
What Are Slugs?Slugs are very damaging garden pests that can be found throughout the country, most likely in moist and humid climates. Your garden is likely to have more slugs during a particularly rainy season.Slugs are not insects, rather, they are soft-bodied mollusks. Slugs never change, because they are members of the phylum Mollusca, along with the giant squid, the periwinkle, and the steamer clam. Unlike seagoing mollusks, the slug is equipped with a single lung. Its shell is lacking or represented only by a small plate, but it does not seem to mind.Slugs are hermaphroditic, with each individual having both male and female reproductive organs. As you would expect, their love life is complex.

The common gray garden slug dances an elaborate, hour-long nuptial waltz before mating, while other species perform acrobatic movements while hanging suspended from threads of slime. Identifying Slugs. Most garden slugs are gray to dark brown and about one-inch long. They will hide in dark, damp places during the day. Many people are prompted to ask, “Where do slugs come from?” This is because they are hard to spot in the soil due to their dark color, but also because they only feed at night and hide throughout the day. If you realize you have slug damage but can’t find the slugs, you’re not alone. Slugs will leave a slimy secretion where they have been, so even if you can’t spot them, you’ll know they are there.

Do I need a rifled barrel for my slug gun or can I just get away with using. Your gun won't explode if you end up shooting sabot slugs out of a. The 'Big Fifty' Sharps Rifle. By Elmer Keith. By the impression of where they had been wrung around the soft slug in passage up the bore. The resultant end, and curl it up on the base,.

Look for slime both on plants and surrounding soil. It is easiest to see the trails of slime first thing in the morning. You can monitor slug activity in your garden by digging holes that are four inches wide and six inches deep.

Cover these holes with a board, and then check for slugs after three days. If you see many of them, these might be the sneaky pests that are eating your plants!.

Slugs lay their eggs in moist soil or compost. Their populations can grow rapidly in cool and moist conditions.Photo Credit: GrowVeg.com. Slugs lay their small white eggs in damp soil.

Slug DamageWhat do slugs eat? They will feed on almost anything in the garden—look for holes and ragged edges on leaves and stems. The holes should have irregular shapes due to their file-like mouthparts. Small seedlings can be consumed entirely.Slugs can digest tissues from most plants, but you might find them especially liking your, and.Photo Credit: GrowVeg.com.

The slug damage on this pak choi plant is evidenced by its holes and ragged edges. How to Get Rid of Slugs. You can create the perfect slug trap by laying boards or pieces of cardboard on the bare soil around your plantings. Each morning, turn the boards over and scrape the hiding garden slugs into large plastic containers. Cover and place in freezer for three hours. When frozen stiff, dump them on your compost pile.

Place shallow dishes of beer around the garden to lure the slugs to a drunken death. Or mix water with molasses, cornmeal, flour, and baking yeast to replace the beer. These are both great slug baits that can help control your garden slug population. Some slugs are a bit beer-resistant and might crawl out of the dish. If you find this happening, try creating a beer trap that they can’t escape from: Cut the spout end off a plastic beverage bottle just where it reaches the fattest diameter. Now, turn the pour-spout around so that it’s pointing inside the bottle and fasten it with staples or duct tape. Pour a little beer into the bottle (add extra yeast, if desired) and lay it on its side in the garden.

Outfitted with 25 all-new backgrounds and pathways, LUXOR Fifth Passage also introduces the Eye of Horus—click the button when you’re in a real jam to eliminate all remaining spheres. Luxor game free download full version for pc with crack. Celebrate 5 years of LUXOR’s reign in the 5th Passage! And, for the true LUXOR Pharaoh, an Insane difficulty level to test your marble-shooting skills!

If necessary, get out and handpick the little rascals—a task best undertaken in the evening twilight or in the early light of dawn, before they have sought shelter from the heat of the day. If you need a slug repellent to keep slugs away from tender plants, circle them with wood ashes (which are also a good source of potassium for your plants), diatomaceous earth, copper sheeting, coffee grounds, pine needles, coarse snad, or crushed eggshells. These rough mulches rip up a slug’s tender underside.Photo Credits: GrowVeg.com.

Prevent slug damage like this with the above tips for getting rid of slugs. Alcohol kills these pests by acting as a surfactant, or wetting agent, that can penetrate an insect’s waxy coat of armor and kill on contact with the body. Isopropanol (rubbing alcohol) works fine and is easy to find, but be sure it doesn’t have additives.

