
The definition of a maelstrom is a violent, turbulent situation, or a very powerful whirlpool. Maelstrom is a fictional character that appears in comic books published by Marvel Comics. The character first appears in Marvel Two-in-One #71, and was created by writer Mark Gruenwald.

The whirlpool in Scotland is the third largest whirlpool in the world.A whirlpool is a body of rotating produced by opposing currents or a current running into an obstacle. Small whirlpools form when a bath or a sink is draining. More powerful ones in seas or oceans may be termed maelstroms. Is the proper term for a whirlpool that has a. In narrow ocean straits with fast flowing water, whirlpools are often caused. Many stories tell of ships being sucked into a maelstrom, although only smaller craft are actually in danger. Smaller whirlpools appear at and can be observed downstream of manmade structures such as and dams.

Large, such as, produce strong whirlpools. Main article:The Maelstrom of Saltstraumen is earth's strongest Maelstrom. It is located close to the, 33 km (20 mi) round the bay on Highway 17, south-east of the city of,. The strait at its narrowest is 150 m (490 ft) in width and water 'funnels' through the channel four times a day.

It is estimated that 400 million cubic metres (110 billion US gallons) of water passes the narrow strait during this event. The water is creamy in colour and most turbulent during high tide. It is often witnessed by tourists. It reaches speeds of 40 km/h (25 mph). As navigation is dangerous in this strait only a short segment of time is available for large ships to pass through.

Its impressive strength is caused by the world's strongest tide occurring in the same location during the new and full moon. A narrow channel of 3 km (2 mi) length connects the outer Saltfjord with its extension, the large, causing a colossal tide which produces the Saltstraumen maelstrom. Moskstraumen. Main article:Moskstraumen or Moske-stroom is an unusual system of whirlpools in the open seas in the off the. It is the second strongest whirlpool in the world with flow currents reaching speeds as high as 32 km/h (20 mph). This is supposedly the whirlpool depicted in Olaus Magnus' map, labeled as 'Horrenda Caribdis'.The Moskstraumen is formed by the combination of powerful semi-diurnal tides and the unusual shape of the, with a shallow ridge between the and islands which amplifies and whirls the tidal currents.The fictional depictions of the Maelstrom by, and describe it as a gigantic circular vortex that reaches the bottom of the ocean, when in fact it is a set of currents and crosscurrents with a rate of 18 km/h (11 mph).

Poe described this phenomenon in his short story, which during 1841 was the first to use the word 'maelstrom' in the English language; in this story related to the Lofoten Maelstrom, two fishermen are swallowed by the maelstrom while one survives. Corryvreckan. Corryvreckan whirlpool.The Corryvreckan is a narrow between the islands of and, in, on the northern side of the,.

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It is the third-largest whirlpool in the world. Flood and inflow from the to the west can drive the waters of Corryvreckan to waves of more than 9 metres (30 ft), and the roar of the resulting maelstrom, which reaches speeds of 18 km/h (11 mph), can be heard 16 km (10 mi) away. Though it was classified initially as non-navigable by the it was later categorized as 'extremely dangerous'.A documentary team from Scottish independent producers once threw a into the Corryvreckan ('the Hag') with a and depth gauge. The mannequin was swallowed and spat up far down current with a depth gauge reading of 262 m (860 ft) with evidence of being dragged along the bottom for a great distance. Other notable maelstroms and whirlpools.is located between Deer Island, Canada, and Moose Island, Eastport, USA.

