
Contents.The Player (Note: these are only choices that the player can potentially make). to Kai Lan the Serpent, suggesting that Black Whirlwind fight him in his or her stead There have been other substitutions. Mine won't be the first.(Note: This quote refers to Kai Lan replacing one of the Guild's fighters with a Toad Demon in an earlier match.). to Sun Li: You were a great teacher. It is a shame that your skill was wasted on evil ambition. to Captain Sen, before Aishi the Mournful Blade kills him If I help you, you'll only tell the others what I've done.

Rare and Collectible Life Size Statues and Sculptures For Sale.

I have to let you go.(Note: The player is repeating Captain Sen's excuse for not saving a child whose drowning he caused when he and Aishi were children.). CF player about Gao the Lesser Empty threats. Let him argue with the worms.Dawn Star.

going CF I should. I should fight more. I should spit more. I should slap the princess in her smirking face, and I should. I should.I should look at you without fear of what might happen, because if I grow to need you and if you.leave., ancestors help me, you will regret it.Master Li/Sun Li the Glorious Strategist. Sometimes all you will learn in defeat is that you have been defeated.

Your abilities have grown immensely. But it also does my heart good to see that you remember the basics of what I taught.

Even the flaws. on Death's Hand: You know who he is, but what he is defies you, defies your skill.

He is more than Sun Kin ever was. last words You surprise me yet again.

I'm a better teacher. Than I thought. At the end of the credits Once, when you were a child, you fell from a great height and cut your head clean off. I told you to walk it off, because, the cut was clean.

And then you could punch a mountain. From space!Sagacious Zu.

Oh dear. This will be unpleasant for someone.(Note: The player has found out that a merchant's wife that he/she rescued is not the 'Fen' that he was searching for. 'Fen' is soon revealed to be the merchant's ox.). I have little use for morals, but honor?.

Sea dog brewery menu. Visit a Sea Dog Brew Pub near you. Cantina Florida Broadway Maine Bangor Maine Camden Maine Clearwater Florida Exeter New Hampshire North Conway New Hampshire S. Portland Maine Treasure Island Florida Topsham Maine. Find a Sea Dog Beer near you! Buy a Gift Card Register Your Card Check Your Balance. Sea Dog Brewing, Treasure Island: See 269 unbiased reviews of Sea Dog Brewing, rated 4 of 5 on Tripadvisor and ranked #10 of 34 restaurants in Treasure Island. Sea Dog Brewery, Topsham: See 544 unbiased reviews of Sea Dog Brewery, rated 4 of 5 on Tripadvisor and ranked #2 of 26 restaurants in Topsham.

It would be a great inconvenience if we were all suddenly slaughtered. Your best is not always enough. That's why it is used as a comforter after failure. 'You tried your best, but death consumed the nation anyway. last words I wasn't looking for victory. Just a few seconds.(Death's Hand has mortally wounded Zu, but has also damaged the support pillars, causing the chamber to collapse on both of them and allowing the player to escape.). I have moved with you, hidden, trying to keep focus.

I give you all that I am, all that I was. Restore what has been corrupted.The Black Whirlwind. My fill? I have been sated from battle, but never filled!. If there is no wine, there should be fighting!. When the Whirlwind is killing Lotus Assassins atop the Temple of Dirge, a voice sounds every 20 kills, possibly that of a god.

Or just in his own head. Untold Slaughter!. Bringer of Pain!. Destroyer of Lives!. Just Kill the Golem Already, would you?. Hahaha!

Come to my axes! All of you!. That racket is distracting me from the cries of my enemies. Sky better have a good reason for ringing that bell.

upon entering the Lotus Assassin's fortress These Lotus Assassins really aren't all that tough; they're just trained well. I've seen men a lot tougher than this run scared from a fight, but not these guys. They're like well-trained dogs, and just as dangerous. Though they smell slightly better, and I'm willing to bet they wouldn't taste as good over a plate of rice. Damn it, now I'm getting hungry.

Let's get this finished so I can get something to drink. So we serve Gang until we find the information we need? I'd rather fight the golem army. That would draw out their leaders, whether Death's Hand or the Emperor. to the Overzealous Lotus Acolytes You look to be worth about a silver and a half. What do we need to prove to you?. Acolyte threatens A foolish, foolish mistake.

You have no idea. reaction to Master Gang He thinks it's too tough, but impossible odds make the best fights. after Master Gang uses the word 'machinations' He thinks we will die.

That means there will be fighting. I like him.

in palaceI always figured if I saw the Emperor it would be for my own execution. 'Course, the day's still young.Wild Flower. after Master Gang uses the word 'machinations' He uses big words, but he seems small.

He lets others fight for him. The Guardian says for me to be cheerful, and to not repeat what he says all the. Oh. to the overzealous Lotus Acolytes Bullies will meet the Guardian.

Or worse. I think Mister Gang is a jerk.Chai Ka Ya Zhen.

What do you want? I owe you a great deal for freeing me.

This body should serve well. As long as it lasts. Your mortal fates are such interesting things. Such amusing toys. But if you get what you seek here, and your ambition is realized. Remember a faithful servant. And if you fail.

Well, then I'll have your soul to toy with, anyway, as with this girl. at the sight of the cut open Water Dragon I marvel at the mind that came up with this. To cast his gaze so far above his station to his own makers is. Admirable.

The time has come, mortal! I won't share this body any longer. I'll destroy you, Chai Ka, and this girl if I have to!. battle with Chai Ka inside Wild Flower's mind Grr. He presumes to trap us, too. He is too strong to fight alone, but you can use the strength of your followers.

What else are they good for?. If the player sides with Chai Ka You think your treachery will kill me, mortal?! As long as the corruption exists in this world, I will endure. Now die, along with this stupid girl!. pre Dirge battleI don't like these odds, but death is not as final for me as it is for you, so what do I care?Kang the Mad.

I am Kang the Mad. I make things explode, and I make things fly, and I'm very good at both. The things I fly tend to survive. The things I explode. Not so much. You handled the guards well, with your punching and kicking. I was going to make more of an explody thing, but the kicking worked well, too.

Torn labrum in hip. Your doctor will determine exactly what type of injury you have. Pain at night or while doing daily activities is also common.If you have a Bankart tear, it may feel like your shoulder will slip out of its joint.All types of labral tears often occur with other shoulder injuries, such as dislocated shoulders, and torn biceps tendons.

Next time I hide something, I'm packing explosives around it. Explosives shaped like silver bananas! Stops thieves, monkeys and monkey thieves in one fell swoop. The things I fly tend to survive. The things I explode.not so much. If you stage a combat related accident for Gao, like say, falling down a flight of punches, I'll replace the inductors on the Dragonfly and we can fly away!.

You are sure to profit from this partnership. In fact, I've never accidentally exploded anyone traveling.with. me, so that alone is a benefit of my presence.

Interruptions. Who designed that Dragonfly. Build something to make his sandals explode. Well, it's much like the dilemma of the centipede.

If he relaxes and lets things happen, he can walk naturally all day long, his hundred legs not missing a step. But, if he thinks too hard about the complexity of what he's doing, those legs might crash into the teahouse and kill everyone. A valuable lesson.Henpecked Hou. That was astonishing! I haven't seen such martial skills in an eatery since the last time I added ginger to my wife's hot and sour soup!. It would seem we have our work cut out for us.

But as my darling wife likes to say, when things are tough. Quit your whining and get to work. As I mentioned, I am but a simple bun master, with a dear wife who has turned my life into a miserable cesspool devoid of humor and excitement. Bless her soul. Life is not all bad though. I may have lost all my dignity and self-respect, along with my ability to fight or even make a tight fist, but I am a bun master of some renown. You’re beginning to sound like my wife.

Where were you last night? Why were you talking to that woman? Why do you smell like a goat? Always with the questions!. I still can't believe it's that easy to become a Lotus Assassin. If I had known sooner I would have joined their ranks as soon as possible.

It would be brutal work, with little reward, and there's a good chance I'd die a hideous, painful death, but it couldn't.all. be better than married life. Could it?. on being bound to the character While my duties don't seem to have changed much, I find this form of servitude even more degrading than the kind my gentle wife imposes. upon entering the Lotus Assassin fortressI've seen many things in my life that scare me, many of them with you, I might add. This place terrifies me.

My knees are shaking so badly I'm going to have bruises. These Assassins are very well trained. They obey without question, pay no heed to their pain or their needs, and they work tirelessly for their masters, with little reward. Come to think of it, they live a life much like mine. But then, they don't have to share a bed with my wifeSilk Fox/The Heavenly Lily/Princess Sun Lian. Notice the painted face?