Ethanol (grain alcohol) seems to work best. Alcohol usually comes in 70 percent strength in stores (or 95 percent strength purchased commercially). To make an insecticidal spray, mix equal parts 70 percent alcohol and water (or, if using 95 percent alcohol, mix 1 part alcohol to 1 ½ parts water). A spray of cold coffee can control small slugs, but it must completely drench them to be effective. Some plants have been shown to do well despite being around slugs. If you tend to have slugs and are having trouble getting rid of them, try planting, or to reduce damage.

Check out about controlling slugs and snails in the garden and with more tips on how to naturally get rid of slugs. Try this old-fashioned advice from The 1963 Old Farmer’s Almanac: A mulch of oak leaves is useful against slugs. To control slugs, our grandparents strewed leaves of lettuce, spinach, cabbage, or slices of raw potato in the garden. The night feeders collected beneath these materials, and the next morning they were gathered and eliminated. Frogs and toads are good consumers of slugs. Bonsai meme.

Old timers, living by their wits, learned to make use of simple materials for insect control. They found that slugs do not like alkaline ground. Slaked lime, wood ashes, slag, sand, and cinders were useful against slugs.How to Prevent Slugs.

It is helpful to rake your garden in early spring in order to clean up some of the moist debris that slugs love, as well as to rake away any slug eggs. Large wood chips also provide hiding areas for slugs, so try not to use them.Photo Credit: GrowVeg.com.

Prevent slugs in your garden by getting rid of slug eggs. Only water your garden when necessary so as to minimize the damp places in which slugs congregate. Slugs have many natural predators. If you have chickens or ducks, they will help by eating slugs and their eggs. Also, be sure to encourage the populations of snakes, turtles, frogs, toads,and ground beetles in your garden. Firefly larvae are also natural predators, so find out. The same goes for songbirds, so check out our tips on.

Slugs experience a small shock when exposed to copper, which will make them turn back. Try making a perimeter around your plants with copper tape. is a great way to prevent pests.

In order to keep slugs away from more valuable plants, place plants that slugs love near your valuables as a trap, and then destroy the infested plants. Good traps for slugs include chervil, and.Check out this video to learn more about how to prevent slugs in your garden. I have huge slugs, about 3-4 inch long. They are brown with strips.

These monsters crawl across any leftover dog and cat food which I have to depose of. Climb the side of the house & leave dropping or eggs I don't know which. Salt will kill them, I don't care for this method but it is an ongoing problem. My dogs and cat scratch but don't have fleas.

I fear the slugs are crawling on them too. Looking for a method to deter them in a kinder way as I'm sure they are in some way a benefit to the earth. SlugsSubmitted by OL on May 28, 2019 - 10:18am. I have a major problem with slugs living in my lawn. I have a small, long-haired dog, which comes back inside at night after being outside to do his 'business' and his underbelly and legs are covered in slugs. Removing the slugs and their slime from his coat is a nightmare.


Being in the lawn makes it impossible to spread any sort of deterrent such as salt, phenol, etc, and placing cardboard or timber slats simply hasn't worked. Any suggestions? Sprinkle floor cleaningSubmitted by Naik on September 11, 2018 - 1:32pm.

Gun slugs that turn up on the end meaning

I used to use salt but it took the slugs a long time to die. Found a faster method was white vinegar sprayed or poured on slug. Also keep several wide mouthed jars with lids and one inch of white vinegar (plus a stick beside each jar) around the yard. Great for when you overturn a rock or pail, or old wood, etc and find anything from a fat 2 inch slug to a tiny baby slug snoozing. Whatever the size they stopped moving immediately upon hitting the vinegar.

The vinegar even flushes out centipedes if poured on damp rocky areas. Downside to pouring on ground is it also kills worms which I need for my chickens. Whether hunting at dawn and dusk or coming upon them accidentally during daytime, at least I do not worry about the bees or praying mantis that also populate the garden. Happy slug hunting folks! P.S vinegar is great used directly on centipede or mosquito bites.

We suggest planting marigolds around your more “valuable” flowers and vegetables so that the marigolds act as trap plants for the slugs. The intention is that the slugs will eat the marigolds rather than your other plants.

So, marigolds do not deter slugs, but act as a good distraction.To get them to stop eating your marigolds, you should try some of the other methods outlined above, such as a ring of broken egg shells or diatomaceous earth around the base of the plant, or a tuna can of beer. Don't forget opossums!Submitted by M. Sands on May 25, 2018 - 2:07pm.

