
. General. World. emptyspace. XX/GEN.

Offering touchscreen functionality for the first time in the series, Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate allows players to quickly access in-game books, weapons, field maps and mini games.

emptyspace. 4 ULTIMATE. emptyspace. Resources:. finalnodeCommunity Links. ★★★ RULES ★★★.Submissions must be directly relevant to Monster HunterNon-Monster Hunter related material will be removed at moderator discretion.Certain topics belong in specific subredditsMemes and similar posts belong in and will be removed from this sub. Recruitment posts for in game hunting or clans belong in.

Rage/Complaint posts belong in. Additionally, buying and selling of services (merchandise, exclusive quests, etc) is not allowed.Search before postingChances are your question has been asked before. Posts similar to recent threads will be removed.Respect your fellow huntersInsults, inciting arguments, and discrimination will not be tolerated. Uncivil posts will be removed at moderator discretion. That includes witch-hunting.All images are allowed EXCEPT:-Carves & Quest Rewards-Minor Achievements & Crafted Equipment collections Platinum Trophies are okay- Bring back this monster-Investigations-Cell-phone pics of TV screens. So I just picked up a copy of ultimate 3 for the Wii U, which seems to just be an hd version of tri from the Wii, but with some changes here and there.I'm not a very accomplished hunter, and I'm not sure what the optimal weapon strategy is.There are so many upgrade paths for each of the weapons!

Which ones do I choose? Should I only be building/upgrading weapons I like? Are there any general weapon/equipment strategies I should be employing? Is there a Specific element that I should be building?Thanks for the input!. Well which weapon class do you plan to use? I would focus on one weapon class for at least LR, 2 at most if you find variety useful (and it can be with underwater favouring some weapons).At low and high rank, mixing armour is essentially pointless, so that does save you a lot of complexity.


Still, skill/weapon synergy can be somewhat complicated because of how different weapons have different requirements. So yeah, if you kinda elaborate on your weapon choice I can give a decent answer.I still play on Wii U so feel free to PM me if you want to play or something, helping other people in 3U is my main source of fun in the series these days. With weapon paths, you can either play the short game or the long game; that is, upgrade for better immediate stats, or upgrade along the path that gives you the best weapon at the end. IMO, early on it's usually better to play the short game, since you can often craft weapons high up on the upgrade tree later anyway, and you'll probably switch to an entirely different weapon path at some point then too.Blast/slime element is a really good all-around weapon type, which comes mostly from beating Brachydios and crafting his weapon. Other than that, just go for weapons with good stats (sharpness/attack/affinity) and ideally, use an elemental weapon that the monster you're fighting is weak to for optimal results (this requires you to have a suite of different elemental weapons for each monster though, so it's both costly and finicky, while also being more of a lategame strategy).Finally, MH3U isn't just 'with some changes' from Tri, it's basically a whole expansion pack. It has a ton of additional content, though early on it may seem like that since the new stuff only comes at higher ranks.

What weapons do you plan on using? Princess debut ds walkthrough. I'll list most of the weapons that I plan on finalizing on my copy of 3U. In every case, I chose these weapons because they will be fantastic in G rank. If you are not very accomplished hunter you should try all weapons, pick weapon you like, learn all possible combos (all of them so you know which are great or not great), combo transition and cancel-windows (it will save you time).Then learn how damage is calculated and applied to monster (true raw, elements, statuses, sharpness, affinity, motion values, damage zones and weaknesses), because if I say stick to this weapon you can stick to it but you don't know why. Once you know how damage is calculated you will choose yourself what is good or not, what combo is good or what element is good to what monster.e.g.Element/Status on weapons is good, but only if your weapon has fast combos so the element/status can be applied faster. With weapons like SnS (Sword and shield) or DB (dual blades) you can make really good elemental dps while on weapons like Hammer or Greatsword the elemental damage is not that great, the more important part for them is Raw damage.Then you can learn monster movements, their rage modes, areas where they spawn, sleep. Try to make all possible weapon trees/branches, even those that are not very good because the more you farm for parts, the more you learn how to fight and the better you will become (you will level up in real life:) ).

Hollow knight map where to get essence. And don't be greedy, be patient, you cannot be a good hunter in a few hunts, it takes hours and hours of hard training. Weapons in this game are secondary, the primary element is YOU the hunter - that's the beauty of MH games. KNOW LITERALLY EVERYTHINGWhat I wrote that is just basic stuff. Without the basics your effort and time invested in MH would go out of window (that's why I wrote to pick one weapon out of 14).