This one only pretends at beauty. upon entering the Lotus Assassin fortress I hate the assassins. Can't they see the strings that pull at them? They are unquestioning, and even believe they do my father's bidding by following Death's HandSky. upon entering the Lotus Assassins fortress I never expected to see the inside of this place, and, frankly, I wish I hadn't.The Water Dragon.

You are meant to learn, but not too much. To see, but not too clearly.

To succeed, but not completely. If you fail in your destiny, your true enemy falls with you.

And if he falls, so do we all. You must win, but in doing so, you will lose. when the player has learned her true identity Names are fleeting, given so you kind can point and say 'That is mine.' Names, history, dreams. They die on your lips. when guiding you through the underworld I am the Water Dragon, Guardian of the underworld and shephard of the dead.Other characters.

Gate Guard: regaining consciousness Ugh. My head feels like a war drum, and the battle did not go in the Empire's favor. Minister of Culture's Servant: to the player Your physique seems exceptional. Clearly you are a peasant- a noble could afford sloth. Lucky Cho: You should have won that fight, Zheng, but you suddenly developed that blind spot, didn't you! Did the glint of silver get in your eye?. Emperor Sun Hai: In my youth, I ruled dutifully, but nature does not respect titles.

Pirate: Oh, certainly! We'll just sit back and let you stroll upstairs to kill our leader! Would it help if we drew you a map to his room?. Forest Shadow: chuckling I had not thought to drop a mountain on my ancient foe, but your kind is always so resourceful. Minister Sheng: Woe to Minister Sheng, that his only ally is an uneducated simpleton!.

Student Lin: You could just be pouring honey in my ears, but that's not half as fun as other places it could go. Student Lin: to male player 'Am I interested in you defeating me again, like you so often do? Oooh, of course I am! Imagine the gossip if we keep 'studying together.' .

Gao the Lesser: So you are at their beck and call? A service animal for those too weak to protect themselves. An endless, foolish road to go down.

There are always victims, always weaklings. You could live a thousand lives, and still someone would be begging for your help. Yaoru: upon being called a pompous ass by the player Your jibes can nary prick the armor of my pride; they are blunted barbs forged by the sputtering flames of your lesser intellect.Dialogue. Sing: referring to her husband's precious ox 'Do I have to slaughter that thing for you to show me some attention?' .

Merchant Hing: 'No dear'. Sing: Are you lying again?' . Merchant Hing: 'No dear'.

Sing: 'Are you listening to me?' . Merchant Hing: 'No dear'. SLAP!. Forest Shadow: 'So, my ancient foe is dead'. Player: 'I'd have given my life to see that abomination dead.' .

Black Whirlwind: 'I'd have given your life too. It's a fair trade!' Cook Teh & Dishwasher Wong - Tien's Landing second conversation. Cook Teh: 'Oh, again you are here. What is it now? Maybe you need directions? I have a few for you, that's for sure.'

. Dishwasher Wong: 'Don't trust him. His directions usually start out friendly but end up with a spatula in someone's nose. Why would anyone want to know how to do that?'

. Cook Teh: 'Thank you, Mister Wong. Thank you for over-explaining the intricacies of my wit. Implied threats are ever so much more effective when they are no longer implied!' Cook Teh & Dishwasher Wong - Tien's Landing third conversation. Cook Teh: 'What is this, the third time you've bothered me?

Go tell the customers in the teahouse their food will be late because of someone's nosy tour.' . Dishwasher Wong: 'He doesn't really mean that. I mean, if everyone showed up in town, sure, there would be some delay, but most people eat at home, you know?' . Cook Teh: 'Mister Wong. You are an imbecile.'

Cook Teh & Dishwasher Wong - Tien's Landing fourth conversation. Cook Teh: 'Do thugs like you think you can just walk back here for food anytime? If I wanted.human. interaction, I'd have a kiosk in the square! Or maybe a trough.'

. Dishwasher Wong: 'Why a trough? We don't feed the animals, Mister Teh. That's handled by the farmers.'

. Cook Teh: 'Step back, Mister Wong. Cook Teh & Dishwasher Wong - Tien's Landing fifth conversation. Cook Teh: 'You again? I really don't have time for you. How about you come back in a week.

Maybe a season would be good.' . Dishwasher Wong: 'We can talk while we cut the vegetables, Mister Teh. We can make time if they need something.' . Cook Teh: 'Mister Wong.

Cook Teh & Dishwasher Wong - Tien's Landing sixth conversation. Cook Teh: 'Oh, more interruptions. Look, I don't have any work, I don't need anything fetched, and I don't have any lost relatives for you to rescue!' .

Dishwasher Wong: 'You said your nephew was lost. You don't want help finding him?' . Cook Teh: 'Lost cause, Mister Wong, I said he was a lost cause. The boy was spoiled by my sister. Why am I telling you this? Cook Teh & Dishwasher Wong - Tien's Landing seventh conversation.

Cook Teh: 'Did I not just speak with you? I have no patience for this. I am not here to amuse you.' . Dishwasher Wong: 'And yet you are so often funny. Thank you for your levity, Mister Teh.'

. Cook Teh: 'Shut up, Mister Wong.' . Dishwasher Wong: 'Ah, another fine joke. I love them all.' Spirit Monk mistrusting Sky. Spirit Monk: 'You can come.

But I'll be watching you!' .

Sky: 'I assure you, I will be as devoted and capable as any of your other companions.' If I could harness all that hot air, I could make a furnace to power the whole of the Imperial City! If you're done with all the talking, I have to go make the Dragonfly ready for some flying.' . Shipeng: 'Yes, yes, and yes!

My skill and suavity as a merchant triumphs once more. Master Jiang will be pleased!'

. Dawn Star's response: 'What an odd little man. It is as if a rat and a monkey mated.'

laughs. Sagacious Zu's response: 'You know, there are several diseases that will result in a person appearing mad.

They usually result from inbreeding or lack of cleanliness.' . The Black Whirlwind's response: 'This little man makes my eyeballs itch. I may have to kill him.' . Sky's response: 'This fellow may have taken a few too many blows to the head.'

. Wild Flower/Chai Ka's response: Mortals can be so strange at times.' The Black Whirlwind - about to join, conversation with Dawn Star. The Black Whirlwind: 'Well, you and me and Little Miss Magenta here. Maybe she can distract our foes, flash a little leg.' .

Dawn Star: 'Would you like to see the damage these legs can inflict firsthand?' . The Black Whirlwind: 'Hmm. I like that.The Black Whirlwind - about to join, conversation with Sagacious Zu. The Black Whirlwind: 'Well. You, me, and the fellow with the dark hands and dark looks.' .

Sagacious Zu: 'I already tire of this fool. Keep him away from me if you want him to stay alive.The Black Whirlwind - about to join, conversation with Sky. The Black Whirlwind: 'Well. You, me, and the pretty boy. You must be wealthy to have your own eunuch.' You're going to fit right in. You must like to dice, correct?'

. The Black Whirlwind: 'Sure!

Can't say as I'm very good at it, I can never remember the rules.The Black Whirlwind - about to join, conversation with Wild Flower. The Black Whirlwind: 'Well. You, me, and the kid. I hope she's well trained.' .

Wild Flower: 'You smell funny.The Black Whirlwind - about to join, conversation with Henpecked Hou. The Black Whirlwind: 'Whoa.

Almost didn't see the little guy. Is he with you, too?' . Henpecked Hou: 'Yes, I am, you great behemoth. Looks like I'm going to need a lot more supplies if I'm supposed to keep you fed.' Other characters' quest logs Note: During later sections of the game, you take control of other characters than the PC.

They each have goals in the quest log.Silk Fox. Dawn Star - You've led Dawn Star down to aid Kang at the bridge, and while she's certainly competent, you'd feel bad letting one of the peasants die on your watch.

Keep the Farm Girl Safe - While she has been through a lot, you're certain Dawn Star still can't take care of herself.Black Whirlwind. Defend Dirge from Sun Li’s Troops – Golems, assassins whatever. If it’s foolish enough to get close, you’re foolish enough to kill it.

The courtyard seems clear enough, but you never know what sort of delicious and intoxicating goodies might be stored around the place. They’re monks after all. Make Your Way Into the Temple – Your victory has bought you a moment of time to look around the temple courtyard, if you wish. When the bun master’s whining gets too shrill, you should make your way to the temple to make sure everything’s fine.

Daily Reminder – Since I keep forgetting where I put everything the night before, I’m writing this checklist to myself. To help me get through mornings.1. Do you have your axes? If not, you’re probably dead. Do you have your clothes? Are you wearing them?

If you don’t see your clothes nearby, you’ll probably never find them, so don’t waste time looking. If you really need clothes for some reason, take what you need from the nearest dead bodies. Are you in a bed? Is there someone with you?

