
Do you want to grow in God today, and every day? If so, I believe you are going to be so blessed by the 10 best prayers for spiritual growth that Holy Spirit has given me–the prayers I pray continually to draw closer to God! Here's why these particular 10 prayers are so important to your spiritual life:Have you ever been alone with the Lord, when all of a sudden you feel a that feels different than ordinary prayer?You know.

It's that feeling you get when you know you're speaking deeply to His heart, and He is listening hard and speaking deeply right back. That feeling of knowing the Holy Spirit is right there with you, and you're in the most intimate communion with the Father. It's when your heart is laid bare before Him, but you're safe there and you know it.Yeah. That feeling.There's really nothing like it. Just being with Him, opening your soul, and knowing that He's receiving it all and that He'll take care of you. How would you like to experience that kind of connection with Him, entering right into deep prayer, every time you pray?You can.How do I know?

Because I love to spend time with the Lord in prayer, but some prayers draw me closer to Him than others. Sometimes I feel His presence and His heart more than I do at other times, and I've noticed a pattern. Certain prayers seem to produce that connection with the Lord where all the deep parts of my heart are laid open, and it's all right.For me anyway, there are 10 prayers that draw me into this level of intimate closeness with the Lord during my quiet time.

Her life lesson was comprised in four words, 'Keep close to Christ! We must stay the mind on Jesus, exercise confidence in Jesus, and look for the incessant. 3 Ways to Stay Close to God (& 10 Faith-Squeezers that Keep him Away) - Kelly Balarie Christian blog and commentary on Crosswalk.com.

Well, actually, 11 prayers, because the first prayer is always asking the Lord to fill me with the Holy Spirit anew and afresh today. That's THE most important prayer of all.But after that, there are 10 specific prayers that draw me closer to God than any other prayers.

I thought I'd share them with you today, in case you'd like to pray them yourself.What makes these the best prayers for spiritual growth?. They are prayers of surrender. They are honest prayers of frailty. They are prayers that admit that I've got nothing in and of myself, and God has everything so please, Papa, help me.But, so He hears these prayers. He honors the broken cry of your deepest need, and He answers. He just loves His babies like that.So are you ready to take your walk with the Lord, and your prayer life, deeper than it's ever been before?

If so, pray these prayers with me. Here are the 10 prayers that draw me closer to God than any other prayers–the 10 best prayers for spiritual growth:(And by the way, if you'd like a bookmark of these prayers, I made you a free, printable PDF! Just click the link to download the PDF!)1. God, be Lord of my life today. Have total and complete control of me and my life. Take my heart for Your own.Even though I'm already saved, I choose to surrender to the Lord again every day every moment, really.

Yesterday's surrender will not get me through today's trials. I need a new surrender to get me through today. I need that fresh surrender to keep my mind and heart set on Jesus today. I bow to You, Lord Jesus. I acknowledge you as my Lord and King.He is the Supreme Governor of Creation.

His throne is the governmental center of the universe.We tend to forget that fact. We tend to think that Jesus' Kingship is a sweet-by-and-by type of thing; that someday we'll see Jesus coming back on a white horse with a crown on His head, and that will be really fun and pretty, like the painting hanging in your church.The problem with that isThis Kingship stuff is not symbolic. It's very literal. We forget that this same Jesus is wearing that crown right now.

He's King of Kings and Lord of Lords, and we should worship Him as such NOW.Related:If you live in a country that is ruled by a king, and you met that king in person, you'd bow to them, right? Well, just the same way, except even more so, you DO live in a country that is ruled by a King. This “country” is called Earth, and it's a tiny little blip in the solar system, but King Jesus Christ rules over this entire world whether we like to admit it or not. So do yourself a favor; go ahead and bow when you pray. Yes, physically bow.You don't have to do it every time you pray; you can pray anywhere, anytime. But at least sometimes, it will really help you draw closer to the Lord just to get on your face and worship Him.I bow to Him often and in that surrender, I sense His presence and feel His heart. He receives my worship, and He receives yours too.Recommended resource: Graham Cooke's book helped me learn how to pray God's Word back to Him in prayers He ALWAYS answers.