What Are Slugs?Slugs are very damaging garden pests that can be found throughout the country, most likely in moist and humid climates. Your garden is likely to have more slugs during a particularly rainy season.Slugs are not insects, rather, they are soft-bodied mollusks. Slugs never change, because they are members of the phylum Mollusca, along with the giant squid, the periwinkle, and the steamer clam. Unlike seagoing mollusks, the slug is equipped with a single lung. Its shell is lacking or represented only by a small plate, but it does not seem to mind.Slugs are hermaphroditic, with each individual having both male and female reproductive organs. As you would expect, their love life is complex.

The common gray garden slug dances an elaborate, hour-long nuptial waltz before mating, while other species perform acrobatic movements while hanging suspended from threads of slime. Identifying Slugs. Most garden slugs are gray to dark brown and about one-inch long. They will hide in dark, damp places during the day. Many people are prompted to ask, “Where do slugs come from?” This is because they are hard to spot in the soil due to their dark color, but also because they only feed at night and hide throughout the day. If you realize you have slug damage but can’t find the slugs, you’re not alone. Slugs will leave a slimy secretion where they have been, so even if you can’t spot them, you’ll know they are there.

Do I need a rifled barrel for my slug gun or can I just get away with using. Your gun won\'t explode if you end up shooting sabot slugs out of a. The \'Big Fifty\' Sharps Rifle. By Elmer Keith. By the impression of where they had been wrung around the soft slug in passage up the bore. The resultant end, and curl it up on the base,.

Look for slime both on plants and surrounding soil. It is easiest to see the trails of slime first thing in the morning. You can monitor slug activity in your garden by digging holes that are four inches wide and six inches deep.

Cover these holes with a board, and then check for slugs after three days. If you see many of them, these might be the sneaky pests that are eating your plants!.

Slugs lay their eggs in moist soil or compost. Their populations can grow rapidly in cool and moist conditions.Photo Credit: GrowVeg.com. Slugs lay their small white eggs in damp soil.

Slug DamageWhat do slugs eat? They will feed on almost anything in the garden—look for holes and ragged edges on leaves and stems. The holes should have irregular shapes due to their file-like mouthparts. Small seedlings can be consumed entirely.Slugs can digest tissues from most plants, but you might find them especially liking your, and.Photo Credit: GrowVeg.com.

The slug damage on this pak choi plant is evidenced by its holes and ragged edges. How to Get Rid of Slugs. You can create the perfect slug trap by laying boards or pieces of cardboard on the bare soil around your plantings. Each morning, turn the boards over and scrape the hiding garden slugs into large plastic containers. Cover and place in freezer for three hours. When frozen stiff, dump them on your compost pile.

Place shallow dishes of beer around the garden to lure the slugs to a drunken death. Or mix water with molasses, cornmeal, flour, and baking yeast to replace the beer. These are both great slug baits that can help control your garden slug population. Some slugs are a bit beer-resistant and might crawl out of the dish. If you find this happening, try creating a beer trap that they can’t escape from: Cut the spout end off a plastic beverage bottle just where it reaches the fattest diameter. Now, turn the pour-spout around so that it’s pointing inside the bottle and fasten it with staples or duct tape. Pour a little beer into the bottle (add extra yeast, if desired) and lay it on its side in the garden.

Outfitted with 25 all-new backgrounds and pathways, LUXOR Fifth Passage also introduces the Eye of Horus—click the button when you’re in a real jam to eliminate all remaining spheres. Luxor game free download full version for pc with crack. Celebrate 5 years of LUXOR’s reign in the 5th Passage! And, for the true LUXOR Pharaoh, an Insane difficulty level to test your marble-shooting skills!

If necessary, get out and handpick the little rascals—a task best undertaken in the evening twilight or in the early light of dawn, before they have sought shelter from the heat of the day. If you need a slug repellent to keep slugs away from tender plants, circle them with wood ashes (which are also a good source of potassium for your plants), diatomaceous earth, copper sheeting, coffee grounds, pine needles, coarse snad, or crushed eggshells. These rough mulches rip up a slug’s tender underside.Photo Credits: GrowVeg.com.

Prevent slug damage like this with the above tips for getting rid of slugs. Alcohol kills these pests by acting as a surfactant, or wetting agent, that can penetrate an insect’s waxy coat of armor and kill on contact with the body. Isopropanol (rubbing alcohol) works fine and is easy to find, but be sure it doesn’t have additives.

