2 / Dark Chronicle A very special thank you goes out to http.

    In order to unlock the powerful weapon called Fudoh’s Battleaxe, you must complete the georama collection (and other requests) of Matataki Village. The full list of what needs to be done is below. Once you’ve done all of this, Toan will see Treant and Treant will give him some Power-up Powder. Then, Treant will receive the axe from Grudo. Baron\'s House - Near the waterfall. Bunbuku\'s House - Near a Watermill. Cacao\'s House - Surrounded by trees.

    Couscous\' House - On top of Earth A. Gob\'s House - Near Kye & Momo\'s House. Kye & Momo\'s House - Near the Wise Owl Shop. Mushroom House - On top of Earth B. Pao\'s House - Near the Peanut Pond. Wise Owl Shop - Completely surrounded by riverJack\'s Store Secret In Queens, be sure to complete the King\'s house first to get the genie, Ruby, as an ally.

    After this, complete Jack\'s weapons store, but he won\'t give you a gift if you go in without Ruby in your party. If you have Ruby though, he will give you the Platnum Ring and a hammer with a money making ability! Windmill Slash To unlock the windmill slash, a powerful attack that will hit everything around you, you must get 100% in all three categories of the Georama Analysis for Norune Village. To do this you have to first collect everything (for \'Collection\') then piece it all together (\'Completion\') then ask all the villagers \'How should I rebuild Norune?\' And put their house where they want it (\'Request\'). Here is how it goes:My House-facing-the sun(cave side)Macho\'s, near the Divine Beast CaveLaura\'s, away from the mayor\'s housePaige\'s, near the pondClaude\'s, near Laura\'s houseHag\'s, infront/facing drans windmillAlnet\'s, away from Macho\'s houseGaffers Buggy near other housesThen Dran will fly down and teach you the technique, enjoy!

    Boss Strategies The Dark Cloud Board has already yielded a bunch of great information, including these great boss strategies from ehixon. Divine Beast - Use both of your.use Xiao to hit him while he is flying, and he will fall.switch to Toan, attack with your sword. You can use stamina potions and feathers but it\'s not neccesary. If you do it right he\'ll be dead in no time and you should take little to no damage.2. Forest Guardian - Again, multiple characters is the key, though you don\'t really have to do it this way.

    Auto target the monkey.see how it targets his big hairy toes? And golly.you have a big hammer.smash em! Get close, wait until he swings at you and move in close and attack. He will be stunned, giving you time to use your strongest character to move in and attack a while. Repeat until he\'s dead. Again, feathers and potions are helpful but far from essential.3. Shipwreck.ice queen -Hands down this is the most annoying boss in the game.

    A couple ways to approach her:a)Stock up on feathers and potions and run in circles until you get close.when you are within range, use your sword to attack until it breaks her shield.then back off and use a ranged attack with the fire element. Repeat.b)This takes longer but it\'s really easy. Equip Ruby and Xiao with a fire attack. When the battle starts, run and hide behind a pillar. This will block her attack that freezes you. Pop out between her attacks and shoot her with Xiao until it says \'no effect\'.switch to Ruby and shoot her once (more will have no effect) then back to Xiao.

    Just repeat this until she\'s dead. It takes a while.4. The Kings Curse - Again, you want to use the person you just got.

    Notice how the boss is made up of that black wind stuff that Ungaga could blow away? Same idea here. Get some distance between you and the boss, turn and face him and hold down the attack button to do his special.

    The boss will walk right into it and be stunned, giving you a chance to switch to your strongest cahracter and whack him. Switch back to Ungaga and repeat.5.

    Minotaur - This is one if the easiest if you get the trick. I used Toan exclusively. Make use of his affection for those kegs by standing with one between you and the minotaur.

    He will charge you but stop when he hits the keg and pick it up. While he is drinking it you have time to charge in and hit him. When you do he will run off giving you time to find another keg to hide behind. You can also use a ranged attack while you are wating for him to come back if you want.6. Dark Genie - Form 1-He thrusts up his hands at you, not too hard to avoid. Notice on the hands what color eyes there are and match your elemental attack to that. The wind attack happens once in a while which is pretty much unavoidable.