It is given the epithet 'pig-like' as it makes a screeching noise when the vortex is at its full fury and reaches speeds of as much as 27.6 km/h (17.1 mph). The smaller whirlpools around this Old Sow are known as 'Piglets'.The are located in the Naruto Strait near Awaji Island in Japan, which have speeds of 26 km/h (16 mph).is a tidal rapids that develops whirlpools, on the, Canada with current speeds exceeding 30 km/h (19 mph).( Te Aumiti) is a narrow and treacherous stretch of water that separates D'Urville Island from the north end of the South Island of New Zealand. During 2000 a whirlpool there caught student divers, resulting in fatalities.A short-lived whirlpool sucked in a portion of the 1300 acre (530 hectares) in after a drilling mishap on 20 November 1980. This was not a naturally occurring whirlpool, but a man-made disaster caused by underwater drillers breaking through the roof of a salt mine. The lake then drained into the mine until the mine filled and the water levels equalized, but the formerly-ten-foot deep lake was now 1,300 feet deep. This mishap resulted in destruction of five houses, loss of nineteen barges and eight tug boats, oil rigs, a mobile home, trees, acres of land, and most of a botanical garden.


The adjacent settlement of Jefferson Island was reduced in area by 10%. A crater 0.5-mile (1km) across was left behind.

Nine of the barges which had sunk floated back.A more recent example of a man-made whirlpool that received significant media coverage occurred during early June 2015, when an intake vortex formed in, on the Oklahoma–Texas border, near the floodgates of the dam that forms the lake. At the time of the whirlpool's formation, the lake was being drained after reaching its highest level ever. The, which operates the dam and lake, expected that the whirlpool would last until the lake reached normal seasonal levels by late July.

The definition of a maelstrom is a violent, turbulent situation, or a very powerful whirlpool. Maelstrom is a fictional character that appears in comic books published by Marvel Comics. The character first appears in Marvel Two-in-One #71, and was created by writer Mark Gruenwald.

The whirlpool in Scotland is the third largest whirlpool in the world.A whirlpool is a body of rotating produced by opposing currents or a current running into an obstacle. Small whirlpools form when a bath or a sink is draining. More powerful ones in seas or oceans may be termed maelstroms. Is the proper term for a whirlpool that has a. In narrow ocean straits with fast flowing water, whirlpools are often caused. Many stories tell of ships being sucked into a maelstrom, although only smaller craft are actually in danger. Smaller whirlpools appear at and can be observed downstream of manmade structures such as and dams.

Large, such as, produce strong whirlpools. Main article:The Maelstrom of Saltstraumen is earth\'s strongest Maelstrom. It is located close to the, 33 km (20 mi) round the bay on Highway 17, south-east of the city of,. The strait at its narrowest is 150 m (490 ft) in width and water \'funnels\' through the channel four times a day.

It is estimated that 400 million cubic metres (110 billion US gallons) of water passes the narrow strait during this event. The water is creamy in colour and most turbulent during high tide. It is often witnessed by tourists. It reaches speeds of 40 km/h (25 mph). As navigation is dangerous in this strait only a short segment of time is available for large ships to pass through.

Its impressive strength is caused by the world\'s strongest tide occurring in the same location during the new and full moon. A narrow channel of 3 km (2 mi) length connects the outer Saltfjord with its extension, the large, causing a colossal tide which produces the Saltstraumen maelstrom. Moskstraumen. Main article:Moskstraumen or Moske-stroom is an unusual system of whirlpools in the open seas in the off the. It is the second strongest whirlpool in the world with flow currents reaching speeds as high as 32 km/h (20 mph). This is supposedly the whirlpool depicted in Olaus Magnus\' map, labeled as \'Horrenda Caribdis\'.The Moskstraumen is formed by the combination of powerful semi-diurnal tides and the unusual shape of the, with a shallow ridge between the and islands which amplifies and whirls the tidal currents.The fictional depictions of the Maelstrom by, and describe it as a gigantic circular vortex that reaches the bottom of the ocean, when in fact it is a set of currents and crosscurrents with a rate of 18 km/h (11 mph).

Poe described this phenomenon in his short story, which during 1841 was the first to use the word \'maelstrom\' in the English language; in this story related to the Lofoten Maelstrom, two fishermen are swallowed by the maelstrom while one survives. Corryvreckan. Corryvreckan whirlpool.The Corryvreckan is a narrow between the islands of and, in, on the northern side of the,.