I’ve learned from past mistakes, waking up with someone usually ends badly. Get your clothes and leave quietly. Is anyone still alive nearby? Don’t be shocked. Sometimes I pass out before I start fighting. Since the people nearby probably won’t be up for a fight for some time, it’s best just to move on and find another place to stay for the day.Sun Kin.


One Chance – For years you have been enslaved to the power of the Water Dragon, but now a flicker of hope exists to break free of enslavement as Death’s Hand. You may be the youngest brother, but you were always a match for your siblings in battle. Fight for Your Freedom – You have a chance to break free with the help of the last Spirit Monk.

Contents The Long Drought'Thirty years ago, the struck the land. For a decade, crops withered and died. Starving people across the Empire demanded that something be done'.Abbot SongSun Li was born into the royal family of the Jade Empire as the second of three children, thus making him the commander of the.When the Long Drought hit the Empire, it caused widespread famine and thousands were dying. Emperor Sun Hai asked Sun Li to find a way to end it. Sun Li found that the had the power to restore the balance and laid siege to to obtain it. Soon the armies of the Empire marched to, crushing all that opposed them.

However, Sun Li would not allow his brother to obtain the power of a god unchallenged. He plotted with to kill Sun Hai and take the power for their own.The Siege of DirgeSun Li strikes down the Spirit Monk Guardian'I killed hundreds of your kind, thousands. Just for the.chance. to become a god'.Sun LiThe armies of the Empire marched to Dirge and the battle began. Thousands of Imperial Soldiers and died in the siege. Sun Li tempted some Spirit Monks to betray their fellow monks by diluting the Water Dragon's fountains with their blood, thus making the Water Dragon weak.

When they reached the temple, tried to stop them but was no match for Sun Li and Sun Kin. Once inside, the Emperor obtained the power of the Water Dragon by taking her heart. Sun Li and Sun Kin tried to stop the Emperor, but he had become too powerful. Li was able to escape from Sun Hai's wrath, but left Sun Kin to die. He followed the Protagonist's Guardian and slew him, taking his identity.

Li left his fearsome armor behind and left to find a quite place to raise the child, seeing in it a way to claim Sun Hai's power in the future. The Emperor found Li's abandoned armor and bound Kin's spirit to it; creating.After the siege, Li was declared dead in the raid and declared a traitor of the Empire, and was blamed for the death of Prince Sun Kin.

As a result, Sun Hai ordered the execution of Li's family. However, saved Li's daughter, who later ended up training at the same school as the protagonist.Twenty Years LaterAfter he left with the protagonist, Li found the village of, deciding to live a simple life there until the time came for his revenge. He became the master of a martial arts school and trained the Protagonist. After the final day of the Player's training, bandits invaded the village.

A student, was badly injured, so Li went to help her. After the Player had defeated the bandits and, Li arrived and destroyed the bandits ship with ease, easily dispatching the sorcerer who was commanding the raid.Eventually, Li was prepare to send the Player to the, but he was interrupted by who was tired of not being acknowledge for helping against the bandit raid. He challenged the Player to a duel, eventually losing it. Gao, furious for his defeat, attacked with, but Li blocked it and expelled Gao from the school. Then he reveals to the Player his true identity, which Gao overheard and ran. He sends the Player to the Spirit Cave.

The Player returns early much to the surprise of Li and arrives and informs Li that Dawn Star had gone missing. Li sends the Player to find her. While the Player searched for Dawn Star, Death's Hand and arrive with the Lotus Assassins and takes Li as a prisoner without resistance or a fight, but after he was taken, the Lotus Assassins started murdering the students.

After the Player defeats Gao's men, Jing Woo was the only survivor and reveals the fate of Li to Dawn Star, eventually making the Last Spirit Monk, Dawn Star and Sagacious Zu embark on a quest to save Li.Victory and Betrayal'You have made me proud'.' Your abilities have grown immensely. But it also does my heart good to see that you have remembered the basics of what I taught you.

Even the flaws!' -Sun Li on the Spirit Monk's victoryAfter the Spirit Monk reveals the Emperor's approval of the construction of the Golem army via using the souls of slaves, takes them to the. There, they see Li and Sun Hai talking. Eventually, Sun Hai knocks everyone down except for the Spirit Monk. The Spirit Monk proceeded and kills Sun Hai. Sun Li proceeds to the throne where he takes the Water Dragon's heart. He congratulates the Spirit Monk, taking advantage, he strikes at the Monk and kills his former student.

With the Emperor and the Player dead, he picks up the amulet dropped by the Spirit Monk and proceeds to absorb the power to become a god. Sun Li then proclaims himself as the new Emperor of the Jade Empire.Master vs. StudentThe Spirit Monk is able to return from dead via the spirit of the Water Dragon and destroys or taints her body, thus causing Sun Li to no longer draw power from her.

The Spirit Monk eventually confronts Sun Li. Sun Li agrees to face his former student, unless the Player is made to reason.If the Monk refuses to listen, a final battle with Sun Li is fought. Although skilled, Sun Li is struck down and dies, releasing all the power he absorbed from the Water Dragon.If the Monk agrees to surrender to Sun Li, there is a scene with a golden statue of the Player resembling a Lotus Assassin. A teacher is telling the students of the Monk's sacrifice and when one asks about life before, he is told he does not need to know. A beside the statue seems to want to hurt the boy until he desists. The children then chant praises to the Player and Sun Li, and he looks on, maliciously laughing.Trivia.


Contents.The Player (Note: these are only choices that the player can potentially make). to Kai Lan the Serpent, suggesting that Black Whirlwind fight him in his or her stead There have been other substitutions. Mine won\'t be the first.(Note: This quote refers to Kai Lan replacing one of the Guild\'s fighters with a Toad Demon in an earlier match.). to Sun Li: You were a great teacher. It is a shame that your skill was wasted on evil ambition. to Captain Sen, before Aishi the Mournful Blade kills him If I help you, you\'ll only tell the others what I\'ve done.

Rare and Collectible Life Size Statues and Sculptures For Sale.

I have to let you go.(Note: The player is repeating Captain Sen\'s excuse for not saving a child whose drowning he caused when he and Aishi were children.). CF player about Gao the Lesser Empty threats. Let him argue with the worms.Dawn Star.

going CF I should. I should fight more. I should spit more. I should slap the princess in her smirking face, and I should. I should.I should look at you without fear of what might happen, because if I grow to need you and if you.leave., ancestors help me, you will regret it.Master Li/Sun Li the Glorious Strategist. Sometimes all you will learn in defeat is that you have been defeated.

Your abilities have grown immensely. But it also does my heart good to see that you remember the basics of what I taught.

Even the flaws. on Death\'s Hand: You know who he is, but what he is defies you, defies your skill.

He is more than Sun Kin ever was. last words You surprise me yet again.

I\'m a better teacher. Than I thought. At the end of the credits Once, when you were a child, you fell from a great height and cut your head clean off. I told you to walk it off, because, the cut was clean.

And then you could punch a mountain. From space!Sagacious Zu.

Oh dear. This will be unpleasant for someone.(Note: The player has found out that a merchant\'s wife that he/she rescued is not the \'Fen\' that he was searching for. \'Fen\' is soon revealed to be the merchant\'s ox.). I have little use for morals, but honor?.

Sea dog brewery menu. Visit a Sea Dog Brew Pub near you. Cantina Florida Broadway Maine Bangor Maine Camden Maine Clearwater Florida Exeter New Hampshire North Conway New Hampshire S. Portland Maine Treasure Island Florida Topsham Maine. Find a Sea Dog Beer near you! Buy a Gift Card Register Your Card Check Your Balance. Sea Dog Brewing, Treasure Island: See 269 unbiased reviews of Sea Dog Brewing, rated 4 of 5 on Tripadvisor and ranked #10 of 34 restaurants in Treasure Island. Sea Dog Brewery, Topsham: See 544 unbiased reviews of Sea Dog Brewery, rated 4 of 5 on Tripadvisor and ranked #2 of 26 restaurants in Topsham.

It would be a great inconvenience if we were all suddenly slaughtered. Your best is not always enough. That\'s why it is used as a comforter after failure. \'You tried your best, but death consumed the nation anyway. last words I wasn\'t looking for victory. Just a few seconds.(Death\'s Hand has mortally wounded Zu, but has also damaged the support pillars, causing the chamber to collapse on both of them and allowing the player to escape.). I have moved with you, hidden, trying to keep focus.