🙂 I definitely recommend it! (affiliate link).

Heavenly Father, keep me from sinning against You today.Even Jesus had to pray this prayer. Hebrews 5:7-9 tells us:who, in the days of His flesh, when He had offered up prayers and supplications, with vehement cries and tears to Him who was able to save Him from death, and was heard because of His godly fear, though He was a Son, yet He learned obedience by the things which He suffered. And having been perfected, He became the author of eternal salvation to all who obey Him,”When Jesus prayed to be saved from death, He wasn't praying to be spared from the cross. He was asking the Father to keep Him from sinning.How do we know? Because it says Jesus was heard–He got what He prayed for. Well, He didn't get to escape the cross even though He asked to be spared from it when He prayed in Gethsemane. But He DID get spared from eternal death. Death could not hold Jesus BECAUSE JESUS NEVER SINNED.You see, if Jesus had sinned, He would have been lost forever. Pixelmon game apk. He would have been doomed to eternal death, and all of mankind would have been lost with Him.But JESUS offered up prayers and supplications to the Father, with vehement cries and tears, pleading with God to keep Him from sin.And He was heard.

Did you get that? Jesus had to ask for help to keep from sinning!

(!!!!!) 🙂 JESUS!Therefore I ask God to keep me from sin all the time.I figure that if Jesus needed help with this, I should ask too because I need every bit as much help! And sure enough. Whenever I remember to ask God to keep me from sinning against Him, He helps me.

When I pray this prayer, I can tell a difference:. I'm more focused on Him.

I let things roll off my back easier. Things don't bother me much or at all.

I don't get mad or anxious or fall into doubt and unbelief when I pray this.It's almost like God answers prayer or something. 🙂So go ahead; if you need help to keep from sinning too, pray this today and watch God answer! This blog is made possible by people like you, who give a little bit each month (or as they can) to help me in my work of being a domestic missionary. Is Papa God calling you to partner with me? Jesus, let Your government increase in my life today.This is one of my favorite prayers. Isaiah 9:6-7 tells us this:For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given; and the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.Of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end, upon the throne of David and over His kingdom, to order it and establish it with judgment and justice from that time forward, even forever.

Stay close to god

The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this” (Isaiah 9:6-7, emphasis mine).If God says that Jesus' government will increase forever, I figure He might as well start in my life. So I ask Him to let His government increase in me. What does that mean? Simply put, I'm asking God:. to have His way in me today more than He did yesterday. to help me obey Him more today that I did yesterday. to make me more humble, more moldable, and more pliable in His hands today than I was yesterday.It's really all about surrender. I need His help even to surrender at all, and I want to be more surrendered to Him today than I was yesterday.

So this prayer burns with passion from my heart.God, increase Your government in my life today.Recommended resource: Find out exactly how to see God's Kingdom come in your life, “on earth as it is in Heaven,” in Bill Johnson's foundational book (Amazon affiliate link). Help me to abide in Jesus.Jesus Himself told us in John 15 that we're supposed to “abide” in Him:Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me.I am the vine, you are the branches.

He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.If anyone does not abide in Me, he is cast out as a branch and is withered; and they gather them and throw them into the fire, and they are burned” (John 15:4-6). What does it mean to abide in Jesus? It means:. to walk with an awareness and sensitivity to Him every moment of every day;.

obeying Him in all things;. living your whole life aware of His Presence;.

being plugged into Him and receiving your life from Him every moment of every day.And I need God's help in this.It's not that Jesus isn't beautiful enough to think about all day every day; He is. But without God's help, the rigors of daily life would get in the way. I'd be abiding in thoughts of dishes to wash, errands to run, work to do, and people who need help.

Unless God helps me, those things would crowd out abiding in Jesus. But God does help. He's ready and willing.And whenever I ask Him to help me abide in Jesus, He does. He keeps Jesus at the forefront of my mind and heart. He keeps me in an attitude of prayer all day. He helps me think and pray before I talk or act.