Trust me, I was also new to MH, I treated it like an hack and slash action game (like Dark Souls). If you are new, you must learn the first lesson: no weapon in MH will save you, not single one. Weapons and Armor will help you but won't make you a better hunter.It can be too much to go through but It will be worth it. There are numerous guides on youtube or web to help you understand the philosophy behind most game mechanics (look for gaijinhunter guides). But if you want to 'just have fun' once you hit the HIGH RANK (solo) you will be toast. I agree with you tbh, which is why I kept my post pretty brief and just asked OP to PM me with specific questions. You have to build knowledge for a game like this imo, I have 1000+ hours and I'm still figuring out new stuff with regards to the minutia of how the game works, so it's definitely important to ease people in.


You can easily get by LR/HR without knowing a lot of the finer details. Hell even G Rank tbh, as long as you have good positioning/evading as well as consistent aggression. Information overload is a real thing and I'd be wary of how you try to help new people. You're just as likely to overwhelm them and turn them away.I don't want to turn them away but save the time they will spend trying to play MH and quiting in Low rank because they cannot beat Peco in 50 minutes. If someone give them advice on e.g. SnS weapon they need to know why is choice A (a bit lower damage but medium green sharpness) is better than choice B (a bit higher damage but only yellow sharpness).

Great MaccaoVelocidromeBulldrome
SeltasSeltas QueenArzuros
Redhelm ArzurosGiadromeGendrome
CephadromeYian Kut-KuIodrome
Kecha WachaLagombiSnowbaron Lagombi
GypcerosTetsucabraDrilltusk Tetsucabra
Daimyo HermitaurStonefist HermitaurVolvidon
CongalalaRoyal LudrothBarroth
BasariosMalfestioNightcloak Malfestio
RathianGold RathianDreadqueen Rathian
RathalosSilver RathalosDreadking Rathalos
LavasiothShogun CeanataurRustrazor Ceanataur
NajaralaNargacugaSilverwind Nargacuga
Yian GarugaDeadeye Yian GarugaUragaan
Crystalbeard UragaanLagiacrusZinogre
Thunderlord ZinogreBariothMizutsune
Soulseer MizutsuneAstalosBoltreaver Astalos
GammothElderfrost GammothGlavenus
Hellblade GlavenusAgnaktorGore Magala
Chaotic Gore MagalaSeregiosDuramboros
TigrexGrimclaw TigrexGravios
DiablosBloodbath DiablosKirin
BrachydiosRaging BrachydiosShagaru Magala
ValstraxRajangFurious Rajang
DeviljhoSavage DeviljhoKushala Daora
ChameleosTeostraLao-Shan Lung
AlatreonFatalisCrimson Fatalis
Old Fatalis
LarinothMoofahGreat ThunderbugConga

. General. World. emptyspace. XX/GEN.

Offering touchscreen functionality for the first time in the series, Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate allows players to quickly access in-game books, weapons, field maps and mini games.

emptyspace. 4 ULTIMATE. emptyspace. Resources:. finalnodeCommunity Links. ★★★ RULES ★★★.Submissions must be directly relevant to Monster HunterNon-Monster Hunter related material will be removed at moderator discretion.Certain topics belong in specific subredditsMemes and similar posts belong in and will be removed from this sub. Recruitment posts for in game hunting or clans belong in.

Rage/Complaint posts belong in. Additionally, buying and selling of services (merchandise, exclusive quests, etc) is not allowed.Search before postingChances are your question has been asked before. Posts similar to recent threads will be removed.Respect your fellow huntersInsults, inciting arguments, and discrimination will not be tolerated. Uncivil posts will be removed at moderator discretion. That includes witch-hunting.All images are allowed EXCEPT:-Carves & Quest Rewards-Minor Achievements & Crafted Equipment collections Platinum Trophies are okay- Bring back this monster-Investigations-Cell-phone pics of TV screens. So I just picked up a copy of ultimate 3 for the Wii U, which seems to just be an hd version of tri from the Wii, but with some changes here and there.I\'m not a very accomplished hunter, and I\'m not sure what the optimal weapon strategy is.There are so many upgrade paths for each of the weapons!

Which ones do I choose? Should I only be building/upgrading weapons I like? Are there any general weapon/equipment strategies I should be employing? Is there a Specific element that I should be building?Thanks for the input!. Well which weapon class do you plan to use? I would focus on one weapon class for at least LR, 2 at most if you find variety useful (and it can be with underwater favouring some weapons).At low and high rank, mixing armour is essentially pointless, so that does save you a lot of complexity.