It is the third-largest whirlpool in the world. Flood and inflow from the to the west can drive the waters of Corryvreckan to waves of more than 9 metres (30 ft), and the roar of the resulting maelstrom, which reaches speeds of 18 km/h (11 mph), can be heard 16 km (10 mi) away. Though it was classified initially as non-navigable by the it was later categorized as \'extremely dangerous\'.A documentary team from Scottish independent producers once threw a into the Corryvreckan (\'the Hag\') with a and depth gauge. The mannequin was swallowed and spat up far down current with a depth gauge reading of 262 m (860 ft) with evidence of being dragged along the bottom for a great distance. Other notable maelstroms and whirlpools.is located between Deer Island, Canada, and Moose Island, Eastport, USA.

It is given the epithet \'pig-like\' as it makes a screeching noise when the vortex is at its full fury and reaches speeds of as much as 27.6 km/h (17.1 mph). The smaller whirlpools around this Old Sow are known as \'Piglets\'.The are located in the Naruto Strait near Awaji Island in Japan, which have speeds of 26 km/h (16 mph).is a tidal rapids that develops whirlpools, on the, Canada with current speeds exceeding 30 km/h (19 mph).( Te Aumiti) is a narrow and treacherous stretch of water that separates D\'Urville Island from the north end of the South Island of New Zealand. During 2000 a whirlpool there caught student divers, resulting in fatalities.A short-lived whirlpool sucked in a portion of the 1300 acre (530 hectares) in after a drilling mishap on 20 November 1980. This was not a naturally occurring whirlpool, but a man-made disaster caused by underwater drillers breaking through the roof of a salt mine. The lake then drained into the mine until the mine filled and the water levels equalized, but the formerly-ten-foot deep lake was now 1,300 feet deep. This mishap resulted in destruction of five houses, loss of nineteen barges and eight tug boats, oil rigs, a mobile home, trees, acres of land, and most of a botanical garden.


The adjacent settlement of Jefferson Island was reduced in area by 10%. A crater 0.5-mile (1km) across was left behind.

Nine of the barges which had sunk floated back.A more recent example of a man-made whirlpool that received significant media coverage occurred during early June 2015, when an intake vortex formed in, on the Oklahoma–Texas border, near the floodgates of the dam that forms the lake. At the time of the whirlpool\'s formation, the lake was being drained after reaching its highest level ever. The, which operates the dam and lake, expected that the whirlpool would last until the lake reached normal seasonal levels by late July.

...'>Maelstrom Definition(27.03.2020)
  • gridapp.netlify.appMaelstrom Definition ★ ★
  • The definition of a maelstrom is a violent, turbulent situation, or a very powerful whirlpool. Maelstrom is a fictional character that appears in comic books published by Marvel Comics. The character first appears in Marvel Two-in-One #71, and was created by writer Mark Gruenwald.

    The whirlpool in Scotland is the third largest whirlpool in the world.A whirlpool is a body of rotating produced by opposing currents or a current running into an obstacle. Small whirlpools form when a bath or a sink is draining. More powerful ones in seas or oceans may be termed maelstroms. Is the proper term for a whirlpool that has a. In narrow ocean straits with fast flowing water, whirlpools are often caused. Many stories tell of ships being sucked into a maelstrom, although only smaller craft are actually in danger. Smaller whirlpools appear at and can be observed downstream of manmade structures such as and dams.

    Large, such as, produce strong whirlpools. Main article:The Maelstrom of Saltstraumen is earth\'s strongest Maelstrom. It is located close to the, 33 km (20 mi) round the bay on Highway 17, south-east of the city of,. The strait at its narrowest is 150 m (490 ft) in width and water \'funnels\' through the channel four times a day.

    It is estimated that 400 million cubic metres (110 billion US gallons) of water passes the narrow strait during this event. The water is creamy in colour and most turbulent during high tide. It is often witnessed by tourists. It reaches speeds of 40 km/h (25 mph). As navigation is dangerous in this strait only a short segment of time is available for large ships to pass through.