He makes me sensitive to the Holy Spirit, so that I am conscious of the Holy Spirit with me and in me all day, every day.He'll do the same thing for you if you'll ask Him to. Make me a woman/man of Your Word and of prayer.Obviously, as a woman, I pray the woman version; but if you're a man, do what works for you. 😉 Anyhow THIS prayer is something I began praying years ago, after I first got saved. At that time, I really had a hard time praying or reading my Bible. I simply had no capacity for prayer or for God's Word; I had no appetite or tolerance for it.So I got started by just reading a verse or two at a time, and praying very short prayers about my day. Meanwhile, however, I asked God to make me a woman of prayer.I had a mental picture in my mind of the old saints of medieval times, kneeling at their beds at 2:00 AM, praying the night away with a candle flickering nearby.

That's what I wanted my life to look like.So when I asked God to make me a woman of prayer and of His Word, He began to answer. Now, years later, through much practice and time spent with the Lord in study and prayer, I find that being alone with God is my deepest joy. I love to get lost deep in His presence, where there is fullness of joy. I love to spend time with Him more than any other thing. And I am consumed by passion for His Word.Only God could take someone so broken and hurting as I was and give me a heart for His Word. It's truly a miracle.

And if He did it for me when I asked, He can and will do it for you if you ask.Related: Hear stories of prayer and past, present, and future revivals in my (part 3 of the 3-part Ministry of the Intercessor series). You can download it instantly and listen to it today on, IF you want inspiration to let God take you to a whole new level in prayer that is. Set a watch on my mouth. Let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth if I’m even tempted to say anything that’s not from You.In Psalm 141:3, David prayed:Set a guard, O Lord, over my mouth; Keep watch over the door of my lips.”And then Psalm 137:6 lists a similar prayer:If I do not remember you, Let my tongue cling to the roof of my mouth—If I do not exalt Jerusalem Above my chief joy.”If David, the man after God's own heart, asked for help like that with his words, then I sure need to. And if the Israelites could pray that about Jerusalem, I can certainly pray it asking God to keep me from sin.When I pray about this, I actually ask God to send angels to hold my tongue down in front, at the sides, and in the middle.

I ask God not to let my tongue move at all if I'm tempted to say anything that's not from Him.It sounds funny, but the freaky thing is that He answers!Sometimes when I go to say something that He doesn't want me to say, I just can't get it out. My brain might want to say something, but I just can't do it. Or even typing; my flesh might want to send a mean retort if I get a nasty email, but I can't. I think that God really does send angels to hold my hands and tongue still in situations like that.But if I don't remember to pray this uh oh. Watch out, world.Sigh. You can click this image if you'd like to share it on Facebook.Help me, Jesus.

Take this tongue of mine and use it to speak Your Word and may I be silent if I'm tempted to speak any words at all that are not from You. Make me like You. Conform me to the image of Christ. More than anything else, give me godly character.When I say “more than anything else,” I mean it. Godly character is worth more than anything else. That's why Paul wrote:My little children, for whom I labor in birth again until Christ is formed in you” (Galatians 4:19)It's all about Jesus.

Becoming like Christ is our eternal destiny. Would you help me with my work of reaching people for Jesus as a domestic missionary? I need you; we are in this together!This blog, and all of our ministry efforts, are made possible through your partnerships, donations, and product purchases. If you'd like to help, please check out the.

And, thank you in advance! A note about comments:Your feedback means the world to me. Please keep your comments coming. However, because there are so many Presence seekers in this community and only one of me, I am not always able to respond to each one. I do read them all and pray for you, though! So, thank you for participating in this community! Hi Jamie, thanks SO VERY MUCH for this blog and this article.

In my quest to experience more of God, I was led to your blog a few weeks ago. I just started receiving your emails and I couldn’t wait to read this article.

Oh how I want to know Him more. I will be praying all these 11 prayers (some of which I pray now), every day. Thanks again for allowing Holy Spirit to use you. Your blog really ministers to me.I just know that God led me to you in answer to my prayer for more. I am also reading Bill Johnson’s book, “Face to Face with God.” I will not give up until He comes to me.Thanks! I like the idea of praying not to sin. I say things that are often perceived as complaining, even if it’s the truth, and I’m trying to correct something.