    I wouldn\'t worry about it though, you\'ll need your resources later. If he ducks under his wings, he will be changing the color of his hands, so be prepared to switch elements. Just keep hacking at him and eventually.Form 2 - He will now do the unavoidable wind thing ALL THE TIME.

    Stamina potions are great here, you still fall down but don\'t take any damage. The laser attack its easily avoidable. Just switch to whoever has the strongest ranged attack and go to work on him.Form 3 - Ok, this is tricky because there is a lot going on, if you get hit you are dead quick and the background is disorienting. But, it\'s not that tough.

    I used Toan with the holy element. Your first priority is to get to the boss while his head is down and his mouth is open. Don\'t try to target, it will probably target one of the skeletons wandering around and turn you and.ahh its bad. Besides, the crystal in his mouth is beig enough that if you can\'t hit it, well, you shouldn\'t have gotten this far. SO.run up hit his mouth. Right away, he will stomp a foot and these energy waves will come at you.

    Run away from them and back around in a little circle, so you end up right back at his mouth. Hit him again, run in a circle. Repeat and he\'ll be dead in no time.If you MISS.or take too long doing the circle.he will sit up and do his laser attack. DON\'T GET HIT. It takes a lot of HP away.

    Just run around frantically until you hear it stop and charge his mouth again. Odd Gaffer Secret When building Norune village, be sure to build Pike\'s house BEFORE Odd Gaffer\'s store because if you don\'t, Odd Gaffer will hurt his back while fixing his sign, which causes him to have not even half as much supplies but if you build Pike\'s house first, the event will be Pike helping Odd Gaffer with his sign causing him to have a TON of stuff! The Demon Shaft. Doesn\'t sound like a place you want to be, does it? The Demon Shaft is a hellishly long dungeon (100 levels) that you get after you complete Dark Cloud.

    Once you unlock it, you can access it through the \'Go To Other Areas\' Map. Gem Attachments List Looking for a quick and dirty listing of what the different gem attachments do for your weapons?

    The drawbridge is now down, opening up an entirely new section of the town for you to explore. Thoroughly search the area. Be sure to refer to the Ideas section to make sure you get everything. There is a Potato Pie, Max\'s favorite food, in front of Cedric\'s Maintenance Shop. Don\'t miss it.

    If the dungeons have been too difficult for your tastes, it wouldn\'t be a bad idea to hit the Underground Channel again. While you\'re down there, you can talk to Donny about your Scoops.Once you finish tying up loose ends in town, ride the train back to Sindain Station.

    Find the gap in the trees, and head for Sindain to continue your quest. SindainAs you enter the area, you\'ll find a cottage in the woods. Scout out the area for a few ideas, then go in. Inside the house, one of the Firbits will tell you the story of Holly. When it ends, Max will have another flashback, this one about potato pies. Conda will escort you to the entrance of the forest, and give you a bottle of Grape Juice.

    Dungeon 2 - Rainbow Butterfly Wood - Venture to the Unexplored WorldThe second dungeon is harder than the first one, which is to be expected. Its key is called the Fairy Saw.Floor 1: Frightening Forest. Time Limit to Defeat All Monsters: 04:45. Fish Goal: 70 cm or more. Spheda (Prize: 3 Treasure Chest Keys). Attack and defeat all enemies using only MONICA\'S SWORDEnemies:. Himarra.

    (x8). Man-Eating Grass (x8). Skeleton Soldier (x8)Georama Materials:. N/AThis is a fairly standard dungeon. Monica is a new character, so don\'t even bother with the challenge until both she and her weapon are stronger.

    Once they are, you can return to deal with the many vicious plants lurking in the woods.Scoop Take a picture as the grass prepares to spit poison at you.Floor 2: Strange Tree. Time Limit to Defeat All Monsters: 04:45.


    Fish Goal: 65 cm or more. Spheda (Prize: Resurrection Powder).

    Attack and defeat all enemies using only ITEMSEnemies:. Moler (x5). Pumpkinhead (x5).

    Tore. (x5)Georama Materials:. N/AAs you enter this floor, Monica will hand over some a few synth items and explain the processes of spectrumizing and synthesizing. Get through the dungeon just as you have with every other one. It wouldn\'t be a bad idea to hold off on the badge until you\'ve got a few more items worth throwing.Scoop - Tore\'s Nap Before you attack Tore, take a picture of him sleeping peacefully. Scoop - Floatin\' Earth Digger Get a shot of Moler as he flies through the air.