Ethanol (grain alcohol) seems to work best. Alcohol usually comes in 70 percent strength in stores (or 95 percent strength purchased commercially). To make an insecticidal spray, mix equal parts 70 percent alcohol and water (or, if using 95 percent alcohol, mix 1 part alcohol to 1 ½ parts water). A spray of cold coffee can control small slugs, but it must completely drench them to be effective. Some plants have been shown to do well despite being around slugs. If you tend to have slugs and are having trouble getting rid of them, try planting, or to reduce damage.

Check out about controlling slugs and snails in the garden and with more tips on how to naturally get rid of slugs. Try this old-fashioned advice from The 1963 Old Farmer’s Almanac: A mulch of oak leaves is useful against slugs. To control slugs, our grandparents strewed leaves of lettuce, spinach, cabbage, or slices of raw potato in the garden. The night feeders collected beneath these materials, and the next morning they were gathered and eliminated. Frogs and toads are good consumers of slugs. Bonsai meme.

Old timers, living by their wits, learned to make use of simple materials for insect control. They found that slugs do not like alkaline ground. Slaked lime, wood ashes, slag, sand, and cinders were useful against slugs.How to Prevent Slugs.

It is helpful to rake your garden in early spring in order to clean up some of the moist debris that slugs love, as well as to rake away any slug eggs. Large wood chips also provide hiding areas for slugs, so try not to use them.Photo Credit: GrowVeg.com.

Prevent slugs in your garden by getting rid of slug eggs. Only water your garden when necessary so as to minimize the damp places in which slugs congregate. Slugs have many natural predators. If you have chickens or ducks, they will help by eating slugs and their eggs. Also, be sure to encourage the populations of snakes, turtles, frogs, toads,and ground beetles in your garden. Firefly larvae are also natural predators, so find out. The same goes for songbirds, so check out our tips on.

Slugs experience a small shock when exposed to copper, which will make them turn back. Try making a perimeter around your plants with copper tape. is a great way to prevent pests.

In order to keep slugs away from more valuable plants, place plants that slugs love near your valuables as a trap, and then destroy the infested plants. Good traps for slugs include chervil, and.Check out this video to learn more about how to prevent slugs in your garden. I have huge slugs, about 3-4 inch long. They are brown with strips.

These monsters crawl across any leftover dog and cat food which I have to depose of. Climb the side of the house & leave dropping or eggs I don\'t know which. Salt will kill them, I don\'t care for this method but it is an ongoing problem. My dogs and cat scratch but don\'t have fleas.

I fear the slugs are crawling on them too. Looking for a method to deter them in a kinder way as I\'m sure they are in some way a benefit to the earth. SlugsSubmitted by OL on May 28, 2019 - 10:18am. I have a major problem with slugs living in my lawn. I have a small, long-haired dog, which comes back inside at night after being outside to do his \'business\' and his underbelly and legs are covered in slugs. Removing the slugs and their slime from his coat is a nightmare.


Being in the lawn makes it impossible to spread any sort of deterrent such as salt, phenol, etc, and placing cardboard or timber slats simply hasn\'t worked. Any suggestions? Sprinkle floor cleaningSubmitted by Naik on September 11, 2018 - 1:32pm.


I used to use salt but it took the slugs a long time to die. Found a faster method was white vinegar sprayed or poured on slug. Also keep several wide mouthed jars with lids and one inch of white vinegar (plus a stick beside each jar) around the yard. Great for when you overturn a rock or pail, or old wood, etc and find anything from a fat 2 inch slug to a tiny baby slug snoozing. Whatever the size they stopped moving immediately upon hitting the vinegar.

The vinegar even flushes out centipedes if poured on damp rocky areas. Downside to pouring on ground is it also kills worms which I need for my chickens. Whether hunting at dawn and dusk or coming upon them accidentally during daytime, at least I do not worry about the bees or praying mantis that also populate the garden. Happy slug hunting folks! P.S vinegar is great used directly on centipede or mosquito bites.

We suggest planting marigolds around your more “valuable” flowers and vegetables so that the marigolds act as trap plants for the slugs. The intention is that the slugs will eat the marigolds rather than your other plants.

So, marigolds do not deter slugs, but act as a good distraction.To get them to stop eating your marigolds, you should try some of the other methods outlined above, such as a ring of broken egg shells or diatomaceous earth around the base of the plant, or a tuna can of beer. Don\'t forget opossums!Submitted by M. Sands on May 25, 2018 - 2:07pm.