Then, I get really irritated, Jesus was the only perfect one. I never considered what He had to deal with both mentally and physically. I was a Christian who thought of Him as a superhero, I had too! But the Holy Spirit wanted me to know different. Now, I know a precious, personal Savior. When I found I was having trouble guarding my own heart, and with the watch on my mouth. I asked Him to, I need Him for that too.

Thank you woman of God, I will read these prayers as I desire to be closer to my creator. I want to seek His Kingdom first and I will pray these prayers with a humble heart. May God continue to bless you and expand your ministry.Jamie please pray for me I have one child his name is Theo is nearly three and he’s been taken away from me three times now. Last time was in August 2015 he had left the flat walked outside and for that I was taken into custody for 24 hours no charges but my son he is not with me the pain I am enduring everyday it’s unbearable.

I pray to God that when he turns 3 in April this year he should be with me. He is the only family I have got left alive my sister. I am also praying for many parents and children that are in foster care without their choice May God strengthen them.

The music and art are beautiful. Not many games attempt to explore the heart wrenching themes the player is presented with. However, at the end of the day bad gameplay ruins an otherwise serene immersive experience. Mind path to thalamus review pdf. Most of the puzzles in the game are simply optical illusions and rely on some super heavy CPU power - in other words, if you don't have the top of the line graphics for this game, look forward to never finding the right shadow or reflection you need in order to proceed further. As a player you frequently have to use these ball type objects to open portals, but they don't behave the way you'd hoped and the player will frequently drop them for no reason.

So very thankful that God led me to your blog. I’ve been looking for something that could help me draw close to God. I’m one of those who gets caught up in my daily life and not spending enough time in reading and praying, praising, him. I love the Lord and know when his holy spirit is speaking to me. I have been asking him to draw me and my family closer to him and his will for our lives. Thankful that he is still working on me.

Please pray that he will show me what his will is and that i can be a help to my loved one that need to draw closer as well. Hi I too really love God,but for about two years now I have not been able to see his care.I know that He cares but its really hard to translate it to my own life,at first I thought that I should pray and ask Him to help me see him as a caring dad to me,but I didn’t go through because I thought He would get angry because He would say I have said just believe,but after reading the prayer I will now ask Him t.o help me see how he cares,and I won’t beat myself for asking for His help in places that are hard for me to see.Maybe faith is also believing that when I ask He will act.Pray for me. Thank you Jamie for the blog. I came across yours when I was browsing for some advice and helpful platforms on how to draw closer to God. I am inspired about your prayers and it feels so right to be in this platform where people are sharing their stories about God.

I myself wishing for the will of God to be done in my life but I feel like am not strong in prayer and in total surrender. Please pray for me to become strong and hungry for the Word at all times. My life been full of disappointments that sometimes I feel like I could quit but I jus keep remembering there is God.

Thank you, may the Lord bless you all my brothers and sisters in this platform.

Do you want to grow in God today, and every day? If so, I believe you are going to be so blessed by the 10 best prayers for spiritual growth that Holy Spirit has given me–the prayers I pray continually to draw closer to God! Here\'s why these particular 10 prayers are so important to your spiritual life:Have you ever been alone with the Lord, when all of a sudden you feel a that feels different than ordinary prayer?You know.

It\'s that feeling you get when you know you\'re speaking deeply to His heart, and He is listening hard and speaking deeply right back. That feeling of knowing the Holy Spirit is right there with you, and you\'re in the most intimate communion with the Father. It\'s when your heart is laid bare before Him, but you\'re safe there and you know it.Yeah. That feeling.There\'s really nothing like it. Just being with Him, opening your soul, and knowing that He\'s receiving it all and that He\'ll take care of you. How would you like to experience that kind of connection with Him, entering right into deep prayer, every time you pray?You can.How do I know?