Still, skill/weapon synergy can be somewhat complicated because of how different weapons have different requirements. So yeah, if you kinda elaborate on your weapon choice I can give a decent answer.I still play on Wii U so feel free to PM me if you want to play or something, helping other people in 3U is my main source of fun in the series these days. With weapon paths, you can either play the short game or the long game; that is, upgrade for better immediate stats, or upgrade along the path that gives you the best weapon at the end. IMO, early on it\'s usually better to play the short game, since you can often craft weapons high up on the upgrade tree later anyway, and you\'ll probably switch to an entirely different weapon path at some point then too.Blast/slime element is a really good all-around weapon type, which comes mostly from beating Brachydios and crafting his weapon. Other than that, just go for weapons with good stats (sharpness/attack/affinity) and ideally, use an elemental weapon that the monster you\'re fighting is weak to for optimal results (this requires you to have a suite of different elemental weapons for each monster though, so it\'s both costly and finicky, while also being more of a lategame strategy).Finally, MH3U isn\'t just \'with some changes\' from Tri, it\'s basically a whole expansion pack. It has a ton of additional content, though early on it may seem like that since the new stuff only comes at higher ranks.

What weapons do you plan on using? Princess debut ds walkthrough. I\'ll list most of the weapons that I plan on finalizing on my copy of 3U. In every case, I chose these weapons because they will be fantastic in G rank. If you are not very accomplished hunter you should try all weapons, pick weapon you like, learn all possible combos (all of them so you know which are great or not great), combo transition and cancel-windows (it will save you time).Then learn how damage is calculated and applied to monster (true raw, elements, statuses, sharpness, affinity, motion values, damage zones and weaknesses), because if I say stick to this weapon you can stick to it but you don\'t know why. Once you know how damage is calculated you will choose yourself what is good or not, what combo is good or what element is good to what monster.e.g.Element/Status on weapons is good, but only if your weapon has fast combos so the element/status can be applied faster. With weapons like SnS (Sword and shield) or DB (dual blades) you can make really good elemental dps while on weapons like Hammer or Greatsword the elemental damage is not that great, the more important part for them is Raw damage.Then you can learn monster movements, their rage modes, areas where they spawn, sleep. Try to make all possible weapon trees/branches, even those that are not very good because the more you farm for parts, the more you learn how to fight and the better you will become (you will level up in real life:) ).

Hollow knight map where to get essence. And don\'t be greedy, be patient, you cannot be a good hunter in a few hunts, it takes hours and hours of hard training. Weapons in this game are secondary, the primary element is YOU the hunter - that\'s the beauty of MH games. KNOW LITERALLY EVERYTHINGWhat I wrote that is just basic stuff. Without the basics your effort and time invested in MH would go out of window (that\'s why I wrote to pick one weapon out of 14).

Trust me, I was also new to MH, I treated it like an hack and slash action game (like Dark Souls). If you are new, you must learn the first lesson: no weapon in MH will save you, not single one. Weapons and Armor will help you but won\'t make you a better hunter.It can be too much to go through but It will be worth it. There are numerous guides on youtube or web to help you understand the philosophy behind most game mechanics (look for gaijinhunter guides). But if you want to \'just have fun\' once you hit the HIGH RANK (solo) you will be toast. I agree with you tbh, which is why I kept my post pretty brief and just asked OP to PM me with specific questions. You have to build knowledge for a game like this imo, I have 1000+ hours and I\'m still figuring out new stuff with regards to the minutia of how the game works, so it\'s definitely important to ease people in.


You can easily get by LR/HR without knowing a lot of the finer details. Hell even G Rank tbh, as long as you have good positioning/evading as well as consistent aggression. Information overload is a real thing and I\'d be wary of how you try to help new people. You\'re just as likely to overwhelm them and turn them away.I don\'t want to turn them away but save the time they will spend trying to play MH and quiting in Low rank because they cannot beat Peco in 50 minutes. If someone give them advice on e.g. SnS weapon they need to know why is choice A (a bit lower damage but medium green sharpness) is better than choice B (a bit higher damage but only yellow sharpness).