I give you all that I am, all that I was. Restore what has been corrupted.The Black Whirlwind. My fill? I have been sated from battle, but never filled!. If there is no wine, there should be fighting!. When the Whirlwind is killing Lotus Assassins atop the Temple of Dirge, a voice sounds every 20 kills, possibly that of a god.

Or just in his own head. Untold Slaughter!. Bringer of Pain!. Destroyer of Lives!. Just Kill the Golem Already, would you?. Hahaha!

Come to my axes! All of you!. That racket is distracting me from the cries of my enemies. Sky better have a good reason for ringing that bell.

upon entering the Lotus Assassin\'s fortress These Lotus Assassins really aren\'t all that tough; they\'re just trained well. I\'ve seen men a lot tougher than this run scared from a fight, but not these guys. They\'re like well-trained dogs, and just as dangerous. Though they smell slightly better, and I\'m willing to bet they wouldn\'t taste as good over a plate of rice. Damn it, now I\'m getting hungry.

Let\'s get this finished so I can get something to drink. So we serve Gang until we find the information we need? I\'d rather fight the golem army. That would draw out their leaders, whether Death\'s Hand or the Emperor. to the Overzealous Lotus Acolytes You look to be worth about a silver and a half. What do we need to prove to you?. Acolyte threatens A foolish, foolish mistake.

You have no idea. reaction to Master Gang He thinks it\'s too tough, but impossible odds make the best fights. after Master Gang uses the word \'machinations\' He thinks we will die.

That means there will be fighting. I like him.

in palaceI always figured if I saw the Emperor it would be for my own execution. \'Course, the day\'s still young.Wild Flower. after Master Gang uses the word \'machinations\' He uses big words, but he seems small.

He lets others fight for him. The Guardian says for me to be cheerful, and to not repeat what he says all the. Oh. to the overzealous Lotus Acolytes Bullies will meet the Guardian.

Or worse. I think Mister Gang is a jerk.Chai Ka Ya Zhen.

What do you want? I owe you a great deal for freeing me.

This body should serve well. As long as it lasts. Your mortal fates are such interesting things. Such amusing toys. But if you get what you seek here, and your ambition is realized. Remember a faithful servant. And if you fail.

Well, then I\'ll have your soul to toy with, anyway, as with this girl. at the sight of the cut open Water Dragon I marvel at the mind that came up with this. To cast his gaze so far above his station to his own makers is. Admirable.

The time has come, mortal! I won\'t share this body any longer. I\'ll destroy you, Chai Ka, and this girl if I have to!. battle with Chai Ka inside Wild Flower\'s mind Grr. He presumes to trap us, too. He is too strong to fight alone, but you can use the strength of your followers.

What else are they good for?. If the player sides with Chai Ka You think your treachery will kill me, mortal?! As long as the corruption exists in this world, I will endure. Now die, along with this stupid girl!. pre Dirge battleI don\'t like these odds, but death is not as final for me as it is for you, so what do I care?Kang the Mad.

I am Kang the Mad. I make things explode, and I make things fly, and I\'m very good at both. The things I fly tend to survive. The things I explode. Not so much. You handled the guards well, with your punching and kicking. I was going to make more of an explody thing, but the kicking worked well, too.

Torn labrum in hip. Your doctor will determine exactly what type of injury you have. Pain at night or while doing daily activities is also common.If you have a Bankart tear, it may feel like your shoulder will slip out of its joint.All types of labral tears often occur with other shoulder injuries, such as dislocated shoulders, and torn biceps tendons.

Next time I hide something, I\'m packing explosives around it. Explosives shaped like silver bananas! Stops thieves, monkeys and monkey thieves in one fell swoop. The things I fly tend to survive. The things I explode.not so much. If you stage a combat related accident for Gao, like say, falling down a flight of punches, I\'ll replace the inductors on the Dragonfly and we can fly away!.

You are sure to profit from this partnership. In fact, I\'ve never accidentally exploded anyone traveling.with. me, so that alone is a benefit of my presence.

Interruptions. Who designed that Dragonfly. Build something to make his sandals explode. Well, it\'s much like the dilemma of the centipede.

If he relaxes and lets things happen, he can walk naturally all day long, his hundred legs not missing a step. But, if he thinks too hard about the complexity of what he\'s doing, those legs might crash into the teahouse and kill everyone. A valuable lesson.Henpecked Hou. That was astonishing! I haven\'t seen such martial skills in an eatery since the last time I added ginger to my wife\'s hot and sour soup!. It would seem we have our work cut out for us.

But as my darling wife likes to say, when things are tough. Quit your whining and get to work. As I mentioned, I am but a simple bun master, with a dear wife who has turned my life into a miserable cesspool devoid of humor and excitement. Bless her soul. Life is not all bad though. I may have lost all my dignity and self-respect, along with my ability to fight or even make a tight fist, but I am a bun master of some renown. You’re beginning to sound like my wife.

Where were you last night? Why were you talking to that woman? Why do you smell like a goat? Always with the questions!. I still can\'t believe it\'s that easy to become a Lotus Assassin. If I had known sooner I would have joined their ranks as soon as possible.

It would be brutal work, with little reward, and there\'s a good chance I\'d die a hideous, painful death, but it couldn\'t.all. be better than married life. Could it?. on being bound to the character While my duties don\'t seem to have changed much, I find this form of servitude even more degrading than the kind my gentle wife imposes. upon entering the Lotus Assassin fortressI\'ve seen many things in my life that scare me, many of them with you, I might add. This place terrifies me.

My knees are shaking so badly I\'m going to have bruises. These Assassins are very well trained. They obey without question, pay no heed to their pain or their needs, and they work tirelessly for their masters, with little reward. Come to think of it, they live a life much like mine. But then, they don\'t have to share a bed with my wifeSilk Fox/The Heavenly Lily/Princess Sun Lian. Notice the painted face?

This one only pretends at beauty. upon entering the Lotus Assassin fortress I hate the assassins. Can\'t they see the strings that pull at them? They are unquestioning, and even believe they do my father\'s bidding by following Death\'s HandSky. upon entering the Lotus Assassins fortress I never expected to see the inside of this place, and, frankly, I wish I hadn\'t.The Water Dragon.

You are meant to learn, but not too much. To see, but not too clearly.

To succeed, but not completely. If you fail in your destiny, your true enemy falls with you.

And if he falls, so do we all. You must win, but in doing so, you will lose. when the player has learned her true identity Names are fleeting, given so you kind can point and say \'That is mine.\' Names, history, dreams. They die on your lips. when guiding you through the underworld I am the Water Dragon, Guardian of the underworld and shephard of the dead.Other characters.

Gate Guard: regaining consciousness Ugh. My head feels like a war drum, and the battle did not go in the Empire\'s favor. Minister of Culture\'s Servant: to the player Your physique seems exceptional. Clearly you are a peasant- a noble could afford sloth. Lucky Cho: You should have won that fight, Zheng, but you suddenly developed that blind spot, didn\'t you! Did the glint of silver get in your eye?. Emperor Sun Hai: In my youth, I ruled dutifully, but nature does not respect titles.

Pirate: Oh, certainly! We\'ll just sit back and let you stroll upstairs to kill our leader! Would it help if we drew you a map to his room?. Forest Shadow: chuckling I had not thought to drop a mountain on my ancient foe, but your kind is always so resourceful. Minister Sheng: Woe to Minister Sheng, that his only ally is an uneducated simpleton!.

Student Lin: You could just be pouring honey in my ears, but that\'s not half as fun as other places it could go. Student Lin: to male player \'Am I interested in you defeating me again, like you so often do? Oooh, of course I am! Imagine the gossip if we keep \'studying together.\' .

Gao the Lesser: So you are at their beck and call? A service animal for those too weak to protect themselves. An endless, foolish road to go down.

There are always victims, always weaklings. You could live a thousand lives, and still someone would be begging for your help. Yaoru: upon being called a pompous ass by the player Your jibes can nary prick the armor of my pride; they are blunted barbs forged by the sputtering flames of your lesser intellect.Dialogue. Sing: referring to her husband\'s precious ox \'Do I have to slaughter that thing for you to show me some attention?\' .

Merchant Hing: \'No dear\'. Sing: Are you lying again?\' . Merchant Hing: \'No dear\'.

Sing: \'Are you listening to me?\' . Merchant Hing: \'No dear\'. SLAP!. Forest Shadow: \'So, my ancient foe is dead\'. Player: \'I'd have given my life to see that abomination dead.\' .