Because I love to spend time with the Lord in prayer, but some prayers draw me closer to Him than others. Sometimes I feel His presence and His heart more than I do at other times, and I\'ve noticed a pattern. Certain prayers seem to produce that connection with the Lord where all the deep parts of my heart are laid open, and it\'s all right.For me anyway, there are 10 prayers that draw me into this level of intimate closeness with the Lord during my quiet time.

Her life lesson was comprised in four words, \'Keep close to Christ! We must stay the mind on Jesus, exercise confidence in Jesus, and look for the incessant. 3 Ways to Stay Close to God (& 10 Faith-Squeezers that Keep him Away) - Kelly Balarie Christian blog and commentary on Crosswalk.com.

Well, actually, 11 prayers, because the first prayer is always asking the Lord to fill me with the Holy Spirit anew and afresh today. That\'s THE most important prayer of all.But after that, there are 10 specific prayers that draw me closer to God than any other prayers.

I thought I\'d share them with you today, in case you\'d like to pray them yourself.What makes these the best prayers for spiritual growth?. They are prayers of surrender. They are honest prayers of frailty. They are prayers that admit that I\'ve got nothing in and of myself, and God has everything so please, Papa, help me.But, so He hears these prayers. He honors the broken cry of your deepest need, and He answers. He just loves His babies like that.So are you ready to take your walk with the Lord, and your prayer life, deeper than it\'s ever been before?

If so, pray these prayers with me. Here are the 10 prayers that draw me closer to God than any other prayers–the 10 best prayers for spiritual growth:(And by the way, if you\'d like a bookmark of these prayers, I made you a free, printable PDF! Just click the link to download the PDF!)1. God, be Lord of my life today. Have total and complete control of me and my life. Take my heart for Your own.Even though I\'m already saved, I choose to surrender to the Lord again every day every moment, really.

Yesterday\'s surrender will not get me through today\'s trials. I need a new surrender to get me through today. I need that fresh surrender to keep my mind and heart set on Jesus today. I bow to You, Lord Jesus. I acknowledge you as my Lord and King.He is the Supreme Governor of Creation.

His throne is the governmental center of the universe.We tend to forget that fact. We tend to think that Jesus\' Kingship is a sweet-by-and-by type of thing; that someday we\'ll see Jesus coming back on a white horse with a crown on His head, and that will be really fun and pretty, like the painting hanging in your church.The problem with that isThis Kingship stuff is not symbolic. It\'s very literal. We forget that this same Jesus is wearing that crown right now.

He\'s King of Kings and Lord of Lords, and we should worship Him as such NOW.Related:If you live in a country that is ruled by a king, and you met that king in person, you\'d bow to them, right? Well, just the same way, except even more so, you DO live in a country that is ruled by a King. This “country” is called Earth, and it\'s a tiny little blip in the solar system, but King Jesus Christ rules over this entire world whether we like to admit it or not. So do yourself a favor; go ahead and bow when you pray. Yes, physically bow.You don\'t have to do it every time you pray; you can pray anywhere, anytime. But at least sometimes, it will really help you draw closer to the Lord just to get on your face and worship Him.I bow to Him often and in that surrender, I sense His presence and feel His heart. He receives my worship, and He receives yours too.Recommended resource: Graham Cooke\'s book helped me learn how to pray God\'s Word back to Him in prayers He ALWAYS answers.

🙂 I definitely recommend it! (affiliate link).

Heavenly Father, keep me from sinning against You today.Even Jesus had to pray this prayer. Hebrews 5:7-9 tells us:who, in the days of His flesh, when He had offered up prayers and supplications, with vehement cries and tears to Him who was able to save Him from death, and was heard because of His godly fear, though He was a Son, yet He learned obedience by the things which He suffered. And having been perfected, He became the author of eternal salvation to all who obey Him,”When Jesus prayed to be saved from death, He wasn\'t praying to be spared from the cross. He was asking the Father to keep Him from sinning.How do we know? Because it says Jesus was heard–He got what He prayed for. Well, He didn\'t get to escape the cross even though He asked to be spared from it when He prayed in Gethsemane. But He DID get spared from eternal death. Death could not hold Jesus BECAUSE JESUS NEVER SINNED.You see, if Jesus had sinned, He would have been lost forever. Pixelmon game apk. He would have been doomed to eternal death, and all of mankind would have been lost with Him.But JESUS offered up prayers and supplications to the Father, with vehement cries and tears, pleading with God to keep Him from sin.And He was heard.