...'>Gun Slugs That Turn Up On The End(09.03.2020)
  • gridapp.netlify.appGun Slugs That Turn Up On The End ★ ★
  • What Are Slugs?Slugs are very damaging garden pests that can be found throughout the country, most likely in moist and humid climates. Your garden is likely to have more slugs during a particularly rainy season.Slugs are not insects, rather, they are soft-bodied mollusks. Slugs never change, because they are members of the phylum Mollusca, along with the giant squid, the periwinkle, and the steamer clam. Unlike seagoing mollusks, the slug is equipped with a single lung. Its shell is lacking or represented only by a small plate, but it does not seem to mind.Slugs are hermaphroditic, with each individual having both male and female reproductive organs. As you would expect, their love life is complex.

    The common gray garden slug dances an elaborate, hour-long nuptial waltz before mating, while other species perform acrobatic movements while hanging suspended from threads of slime. Identifying Slugs. Most garden slugs are gray to dark brown and about one-inch long. They will hide in dark, damp places during the day. Many people are prompted to ask, “Where do slugs come from?” This is because they are hard to spot in the soil due to their dark color, but also because they only feed at night and hide throughout the day. If you realize you have slug damage but can’t find the slugs, you’re not alone. Slugs will leave a slimy secretion where they have been, so even if you can’t spot them, you’ll know they are there.

    Do I need a rifled barrel for my slug gun or can I just get away with using. Your gun won\'t explode if you end up shooting sabot slugs out of a. The \'Big Fifty\' Sharps Rifle. By Elmer Keith. By the impression of where they had been wrung around the soft slug in passage up the bore. The resultant end, and curl it up on the base,.

    Look for slime both on plants and surrounding soil. It is easiest to see the trails of slime first thing in the morning. You can monitor slug activity in your garden by digging holes that are four inches wide and six inches deep.

    Cover these holes with a board, and then check for slugs after three days. If you see many of them, these might be the sneaky pests that are eating your plants!.

    Slugs lay their eggs in moist soil or compost. Their populations can grow rapidly in cool and moist conditions.Photo Credit: GrowVeg.com. Slugs lay their small white eggs in damp soil.

    Slug DamageWhat do slugs eat? They will feed on almost anything in the garden—look for holes and ragged edges on leaves and stems. The holes should have irregular shapes due to their file-like mouthparts. Small seedlings can be consumed entirely.Slugs can digest tissues from most plants, but you might find them especially liking your, and.Photo Credit: GrowVeg.com.

    The slug damage on this pak choi plant is evidenced by its holes and ragged edges. How to Get Rid of Slugs. You can create the perfect slug trap by laying boards or pieces of cardboard on the bare soil around your plantings. Each morning, turn the boards over and scrape the hiding garden slugs into large plastic containers. Cover and place in freezer for three hours. When frozen stiff, dump them on your compost pile.

    Place shallow dishes of beer around the garden to lure the slugs to a drunken death. Or mix water with molasses, cornmeal, flour, and baking yeast to replace the beer. These are both great slug baits that can help control your garden slug population. Some slugs are a bit beer-resistant and might crawl out of the dish. If you find this happening, try creating a beer trap that they can’t escape from: Cut the spout end off a plastic beverage bottle just where it reaches the fattest diameter. Now, turn the pour-spout around so that it’s pointing inside the bottle and fasten it with staples or duct tape. Pour a little beer into the bottle (add extra yeast, if desired) and lay it on its side in the garden.

    Outfitted with 25 all-new backgrounds and pathways, LUXOR Fifth Passage also introduces the Eye of Horus—click the button when you’re in a real jam to eliminate all remaining spheres. Luxor game free download full version for pc with crack. Celebrate 5 years of LUXOR’s reign in the 5th Passage! And, for the true LUXOR Pharaoh, an Insane difficulty level to test your marble-shooting skills!

    If necessary, get out and handpick the little rascals—a task best undertaken in the evening twilight or in the early light of dawn, before they have sought shelter from the heat of the day. If you need a slug repellent to keep slugs away from tender plants, circle them with wood ashes (which are also a good source of potassium for your plants), diatomaceous earth, copper sheeting, coffee grounds, pine needles, coarse snad, or crushed eggshells. These rough mulches rip up a slug’s tender underside.Photo Credits: GrowVeg.com.

    Prevent slug damage like this with the above tips for getting rid of slugs. Alcohol kills these pests by acting as a surfactant, or wetting agent, that can penetrate an insect’s waxy coat of armor and kill on contact with the body. Isopropanol (rubbing alcohol) works fine and is easy to find, but be sure it doesn’t have additives.