Black Whirlwind: \'I'd have given your life too. It\'s a fair trade!\' Cook Teh & Dishwasher Wong - Tien\'s Landing second conversation. Cook Teh: \'Oh, again you are here. What is it now? Maybe you need directions? I have a few for you, that\'s for sure.\'

. Dishwasher Wong: \'Don\'t trust him. His directions usually start out friendly but end up with a spatula in someone\'s nose. Why would anyone want to know how to do that?\'

. Cook Teh: \'Thank you, Mister Wong. Thank you for over-explaining the intricacies of my wit. Implied threats are ever so much more effective when they are no longer implied!\' Cook Teh & Dishwasher Wong - Tien\'s Landing third conversation. Cook Teh: \'What is this, the third time you\'ve bothered me?

Go tell the customers in the teahouse their food will be late because of someone\'s nosy tour.\' . Dishwasher Wong: \'He doesn\'t really mean that. I mean, if everyone showed up in town, sure, there would be some delay, but most people eat at home, you know?\' . Cook Teh: \'Mister Wong. You are an imbecile.\'

Cook Teh & Dishwasher Wong - Tien\'s Landing fourth conversation. Cook Teh: \'Do thugs like you think you can just walk back here for food anytime? If I wanted.human. interaction, I\'d have a kiosk in the square! Or maybe a trough.\'

. Dishwasher Wong: \'Why a trough? We don\'t feed the animals, Mister Teh. That\'s handled by the farmers.\'

. Cook Teh: \'Step back, Mister Wong. Cook Teh & Dishwasher Wong - Tien\'s Landing fifth conversation. Cook Teh: \'You again? I really don\'t have time for you. How about you come back in a week.

Maybe a season would be good.\' . Dishwasher Wong: \'We can talk while we cut the vegetables, Mister Teh. We can make time if they need something.\' . Cook Teh: \'Mister Wong.

Cook Teh & Dishwasher Wong - Tien\'s Landing sixth conversation. Cook Teh: \'Oh, more interruptions. Look, I don\'t have any work, I don\'t need anything fetched, and I don\'t have any lost relatives for you to rescue!\' .

Dishwasher Wong: \'You said your nephew was lost. You don\'t want help finding him?\' . Cook Teh: \'Lost cause, Mister Wong, I said he was a lost cause. The boy was spoiled by my sister. Why am I telling you this? Cook Teh & Dishwasher Wong - Tien\'s Landing seventh conversation.

Cook Teh: \'Did I not just speak with you? I have no patience for this. I am not here to amuse you.\' . Dishwasher Wong: \'And yet you are so often funny. Thank you for your levity, Mister Teh.\'

. Cook Teh: \'Shut up, Mister Wong.\' . Dishwasher Wong: \'Ah, another fine joke. I love them all.\' Spirit Monk mistrusting Sky. Spirit Monk: \'You can come.

But I\'ll be watching you!\' .

Sky: \'I assure you, I will be as devoted and capable as any of your other companions.\' If I could harness all that hot air, I could make a furnace to power the whole of the Imperial City! If you\'re done with all the talking, I have to go make the Dragonfly ready for some flying.\' . Shipeng: \'Yes, yes, and yes!

My skill and suavity as a merchant triumphs once more. Master Jiang will be pleased!\'

. Dawn Star\'s response: \'What an odd little man. It is as if a rat and a monkey mated.\'

laughs. Sagacious Zu\'s response: \'You know, there are several diseases that will result in a person appearing mad.

They usually result from inbreeding or lack of cleanliness.\' . The Black Whirlwind\'s response: \'This little man makes my eyeballs itch. I may have to kill him.\' . Sky\'s response: \'This fellow may have taken a few too many blows to the head.\'

. Wild Flower/Chai Ka\'s response: Mortals can be so strange at times.\' The Black Whirlwind - about to join, conversation with Dawn Star. The Black Whirlwind: \'Well, you and me and Little Miss Magenta here. Maybe she can distract our foes, flash a little leg.\' .

Dawn Star: \'Would you like to see the damage these legs can inflict firsthand?\' . The Black Whirlwind: \'Hmm. I like that.The Black Whirlwind - about to join, conversation with Sagacious Zu. The Black Whirlwind: \'Well. You, me, and the fellow with the dark hands and dark looks.\' .

Sagacious Zu: \'I already tire of this fool. Keep him away from me if you want him to stay alive.The Black Whirlwind - about to join, conversation with Sky. The Black Whirlwind: \'Well. You, me, and the pretty boy. You must be wealthy to have your own eunuch.\' You\'re going to fit right in. You must like to dice, correct?\'

. The Black Whirlwind: \'Sure!

Can\'t say as I\'m very good at it, I can never remember the rules.The Black Whirlwind - about to join, conversation with Wild Flower. The Black Whirlwind: \'Well. You, me, and the kid. I hope she\'s well trained.\' .

Wild Flower: \'You smell funny.The Black Whirlwind - about to join, conversation with Henpecked Hou. The Black Whirlwind: \'Whoa.

Almost didn\'t see the little guy. Is he with you, too?\' . Henpecked Hou: \'Yes, I am, you great behemoth. Looks like I\'m going to need a lot more supplies if I\'m supposed to keep you fed.\' Other characters\' quest logs Note: During later sections of the game, you take control of other characters than the PC.

They each have goals in the quest log.Silk Fox. Dawn Star - You\'ve led Dawn Star down to aid Kang at the bridge, and while she\'s certainly competent, you\'d feel bad letting one of the peasants die on your watch.

Keep the Farm Girl Safe - While she has been through a lot, you\'re certain Dawn Star still can\'t take care of herself.Black Whirlwind. Defend Dirge from Sun Li’s Troops – Golems, assassins whatever. If it’s foolish enough to get close, you’re foolish enough to kill it.

The courtyard seems clear enough, but you never know what sort of delicious and intoxicating goodies might be stored around the place. They’re monks after all. Make Your Way Into the Temple – Your victory has bought you a moment of time to look around the temple courtyard, if you wish. When the bun master’s whining gets too shrill, you should make your way to the temple to make sure everything’s fine.

Daily Reminder – Since I keep forgetting where I put everything the night before, I’m writing this checklist to myself. To help me get through mornings.1. Do you have your axes? If not, you’re probably dead. Do you have your clothes? Are you wearing them?

If you don’t see your clothes nearby, you’ll probably never find them, so don’t waste time looking. If you really need clothes for some reason, take what you need from the nearest dead bodies. Are you in a bed? Is there someone with you?

I’ve learned from past mistakes, waking up with someone usually ends badly. Get your clothes and leave quietly. Is anyone still alive nearby? Don’t be shocked. Sometimes I pass out before I start fighting. Since the people nearby probably won’t be up for a fight for some time, it’s best just to move on and find another place to stay for the day.Sun Kin.


One Chance – For years you have been enslaved to the power of the Water Dragon, but now a flicker of hope exists to break free of enslavement as Death’s Hand. You may be the youngest brother, but you were always a match for your siblings in battle. Fight for Your Freedom – You have a chance to break free with the help of the last Spirit Monk.

Contents The Long Drought\'Thirty years ago, the struck the land. For a decade, crops withered and died. Starving people across the Empire demanded that something be done\'.Abbot SongSun Li was born into the royal family of the Jade Empire as the second of three children, thus making him the commander of the.When the Long Drought hit the Empire, it caused widespread famine and thousands were dying. Emperor Sun Hai asked Sun Li to find a way to end it. Sun Li found that the had the power to restore the balance and laid siege to to obtain it. Soon the armies of the Empire marched to, crushing all that opposed them.

However, Sun Li would not allow his brother to obtain the power of a god unchallenged. He plotted with to kill Sun Hai and take the power for their own.The Siege of DirgeSun Li strikes down the Spirit Monk Guardian\'I killed hundreds of your kind, thousands. Just for the.chance. to become a god\'.Sun LiThe armies of the Empire marched to Dirge and the battle began. Thousands of Imperial Soldiers and died in the siege. Sun Li tempted some Spirit Monks to betray their fellow monks by diluting the Water Dragon\'s fountains with their blood, thus making the Water Dragon weak.

When they reached the temple, tried to stop them but was no match for Sun Li and Sun Kin. Once inside, the Emperor obtained the power of the Water Dragon by taking her heart. Sun Li and Sun Kin tried to stop the Emperor, but he had become too powerful. Li was able to escape from Sun Hai\'s wrath, but left Sun Kin to die. He followed the Protagonist\'s Guardian and slew him, taking his identity.

Li left his fearsome armor behind and left to find a quite place to raise the child, seeing in it a way to claim Sun Hai\'s power in the future. The Emperor found Li\'s abandoned armor and bound Kin\'s spirit to it; creating.After the siege, Li was declared dead in the raid and declared a traitor of the Empire, and was blamed for the death of Prince Sun Kin.