Great MaccaoVelocidromeBulldrome
SeltasSeltas QueenArzuros
Redhelm ArzurosGiadromeGendrome
CephadromeYian Kut-KuIodrome
Kecha WachaLagombiSnowbaron Lagombi
GypcerosTetsucabraDrilltusk Tetsucabra
Daimyo HermitaurStonefist HermitaurVolvidon
CongalalaRoyal LudrothBarroth
BasariosMalfestioNightcloak Malfestio
RathianGold RathianDreadqueen Rathian
RathalosSilver RathalosDreadking Rathalos
LavasiothShogun CeanataurRustrazor Ceanataur
NajaralaNargacugaSilverwind Nargacuga
Yian GarugaDeadeye Yian GarugaUragaan
Crystalbeard UragaanLagiacrusZinogre
Thunderlord ZinogreBariothMizutsune
Soulseer MizutsuneAstalosBoltreaver Astalos
GammothElderfrost GammothGlavenus
Hellblade GlavenusAgnaktorGore Magala
Chaotic Gore MagalaSeregiosDuramboros
TigrexGrimclaw TigrexGravios
DiablosBloodbath DiablosKirin
BrachydiosRaging BrachydiosShagaru Magala
ValstraxRajangFurious Rajang
DeviljhoSavage DeviljhoKushala Daora
ChameleosTeostraLao-Shan Lung
AlatreonFatalisCrimson Fatalis
Old Fatalis
LarinothMoofahGreat ThunderbugConga
...'>Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Weapons Tree(14.04.2020)
  • gridapp.netlify.appMonster Hunter 3 Ultimate Weapons Tree ★ ★
  • . General. World. emptyspace. XX/GEN.

    Offering touchscreen functionality for the first time in the series, Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate allows players to quickly access in-game books, weapons, field maps and mini games.

    emptyspace. 4 ULTIMATE. emptyspace. Resources:. finalnodeCommunity Links. ★★★ RULES ★★★.Submissions must be directly relevant to Monster HunterNon-Monster Hunter related material will be removed at moderator discretion.Certain topics belong in specific subredditsMemes and similar posts belong in and will be removed from this sub. Recruitment posts for in game hunting or clans belong in.

    Rage/Complaint posts belong in. Additionally, buying and selling of services (merchandise, exclusive quests, etc) is not allowed.Search before postingChances are your question has been asked before. Posts similar to recent threads will be removed.Respect your fellow huntersInsults, inciting arguments, and discrimination will not be tolerated. Uncivil posts will be removed at moderator discretion. That includes witch-hunting.All images are allowed EXCEPT:-Carves & Quest Rewards-Minor Achievements & Crafted Equipment collections Platinum Trophies are okay- Bring back this monster-Investigations-Cell-phone pics of TV screens. So I just picked up a copy of ultimate 3 for the Wii U, which seems to just be an hd version of tri from the Wii, but with some changes here and there.I\'m not a very accomplished hunter, and I\'m not sure what the optimal weapon strategy is.There are so many upgrade paths for each of the weapons!

    Which ones do I choose? Should I only be building/upgrading weapons I like? Are there any general weapon/equipment strategies I should be employing? Is there a Specific element that I should be building?Thanks for the input!. Well which weapon class do you plan to use? I would focus on one weapon class for at least LR, 2 at most if you find variety useful (and it can be with underwater favouring some weapons).At low and high rank, mixing armour is essentially pointless, so that does save you a lot of complexity.


    Still, skill/weapon synergy can be somewhat complicated because of how different weapons have different requirements. So yeah, if you kinda elaborate on your weapon choice I can give a decent answer.I still play on Wii U so feel free to PM me if you want to play or something, helping other people in 3U is my main source of fun in the series these days. With weapon paths, you can either play the short game or the long game; that is, upgrade for better immediate stats, or upgrade along the path that gives you the best weapon at the end. IMO, early on it\'s usually better to play the short game, since you can often craft weapons high up on the upgrade tree later anyway, and you\'ll probably switch to an entirely different weapon path at some point then too.Blast/slime element is a really good all-around weapon type, which comes mostly from beating Brachydios and crafting his weapon. Other than that, just go for weapons with good stats (sharpness/attack/affinity) and ideally, use an elemental weapon that the monster you\'re fighting is weak to for optimal results (this requires you to have a suite of different elemental weapons for each monster though, so it\'s both costly and finicky, while also being more of a lategame strategy).Finally, MH3U isn\'t just \'with some changes\' from Tri, it\'s basically a whole expansion pack. It has a ton of additional content, though early on it may seem like that since the new stuff only comes at higher ranks.