    Ethanol (grain alcohol) seems to work best. Alcohol usually comes in 70 percent strength in stores (or 95 percent strength purchased commercially). To make an insecticidal spray, mix equal parts 70 percent alcohol and water (or, if using 95 percent alcohol, mix 1 part alcohol to 1 ½ parts water). A spray of cold coffee can control small slugs, but it must completely drench them to be effective. Some plants have been shown to do well despite being around slugs. If you tend to have slugs and are having trouble getting rid of them, try planting, or to reduce damage.

    Check out about controlling slugs and snails in the garden and with more tips on how to naturally get rid of slugs. Try this old-fashioned advice from The 1963 Old Farmer’s Almanac: A mulch of oak leaves is useful against slugs. To control slugs, our grandparents strewed leaves of lettuce, spinach, cabbage, or slices of raw potato in the garden. The night feeders collected beneath these materials, and the next morning they were gathered and eliminated. Frogs and toads are good consumers of slugs. Bonsai meme.

    Old timers, living by their wits, learned to make use of simple materials for insect control. They found that slugs do not like alkaline ground. Slaked lime, wood ashes, slag, sand, and cinders were useful against slugs.How to Prevent Slugs.

    It is helpful to rake your garden in early spring in order to clean up some of the moist debris that slugs love, as well as to rake away any slug eggs. Large wood chips also provide hiding areas for slugs, so try not to use them.Photo Credit: GrowVeg.com.

    Prevent slugs in your garden by getting rid of slug eggs. Only water your garden when necessary so as to minimize the damp places in which slugs congregate. Slugs have many natural predators. If you have chickens or ducks, they will help by eating slugs and their eggs. Also, be sure to encourage the populations of snakes, turtles, frogs, toads,and ground beetles in your garden. Firefly larvae are also natural predators, so find out. The same goes for songbirds, so check out our tips on.

    Slugs experience a small shock when exposed to copper, which will make them turn back. Try making a perimeter around your plants with copper tape. is a great way to prevent pests.

    In order to keep slugs away from more valuable plants, place plants that slugs love near your valuables as a trap, and then destroy the infested plants. Good traps for slugs include chervil, and.Check out this video to learn more about how to prevent slugs in your garden. I have huge slugs, about 3-4 inch long. They are brown with strips.

    These monsters crawl across any leftover dog and cat food which I have to depose of. Climb the side of the house & leave dropping or eggs I don\'t know which. Salt will kill them, I don\'t care for this method but it is an ongoing problem. My dogs and cat scratch but don\'t have fleas.

    I fear the slugs are crawling on them too. Looking for a method to deter them in a kinder way as I\'m sure they are in some way a benefit to the earth. SlugsSubmitted by OL on May 28, 2019 - 10:18am. I have a major problem with slugs living in my lawn. I have a small, long-haired dog, which comes back inside at night after being outside to do his \'business\' and his underbelly and legs are covered in slugs. Removing the slugs and their slime from his coat is a nightmare.


    Being in the lawn makes it impossible to spread any sort of deterrent such as salt, phenol, etc, and placing cardboard or timber slats simply hasn\'t worked. Any suggestions? Sprinkle floor cleaningSubmitted by Naik on September 11, 2018 - 1:32pm.


    I used to use salt but it took the slugs a long time to die. Found a faster method was white vinegar sprayed or poured on slug. Also keep several wide mouthed jars with lids and one inch of white vinegar (plus a stick beside each jar) around the yard. Great for when you overturn a rock or pail, or old wood, etc and find anything from a fat 2 inch slug to a tiny baby slug snoozing. Whatever the size they stopped moving immediately upon hitting the vinegar.

    The vinegar even flushes out centipedes if poured on damp rocky areas. Downside to pouring on ground is it also kills worms which I need for my chickens. Whether hunting at dawn and dusk or coming upon them accidentally during daytime, at least I do not worry about the bees or praying mantis that also populate the garden. Happy slug hunting folks! P.S vinegar is great used directly on centipede or mosquito bites.

    We suggest planting marigolds around your more “valuable” flowers and vegetables so that the marigolds act as trap plants for the slugs. The intention is that the slugs will eat the marigolds rather than your other plants.

    So, marigolds do not deter slugs, but act as a good distraction.To get them to stop eating your marigolds, you should try some of the other methods outlined above, such as a ring of broken egg shells or diatomaceous earth around the base of the plant, or a tuna can of beer. Don\'t forget opossums!Submitted by M. Sands on May 25, 2018 - 2:07pm.

    ...'>Gun Slugs That Turn Up On The End(09.03.2020)