As a result, Sun Hai ordered the execution of Li\'s family. However, saved Li\'s daughter, who later ended up training at the same school as the protagonist.Twenty Years LaterAfter he left with the protagonist, Li found the village of, deciding to live a simple life there until the time came for his revenge. He became the master of a martial arts school and trained the Protagonist. After the final day of the Player\'s training, bandits invaded the village.

A student, was badly injured, so Li went to help her. After the Player had defeated the bandits and, Li arrived and destroyed the bandits ship with ease, easily dispatching the sorcerer who was commanding the raid.Eventually, Li was prepare to send the Player to the, but he was interrupted by who was tired of not being acknowledge for helping against the bandit raid. He challenged the Player to a duel, eventually losing it. Gao, furious for his defeat, attacked with, but Li blocked it and expelled Gao from the school. Then he reveals to the Player his true identity, which Gao overheard and ran. He sends the Player to the Spirit Cave.

The Player returns early much to the surprise of Li and arrives and informs Li that Dawn Star had gone missing. Li sends the Player to find her. While the Player searched for Dawn Star, Death\'s Hand and arrive with the Lotus Assassins and takes Li as a prisoner without resistance or a fight, but after he was taken, the Lotus Assassins started murdering the students.

After the Player defeats Gao\'s men, Jing Woo was the only survivor and reveals the fate of Li to Dawn Star, eventually making the Last Spirit Monk, Dawn Star and Sagacious Zu embark on a quest to save Li.Victory and Betrayal\'You have made me proud\'.' Your abilities have grown immensely. But it also does my heart good to see that you have remembered the basics of what I taught you.

Even the flaws!\' -Sun Li on the Spirit Monk\'s victoryAfter the Spirit Monk reveals the Emperor\'s approval of the construction of the Golem army via using the souls of slaves, takes them to the. There, they see Li and Sun Hai talking. Eventually, Sun Hai knocks everyone down except for the Spirit Monk. The Spirit Monk proceeded and kills Sun Hai. Sun Li proceeds to the throne where he takes the Water Dragon\'s heart. He congratulates the Spirit Monk, taking advantage, he strikes at the Monk and kills his former student.

With the Emperor and the Player dead, he picks up the amulet dropped by the Spirit Monk and proceeds to absorb the power to become a god. Sun Li then proclaims himself as the new Emperor of the Jade Empire.Master vs. StudentThe Spirit Monk is able to return from dead via the spirit of the Water Dragon and destroys or taints her body, thus causing Sun Li to no longer draw power from her.

The Spirit Monk eventually confronts Sun Li. Sun Li agrees to face his former student, unless the Player is made to reason.If the Monk refuses to listen, a final battle with Sun Li is fought. Although skilled, Sun Li is struck down and dies, releasing all the power he absorbed from the Water Dragon.If the Monk agrees to surrender to Sun Li, there is a scene with a golden statue of the Player resembling a Lotus Assassin. A teacher is telling the students of the Monk\'s sacrifice and when one asks about life before, he is told he does not need to know. A beside the statue seems to want to hurt the boy until he desists. The children then chant praises to the Player and Sun Li, and he looks on, maliciously laughing.Trivia.


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  • Contents.The Player (Note: these are only choices that the player can potentially make). to Kai Lan the Serpent, suggesting that Black Whirlwind fight him in his or her stead There have been other substitutions. Mine won\'t be the first.(Note: This quote refers to Kai Lan replacing one of the Guild\'s fighters with a Toad Demon in an earlier match.). to Sun Li: You were a great teacher. It is a shame that your skill was wasted on evil ambition. to Captain Sen, before Aishi the Mournful Blade kills him If I help you, you\'ll only tell the others what I\'ve done.

    Rare and Collectible Life Size Statues and Sculptures For Sale.

    I have to let you go.(Note: The player is repeating Captain Sen\'s excuse for not saving a child whose drowning he caused when he and Aishi were children.). CF player about Gao the Lesser Empty threats. Let him argue with the worms.Dawn Star.

    going CF I should. I should fight more. I should spit more. I should slap the princess in her smirking face, and I should. I should.I should look at you without fear of what might happen, because if I grow to need you and if you.leave., ancestors help me, you will regret it.Master Li/Sun Li the Glorious Strategist. Sometimes all you will learn in defeat is that you have been defeated.

    Your abilities have grown immensely. But it also does my heart good to see that you remember the basics of what I taught.

    Even the flaws. on Death\'s Hand: You know who he is, but what he is defies you, defies your skill.

    He is more than Sun Kin ever was. last words You surprise me yet again.

    I\'m a better teacher. Than I thought. At the end of the credits Once, when you were a child, you fell from a great height and cut your head clean off. I told you to walk it off, because, the cut was clean.

    And then you could punch a mountain. From space!Sagacious Zu.

    Oh dear. This will be unpleasant for someone.(Note: The player has found out that a merchant\'s wife that he/she rescued is not the \'Fen\' that he was searching for. \'Fen\' is soon revealed to be the merchant\'s ox.). I have little use for morals, but honor?.

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    It would be a great inconvenience if we were all suddenly slaughtered. Your best is not always enough. That\'s why it is used as a comforter after failure. \'You tried your best, but death consumed the nation anyway. last words I wasn\'t looking for victory. Just a few seconds.(Death\'s Hand has mortally wounded Zu, but has also damaged the support pillars, causing the chamber to collapse on both of them and allowing the player to escape.). I have moved with you, hidden, trying to keep focus.

    I give you all that I am, all that I was. Restore what has been corrupted.The Black Whirlwind. My fill? I have been sated from battle, but never filled!. If there is no wine, there should be fighting!. When the Whirlwind is killing Lotus Assassins atop the Temple of Dirge, a voice sounds every 20 kills, possibly that of a god.

    Or just in his own head. Untold Slaughter!. Bringer of Pain!. Destroyer of Lives!. Just Kill the Golem Already, would you?. Hahaha!

    Come to my axes! All of you!. That racket is distracting me from the cries of my enemies. Sky better have a good reason for ringing that bell.

    upon entering the Lotus Assassin\'s fortress These Lotus Assassins really aren\'t all that tough; they\'re just trained well. I\'ve seen men a lot tougher than this run scared from a fight, but not these guys. They\'re like well-trained dogs, and just as dangerous. Though they smell slightly better, and I\'m willing to bet they wouldn\'t taste as good over a plate of rice. Damn it, now I\'m getting hungry.

    Let\'s get this finished so I can get something to drink. So we serve Gang until we find the information we need? I\'d rather fight the golem army. That would draw out their leaders, whether Death\'s Hand or the Emperor. to the Overzealous Lotus Acolytes You look to be worth about a silver and a half. What do we need to prove to you?. Acolyte threatens A foolish, foolish mistake.

    You have no idea. reaction to Master Gang He thinks it\'s too tough, but impossible odds make the best fights. after Master Gang uses the word \'machinations\' He thinks we will die.

    That means there will be fighting. I like him.

    in palaceI always figured if I saw the Emperor it would be for my own execution. \'Course, the day\'s still young.Wild Flower. after Master Gang uses the word \'machinations\' He uses big words, but he seems small.

    He lets others fight for him. The Guardian says for me to be cheerful, and to not repeat what he says all the. Oh. to the overzealous Lotus Acolytes Bullies will meet the Guardian.

    Or worse. I think Mister Gang is a jerk.Chai Ka Ya Zhen.

    What do you want? I owe you a great deal for freeing me.

    This body should serve well. As long as it lasts. Your mortal fates are such interesting things. Such amusing toys. But if you get what you seek here, and your ambition is realized. Remember a faithful servant. And if you fail.

    Well, then I\'ll have your soul to toy with, anyway, as with this girl. at the sight of the cut open Water Dragon I marvel at the mind that came up with this. To cast his gaze so far above his station to his own makers is. Admirable.

    The time has come, mortal! I won\'t share this body any longer. I\'ll destroy you, Chai Ka, and this girl if I have to!. battle with Chai Ka inside Wild Flower\'s mind Grr. He presumes to trap us, too. He is too strong to fight alone, but you can use the strength of your followers.

    What else are they good for?. If the player sides with Chai Ka You think your treachery will kill me, mortal?! As long as the corruption exists in this world, I will endure. Now die, along with this stupid girl!. pre Dirge battleI don\'t like these odds, but death is not as final for me as it is for you, so what do I care?Kang the Mad.

    I am Kang the Mad. I make things explode, and I make things fly, and I\'m very good at both. The things I fly tend to survive. The things I explode. Not so much. You handled the guards well, with your punching and kicking. I was going to make more of an explody thing, but the kicking worked well, too.

    Torn labrum in hip. Your doctor will determine exactly what type of injury you have. Pain at night or while doing daily activities is also common.If you have a Bankart tear, it may feel like your shoulder will slip out of its joint.All types of labral tears often occur with other shoulder injuries, such as dislocated shoulders, and torn biceps tendons.