    What weapons do you plan on using? Princess debut ds walkthrough. I\'ll list most of the weapons that I plan on finalizing on my copy of 3U. In every case, I chose these weapons because they will be fantastic in G rank. If you are not very accomplished hunter you should try all weapons, pick weapon you like, learn all possible combos (all of them so you know which are great or not great), combo transition and cancel-windows (it will save you time).Then learn how damage is calculated and applied to monster (true raw, elements, statuses, sharpness, affinity, motion values, damage zones and weaknesses), because if I say stick to this weapon you can stick to it but you don\'t know why. Once you know how damage is calculated you will choose yourself what is good or not, what combo is good or what element is good to what monster.e.g.Element/Status on weapons is good, but only if your weapon has fast combos so the element/status can be applied faster. With weapons like SnS (Sword and shield) or DB (dual blades) you can make really good elemental dps while on weapons like Hammer or Greatsword the elemental damage is not that great, the more important part for them is Raw damage.Then you can learn monster movements, their rage modes, areas where they spawn, sleep. Try to make all possible weapon trees/branches, even those that are not very good because the more you farm for parts, the more you learn how to fight and the better you will become (you will level up in real life:) ).

    Hollow knight map where to get essence. And don\'t be greedy, be patient, you cannot be a good hunter in a few hunts, it takes hours and hours of hard training. Weapons in this game are secondary, the primary element is YOU the hunter - that\'s the beauty of MH games. KNOW LITERALLY EVERYTHINGWhat I wrote that is just basic stuff. Without the basics your effort and time invested in MH would go out of window (that\'s why I wrote to pick one weapon out of 14).

    Trust me, I was also new to MH, I treated it like an hack and slash action game (like Dark Souls). If you are new, you must learn the first lesson: no weapon in MH will save you, not single one. Weapons and Armor will help you but won\'t make you a better hunter.It can be too much to go through but It will be worth it. There are numerous guides on youtube or web to help you understand the philosophy behind most game mechanics (look for gaijinhunter guides). But if you want to \'just have fun\' once you hit the HIGH RANK (solo) you will be toast. I agree with you tbh, which is why I kept my post pretty brief and just asked OP to PM me with specific questions. You have to build knowledge for a game like this imo, I have 1000+ hours and I\'m still figuring out new stuff with regards to the minutia of how the game works, so it\'s definitely important to ease people in.


    You can easily get by LR/HR without knowing a lot of the finer details. Hell even G Rank tbh, as long as you have good positioning/evading as well as consistent aggression. Information overload is a real thing and I\'d be wary of how you try to help new people. You\'re just as likely to overwhelm them and turn them away.I don\'t want to turn them away but save the time they will spend trying to play MH and quiting in Low rank because they cannot beat Peco in 50 minutes. If someone give them advice on e.g. SnS weapon they need to know why is choice A (a bit lower damage but medium green sharpness) is better than choice B (a bit higher damage but only yellow sharpness).

    Great MaccaoVelocidromeBulldrome
    SeltasSeltas QueenArzuros
    Redhelm ArzurosGiadromeGendrome
    CephadromeYian Kut-KuIodrome
    Kecha WachaLagombiSnowbaron Lagombi
    GypcerosTetsucabraDrilltusk Tetsucabra
    Daimyo HermitaurStonefist HermitaurVolvidon
    CongalalaRoyal LudrothBarroth
    BasariosMalfestioNightcloak Malfestio
    RathianGold RathianDreadqueen Rathian
    RathalosSilver RathalosDreadking Rathalos
    LavasiothShogun CeanataurRustrazor Ceanataur
    NajaralaNargacugaSilverwind Nargacuga
    Yian GarugaDeadeye Yian GarugaUragaan
    Crystalbeard UragaanLagiacrusZinogre
    Thunderlord ZinogreBariothMizutsune
    Soulseer MizutsuneAstalosBoltreaver Astalos
    GammothElderfrost GammothGlavenus
    Hellblade GlavenusAgnaktorGore Magala
    Chaotic Gore MagalaSeregiosDuramboros
    TigrexGrimclaw TigrexGravios
    DiablosBloodbath DiablosKirin
    BrachydiosRaging BrachydiosShagaru Magala
    ValstraxRajangFurious Rajang
    DeviljhoSavage DeviljhoKushala Daora
    ChameleosTeostraLao-Shan Lung
    AlatreonFatalisCrimson Fatalis
    Old Fatalis
    LarinothMoofahGreat ThunderbugConga
    ...'>Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Weapons Tree(14.04.2020)