    Its impressive strength is caused by the world\'s strongest tide occurring in the same location during the new and full moon. A narrow channel of 3 km (2 mi) length connects the outer Saltfjord with its extension, the large, causing a colossal tide which produces the Saltstraumen maelstrom. Moskstraumen. Main article:Moskstraumen or Moske-stroom is an unusual system of whirlpools in the open seas in the off the. It is the second strongest whirlpool in the world with flow currents reaching speeds as high as 32 km/h (20 mph). This is supposedly the whirlpool depicted in Olaus Magnus\' map, labeled as \'Horrenda Caribdis\'.The Moskstraumen is formed by the combination of powerful semi-diurnal tides and the unusual shape of the, with a shallow ridge between the and islands which amplifies and whirls the tidal currents.The fictional depictions of the Maelstrom by, and describe it as a gigantic circular vortex that reaches the bottom of the ocean, when in fact it is a set of currents and crosscurrents with a rate of 18 km/h (11 mph).

    Poe described this phenomenon in his short story, which during 1841 was the first to use the word \'maelstrom\' in the English language; in this story related to the Lofoten Maelstrom, two fishermen are swallowed by the maelstrom while one survives. Corryvreckan. Corryvreckan whirlpool.The Corryvreckan is a narrow between the islands of and, in, on the northern side of the,.


    It is the third-largest whirlpool in the world. Flood and inflow from the to the west can drive the waters of Corryvreckan to waves of more than 9 metres (30 ft), and the roar of the resulting maelstrom, which reaches speeds of 18 km/h (11 mph), can be heard 16 km (10 mi) away. Though it was classified initially as non-navigable by the it was later categorized as \'extremely dangerous\'.A documentary team from Scottish independent producers once threw a into the Corryvreckan (\'the Hag\') with a and depth gauge. The mannequin was swallowed and spat up far down current with a depth gauge reading of 262 m (860 ft) with evidence of being dragged along the bottom for a great distance. Other notable maelstroms and whirlpools.is located between Deer Island, Canada, and Moose Island, Eastport, USA.

    It is given the epithet \'pig-like\' as it makes a screeching noise when the vortex is at its full fury and reaches speeds of as much as 27.6 km/h (17.1 mph). The smaller whirlpools around this Old Sow are known as \'Piglets\'.The are located in the Naruto Strait near Awaji Island in Japan, which have speeds of 26 km/h (16 mph).is a tidal rapids that develops whirlpools, on the, Canada with current speeds exceeding 30 km/h (19 mph).( Te Aumiti) is a narrow and treacherous stretch of water that separates D\'Urville Island from the north end of the South Island of New Zealand. During 2000 a whirlpool there caught student divers, resulting in fatalities.A short-lived whirlpool sucked in a portion of the 1300 acre (530 hectares) in after a drilling mishap on 20 November 1980. This was not a naturally occurring whirlpool, but a man-made disaster caused by underwater drillers breaking through the roof of a salt mine. The lake then drained into the mine until the mine filled and the water levels equalized, but the formerly-ten-foot deep lake was now 1,300 feet deep. This mishap resulted in destruction of five houses, loss of nineteen barges and eight tug boats, oil rigs, a mobile home, trees, acres of land, and most of a botanical garden.


    The adjacent settlement of Jefferson Island was reduced in area by 10%. A crater 0.5-mile (1km) across was left behind.

    Nine of the barges which had sunk floated back.A more recent example of a man-made whirlpool that received significant media coverage occurred during early June 2015, when an intake vortex formed in, on the Oklahoma–Texas border, near the floodgates of the dam that forms the lake. At the time of the whirlpool\'s formation, the lake was being drained after reaching its highest level ever. The, which operates the dam and lake, expected that the whirlpool would last until the lake reached normal seasonal levels by late July.

    ...'>Maelstrom Definition(27.03.2020)