    Next time I hide something, I\'m packing explosives around it. Explosives shaped like silver bananas! Stops thieves, monkeys and monkey thieves in one fell swoop. The things I fly tend to survive. The things I explode.not so much. If you stage a combat related accident for Gao, like say, falling down a flight of punches, I\'ll replace the inductors on the Dragonfly and we can fly away!.

    You are sure to profit from this partnership. In fact, I\'ve never accidentally exploded anyone traveling.with. me, so that alone is a benefit of my presence.

    Interruptions. Who designed that Dragonfly. Build something to make his sandals explode. Well, it\'s much like the dilemma of the centipede.

    If he relaxes and lets things happen, he can walk naturally all day long, his hundred legs not missing a step. But, if he thinks too hard about the complexity of what he\'s doing, those legs might crash into the teahouse and kill everyone. A valuable lesson.Henpecked Hou. That was astonishing! I haven\'t seen such martial skills in an eatery since the last time I added ginger to my wife\'s hot and sour soup!. It would seem we have our work cut out for us.

    But as my darling wife likes to say, when things are tough. Quit your whining and get to work. As I mentioned, I am but a simple bun master, with a dear wife who has turned my life into a miserable cesspool devoid of humor and excitement. Bless her soul. Life is not all bad though. I may have lost all my dignity and self-respect, along with my ability to fight or even make a tight fist, but I am a bun master of some renown. You’re beginning to sound like my wife.

    Where were you last night? Why were you talking to that woman? Why do you smell like a goat? Always with the questions!. I still can\'t believe it\'s that easy to become a Lotus Assassin. If I had known sooner I would have joined their ranks as soon as possible.

    It would be brutal work, with little reward, and there\'s a good chance I\'d die a hideous, painful death, but it couldn\'t.all. be better than married life. Could it?. on being bound to the character While my duties don\'t seem to have changed much, I find this form of servitude even more degrading than the kind my gentle wife imposes. upon entering the Lotus Assassin fortressI\'ve seen many things in my life that scare me, many of them with you, I might add. This place terrifies me.

    My knees are shaking so badly I\'m going to have bruises. These Assassins are very well trained. They obey without question, pay no heed to their pain or their needs, and they work tirelessly for their masters, with little reward. Come to think of it, they live a life much like mine. But then, they don\'t have to share a bed with my wifeSilk Fox/The Heavenly Lily/Princess Sun Lian. Notice the painted face?

    This one only pretends at beauty. upon entering the Lotus Assassin fortress I hate the assassins. Can\'t they see the strings that pull at them? They are unquestioning, and even believe they do my father\'s bidding by following Death\'s HandSky. upon entering the Lotus Assassins fortress I never expected to see the inside of this place, and, frankly, I wish I hadn\'t.The Water Dragon.

    You are meant to learn, but not too much. To see, but not too clearly.

    To succeed, but not completely. If you fail in your destiny, your true enemy falls with you.

    And if he falls, so do we all. You must win, but in doing so, you will lose. when the player has learned her true identity Names are fleeting, given so you kind can point and say \'That is mine.\' Names, history, dreams. They die on your lips. when guiding you through the underworld I am the Water Dragon, Guardian of the underworld and shephard of the dead.Other characters.

    Gate Guard: regaining consciousness Ugh. My head feels like a war drum, and the battle did not go in the Empire\'s favor. Minister of Culture\'s Servant: to the player Your physique seems exceptional. Clearly you are a peasant- a noble could afford sloth. Lucky Cho: You should have won that fight, Zheng, but you suddenly developed that blind spot, didn\'t you! Did the glint of silver get in your eye?. Emperor Sun Hai: In my youth, I ruled dutifully, but nature does not respect titles.

    Pirate: Oh, certainly! We\'ll just sit back and let you stroll upstairs to kill our leader! Would it help if we drew you a map to his room?. Forest Shadow: chuckling I had not thought to drop a mountain on my ancient foe, but your kind is always so resourceful. Minister Sheng: Woe to Minister Sheng, that his only ally is an uneducated simpleton!.

    Student Lin: You could just be pouring honey in my ears, but that\'s not half as fun as other places it could go. Student Lin: to male player \'Am I interested in you defeating me again, like you so often do? Oooh, of course I am! Imagine the gossip if we keep \'studying together.\' .

    Gao the Lesser: So you are at their beck and call? A service animal for those too weak to protect themselves. An endless, foolish road to go down.

    There are always victims, always weaklings. You could live a thousand lives, and still someone would be begging for your help. Yaoru: upon being called a pompous ass by the player Your jibes can nary prick the armor of my pride; they are blunted barbs forged by the sputtering flames of your lesser intellect.Dialogue. Sing: referring to her husband\'s precious ox \'Do I have to slaughter that thing for you to show me some attention?\' .

    Merchant Hing: \'No dear\'. Sing: Are you lying again?\' . Merchant Hing: \'No dear\'.

    Sing: \'Are you listening to me?\' . Merchant Hing: \'No dear\'. SLAP!. Forest Shadow: \'So, my ancient foe is dead\'. Player: \'I'd have given my life to see that abomination dead.\' .

    Black Whirlwind: \'I'd have given your life too. It\'s a fair trade!\' Cook Teh & Dishwasher Wong - Tien\'s Landing second conversation. Cook Teh: \'Oh, again you are here. What is it now? Maybe you need directions? I have a few for you, that\'s for sure.\'

    . Dishwasher Wong: \'Don\'t trust him. His directions usually start out friendly but end up with a spatula in someone\'s nose. Why would anyone want to know how to do that?\'

    . Cook Teh: \'Thank you, Mister Wong. Thank you for over-explaining the intricacies of my wit. Implied threats are ever so much more effective when they are no longer implied!\' Cook Teh & Dishwasher Wong - Tien\'s Landing third conversation. Cook Teh: \'What is this, the third time you\'ve bothered me?

    Go tell the customers in the teahouse their food will be late because of someone\'s nosy tour.\' . Dishwasher Wong: \'He doesn\'t really mean that. I mean, if everyone showed up in town, sure, there would be some delay, but most people eat at home, you know?\' . Cook Teh: \'Mister Wong. You are an imbecile.\'

    Cook Teh & Dishwasher Wong - Tien\'s Landing fourth conversation. Cook Teh: \'Do thugs like you think you can just walk back here for food anytime? If I wanted.human. interaction, I\'d have a kiosk in the square! Or maybe a trough.\'

    . Dishwasher Wong: \'Why a trough? We don\'t feed the animals, Mister Teh. That\'s handled by the farmers.\'

    . Cook Teh: \'Step back, Mister Wong. Cook Teh & Dishwasher Wong - Tien\'s Landing fifth conversation. Cook Teh: \'You again? I really don\'t have time for you. How about you come back in a week.

    Maybe a season would be good.\' . Dishwasher Wong: \'We can talk while we cut the vegetables, Mister Teh. We can make time if they need something.\' . Cook Teh: \'Mister Wong.

    Cook Teh & Dishwasher Wong - Tien\'s Landing sixth conversation. Cook Teh: \'Oh, more interruptions. Look, I don\'t have any work, I don\'t need anything fetched, and I don\'t have any lost relatives for you to rescue!\' .

    Dishwasher Wong: \'You said your nephew was lost. You don\'t want help finding him?\' . Cook Teh: \'Lost cause, Mister Wong, I said he was a lost cause. The boy was spoiled by my sister. Why am I telling you this? Cook Teh & Dishwasher Wong - Tien\'s Landing seventh conversation.

    Cook Teh: \'Did I not just speak with you? I have no patience for this. I am not here to amuse you.\' . Dishwasher Wong: \'And yet you are so often funny. Thank you for your levity, Mister Teh.\'

    . Cook Teh: \'Shut up, Mister Wong.\' . Dishwasher Wong: \'Ah, another fine joke. I love them all.\' Spirit Monk mistrusting Sky. Spirit Monk: \'You can come.

    But I\'ll be watching you!\' .

    Sky: \'I assure you, I will be as devoted and capable as any of your other companions.\' If I could harness all that hot air, I could make a furnace to power the whole of the Imperial City! If you\'re done with all the talking, I have to go make the Dragonfly ready for some flying.\' . Shipeng: \'Yes, yes, and yes!

    My skill and suavity as a merchant triumphs once more. Master Jiang will be pleased!\'

    . Dawn Star\'s response: \'What an odd little man. It is as if a rat and a monkey mated.\'

    laughs. Sagacious Zu\'s response: \'You know, there are several diseases that will result in a person appearing mad.