    Scoop - Dangerous Pumpkin As the Pumpkinhead spins its pitchfork, take a photograph of it.Floor 3: Rolling Shells Red Seal. Time Limit to Defeat All Monsters: 04:30. Fish Goal: 46 cm or more. Spheda (Prize: 3 Stamina Drink). Attack and defeat all enemies using only MONICA\'S MAGICEnemies:.

    Himarra (x6). Man-Eating Grass (x6). Skeleton Soldier (x6). Tortoise.

    (x4)Georama Materials:. N/AStock up on Armband Repair Powder before you tackle the challenge of this dungeon.

    Only Monica can participate at first, due to the Red Seal placed on the level. Advance as usual. Feel free to hold of on even attempting the challenge right now. There\'s always time later, you know. The Tortoises can be deadly, so be sure to carry a few Bombs with you just to deal with them. Once you defeat the final enemy, the seal will be broken, and you\'ll be able to use Max and Steve again.Floor 4: Great Fish Swamps You\'ll run into the missing dwarves as soon as you step into the swamp area.

    Try talking to them. They aren\'t at all interested in returning to their home. The one sitting on the log is the only normal guy in the bunch.

    Give him your Grape Juice, and he\'ll hand over the Fishing Rod. You\'ll also get Mimi, a type of bait.Stay in the general area and fish to bolster your rod\'s strength. This is a good place to do it, as the Firbit is always nearby to give you more bait. You can also return to previous floors to tackle the fishing challenges they present, though it isn\'t likely that you\'ll succeed at any of them. Find any pool of water and start fishing. When you finally tire of this, reel it in and move on.Advance deeper into the swamp, and you will encounter a freakishly hairy individual by the name of Master Utan.

    Poor guy, sitting all alone in the forest with no friends. He was probably driven into exile because of his appearance. Fortunately, he\'s well on his way to cosmetic recovery, as you can tell from his gorgeous pedicure and exotic jewelry. A full body wax, a visit to the dermatologist, and I\'m sure he\'ll be positively studly.


    Well, once the swelling from having his wisdom teeth pulled goes down… Scoop - Master Utan Take a picture of poor, paralyzed Master Utan. This is one of the easiest scoops in the whole game.Head back to the swamp and fish until you catch at least one Priscleen, then stand in front of the giant pool and put a Poison Apple on your hook. Toss it in, catch a fish, and do your thing. Way to win the favor of the \'Holy One.\'

    I\'m not quite sure he\'d really want a lip piercing, but Monica seems to think so. Scoop - King Mardan Take a picture of the ever-glamorous (not to mention feminine) King Mardan.Since when have fish even had eyelids, let along eyelashes? The teeth are a bit disturbing, too. Not to mention the \'little boy\' and \'dirty\' comments. Or maybe I\'m just a pervert. Get your Scoop, then hand over one a Priscleen.


    Go back and catch one if you didn\'t before. \'Kiss all the grime off my body\' must be the most disturbing thing I\'ve heard all week. Anyway, return to the clearing with the Firbits, speak to the mustachioed midgets, and head back to Sindain. SindainEnter the Dwarves\' House, and watch the joyous reunion.

    For some reason, the head dwarf wants to repay you by sending you off after Holly. You\'re going that way anyway, so you might as well look for their pastry wench.Head outside, and you\'ll be treated to your real reward: a helicopter-like device that builds anything you can think of. Meet Carpenterion. You\'ll get a short explanation of the machine, and Geostones.

    Going with the tutorial mode, you\'ll run into your first Time Gate outside. Monica will talk about this one. If your brain happens to turn into a pudding-like substance during one of these explanations, feel free to zonk out for a while. Head back to the forest after Monica finishes talking.

    Dungeon 2 - Rainbow Butterfly Wood - Venture into the unexplored worldFloor 4: Great Fish Swamps Return to Master Utan and speak to him again. He\'ll move the boulder blocking access to the next floor for you. Head through the gap.Floor 5: This is a Geostone?

    ...'>Dark Cloud 2 Walkthrough(05.03.2020)