    They usually result from inbreeding or lack of cleanliness.\' . The Black Whirlwind\'s response: \'This little man makes my eyeballs itch. I may have to kill him.\' . Sky\'s response: \'This fellow may have taken a few too many blows to the head.\'

    . Wild Flower/Chai Ka\'s response: Mortals can be so strange at times.\' The Black Whirlwind - about to join, conversation with Dawn Star. The Black Whirlwind: \'Well, you and me and Little Miss Magenta here. Maybe she can distract our foes, flash a little leg.\' .

    Dawn Star: \'Would you like to see the damage these legs can inflict firsthand?\' . The Black Whirlwind: \'Hmm. I like that.The Black Whirlwind - about to join, conversation with Sagacious Zu. The Black Whirlwind: \'Well. You, me, and the fellow with the dark hands and dark looks.\' .

    Sagacious Zu: \'I already tire of this fool. Keep him away from me if you want him to stay alive.The Black Whirlwind - about to join, conversation with Sky. The Black Whirlwind: \'Well. You, me, and the pretty boy. You must be wealthy to have your own eunuch.\' You\'re going to fit right in. You must like to dice, correct?\'

    . The Black Whirlwind: \'Sure!

    Can\'t say as I\'m very good at it, I can never remember the rules.The Black Whirlwind - about to join, conversation with Wild Flower. The Black Whirlwind: \'Well. You, me, and the kid. I hope she\'s well trained.\' .

    Wild Flower: \'You smell funny.The Black Whirlwind - about to join, conversation with Henpecked Hou. The Black Whirlwind: \'Whoa.

    Almost didn\'t see the little guy. Is he with you, too?\' . Henpecked Hou: \'Yes, I am, you great behemoth. Looks like I\'m going to need a lot more supplies if I\'m supposed to keep you fed.\' Other characters\' quest logs Note: During later sections of the game, you take control of other characters than the PC.

    They each have goals in the quest log.Silk Fox. Dawn Star - You\'ve led Dawn Star down to aid Kang at the bridge, and while she\'s certainly competent, you\'d feel bad letting one of the peasants die on your watch.

    Keep the Farm Girl Safe - While she has been through a lot, you\'re certain Dawn Star still can\'t take care of herself.Black Whirlwind. Defend Dirge from Sun Li’s Troops – Golems, assassins whatever. If it’s foolish enough to get close, you’re foolish enough to kill it.

    The courtyard seems clear enough, but you never know what sort of delicious and intoxicating goodies might be stored around the place. They’re monks after all. Make Your Way Into the Temple – Your victory has bought you a moment of time to look around the temple courtyard, if you wish. When the bun master’s whining gets too shrill, you should make your way to the temple to make sure everything’s fine.

    Daily Reminder – Since I keep forgetting where I put everything the night before, I’m writing this checklist to myself. To help me get through mornings.1. Do you have your axes? If not, you’re probably dead. Do you have your clothes? Are you wearing them?

    If you don’t see your clothes nearby, you’ll probably never find them, so don’t waste time looking. If you really need clothes for some reason, take what you need from the nearest dead bodies. Are you in a bed? Is there someone with you?

    I’ve learned from past mistakes, waking up with someone usually ends badly. Get your clothes and leave quietly. Is anyone still alive nearby? Don’t be shocked. Sometimes I pass out before I start fighting. Since the people nearby probably won’t be up for a fight for some time, it’s best just to move on and find another place to stay for the day.Sun Kin.


    One Chance – For years you have been enslaved to the power of the Water Dragon, but now a flicker of hope exists to break free of enslavement as Death’s Hand. You may be the youngest brother, but you were always a match for your siblings in battle. Fight for Your Freedom – You have a chance to break free with the help of the last Spirit Monk.

    Contents The Long Drought\'Thirty years ago, the struck the land. For a decade, crops withered and died. Starving people across the Empire demanded that something be done\'.Abbot SongSun Li was born into the royal family of the Jade Empire as the second of three children, thus making him the commander of the.When the Long Drought hit the Empire, it caused widespread famine and thousands were dying. Emperor Sun Hai asked Sun Li to find a way to end it. Sun Li found that the had the power to restore the balance and laid siege to to obtain it. Soon the armies of the Empire marched to, crushing all that opposed them.

    However, Sun Li would not allow his brother to obtain the power of a god unchallenged. He plotted with to kill Sun Hai and take the power for their own.The Siege of DirgeSun Li strikes down the Spirit Monk Guardian\'I killed hundreds of your kind, thousands. Just for the.chance. to become a god\'.Sun LiThe armies of the Empire marched to Dirge and the battle began. Thousands of Imperial Soldiers and died in the siege. Sun Li tempted some Spirit Monks to betray their fellow monks by diluting the Water Dragon\'s fountains with their blood, thus making the Water Dragon weak.

    When they reached the temple, tried to stop them but was no match for Sun Li and Sun Kin. Once inside, the Emperor obtained the power of the Water Dragon by taking her heart. Sun Li and Sun Kin tried to stop the Emperor, but he had become too powerful. Li was able to escape from Sun Hai\'s wrath, but left Sun Kin to die. He followed the Protagonist\'s Guardian and slew him, taking his identity.

    Li left his fearsome armor behind and left to find a quite place to raise the child, seeing in it a way to claim Sun Hai\'s power in the future. The Emperor found Li\'s abandoned armor and bound Kin\'s spirit to it; creating.After the siege, Li was declared dead in the raid and declared a traitor of the Empire, and was blamed for the death of Prince Sun Kin.

    As a result, Sun Hai ordered the execution of Li\'s family. However, saved Li\'s daughter, who later ended up training at the same school as the protagonist.Twenty Years LaterAfter he left with the protagonist, Li found the village of, deciding to live a simple life there until the time came for his revenge. He became the master of a martial arts school and trained the Protagonist. After the final day of the Player\'s training, bandits invaded the village.

    A student, was badly injured, so Li went to help her. After the Player had defeated the bandits and, Li arrived and destroyed the bandits ship with ease, easily dispatching the sorcerer who was commanding the raid.Eventually, Li was prepare to send the Player to the, but he was interrupted by who was tired of not being acknowledge for helping against the bandit raid. He challenged the Player to a duel, eventually losing it. Gao, furious for his defeat, attacked with, but Li blocked it and expelled Gao from the school. Then he reveals to the Player his true identity, which Gao overheard and ran. He sends the Player to the Spirit Cave.

    The Player returns early much to the surprise of Li and arrives and informs Li that Dawn Star had gone missing. Li sends the Player to find her. While the Player searched for Dawn Star, Death\'s Hand and arrive with the Lotus Assassins and takes Li as a prisoner without resistance or a fight, but after he was taken, the Lotus Assassins started murdering the students.

    After the Player defeats Gao\'s men, Jing Woo was the only survivor and reveals the fate of Li to Dawn Star, eventually making the Last Spirit Monk, Dawn Star and Sagacious Zu embark on a quest to save Li.Victory and Betrayal\'You have made me proud\'.' Your abilities have grown immensely. But it also does my heart good to see that you have remembered the basics of what I taught you.

    Even the flaws!\' -Sun Li on the Spirit Monk\'s victoryAfter the Spirit Monk reveals the Emperor\'s approval of the construction of the Golem army via using the souls of slaves, takes them to the. There, they see Li and Sun Hai talking. Eventually, Sun Hai knocks everyone down except for the Spirit Monk. The Spirit Monk proceeded and kills Sun Hai. Sun Li proceeds to the throne where he takes the Water Dragon\'s heart. He congratulates the Spirit Monk, taking advantage, he strikes at the Monk and kills his former student.

    With the Emperor and the Player dead, he picks up the amulet dropped by the Spirit Monk and proceeds to absorb the power to become a god. Sun Li then proclaims himself as the new Emperor of the Jade Empire.Master vs. StudentThe Spirit Monk is able to return from dead via the spirit of the Water Dragon and destroys or taints her body, thus causing Sun Li to no longer draw power from her.

    The Spirit Monk eventually confronts Sun Li. Sun Li agrees to face his former student, unless the Player is made to reason.If the Monk refuses to listen, a final battle with Sun Li is fought. Although skilled, Sun Li is struck down and dies, releasing all the power he absorbed from the Water Dragon.If the Monk agrees to surrender to Sun Li, there is a scene with a golden statue of the Player resembling a Lotus Assassin. A teacher is telling the students of the Monk\'s sacrifice and when one asks about life before, he is told he does not need to know. A beside the statue seems to want to hurt the boy until he desists. The children then chant praises to the Player and Sun Li, and he looks on, maliciously laughing.Trivia.


    ...'>Jade Empire Lion Statue(27.03.2020)