Did you get that? Jesus had to ask for help to keep from sinning!

(!!!!!) 🙂 JESUS!Therefore I ask God to keep me from sin all the time.I figure that if Jesus needed help with this, I should ask too because I need every bit as much help! And sure enough. Whenever I remember to ask God to keep me from sinning against Him, He helps me.

When I pray this prayer, I can tell a difference:. I\'m more focused on Him.

I let things roll off my back easier. Things don\'t bother me much or at all.

I don\'t get mad or anxious or fall into doubt and unbelief when I pray this.It\'s almost like God answers prayer or something. 🙂So go ahead; if you need help to keep from sinning too, pray this today and watch God answer! This blog is made possible by people like you, who give a little bit each month (or as they can) to help me in my work of being a domestic missionary. Is Papa God calling you to partner with me? Jesus, let Your government increase in my life today.This is one of my favorite prayers. Isaiah 9:6-7 tells us this:For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given; and the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.Of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end, upon the throne of David and over His kingdom, to order it and establish it with judgment and justice from that time forward, even forever.


The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this” (Isaiah 9:6-7, emphasis mine).If God says that Jesus\' government will increase forever, I figure He might as well start in my life. So I ask Him to let His government increase in me. What does that mean? Simply put, I\'m asking God:. to have His way in me today more than He did yesterday. to help me obey Him more today that I did yesterday. to make me more humble, more moldable, and more pliable in His hands today than I was yesterday.It\'s really all about surrender. I need His help even to surrender at all, and I want to be more surrendered to Him today than I was yesterday.

So this prayer burns with passion from my heart.God, increase Your government in my life today.Recommended resource: Find out exactly how to see God\'s Kingdom come in your life, “on earth as it is in Heaven,” in Bill Johnson\'s foundational book (Amazon affiliate link). Help me to abide in Jesus.Jesus Himself told us in John 15 that we\'re supposed to “abide” in Him:Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me.I am the vine, you are the branches.

He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.If anyone does not abide in Me, he is cast out as a branch and is withered; and they gather them and throw them into the fire, and they are burned” (John 15:4-6). What does it mean to abide in Jesus? It means:. to walk with an awareness and sensitivity to Him every moment of every day;.

obeying Him in all things;. living your whole life aware of His Presence;.

being plugged into Him and receiving your life from Him every moment of every day.And I need God\'s help in this.It\'s not that Jesus isn\'t beautiful enough to think about all day every day; He is. But without God\'s help, the rigors of daily life would get in the way. I\'d be abiding in thoughts of dishes to wash, errands to run, work to do, and people who need help.

Unless God helps me, those things would crowd out abiding in Jesus. But God does help. He\'s ready and willing.And whenever I ask Him to help me abide in Jesus, He does. He keeps Jesus at the forefront of my mind and heart. He keeps me in an attitude of prayer all day. He helps me think and pray before I talk or act.

He makes me sensitive to the Holy Spirit, so that I am conscious of the Holy Spirit with me and in me all day, every day.He\'ll do the same thing for you if you\'ll ask Him to. Make me a woman/man of Your Word and of prayer.Obviously, as a woman, I pray the woman version; but if you\'re a man, do what works for you. 😉 Anyhow THIS prayer is something I began praying years ago, after I first got saved. At that time, I really had a hard time praying or reading my Bible. I simply had no capacity for prayer or for God\'s Word; I had no appetite or tolerance for it.So I got started by just reading a verse or two at a time, and praying very short prayers about my day. Meanwhile, however, I asked God to make me a woman of prayer.I had a mental picture in my mind of the old saints of medieval times, kneeling at their beds at 2:00 AM, praying the night away with a candle flickering nearby.

That\'s what I wanted my life to look like.So when I asked God to make me a woman of prayer and of His Word, He began to answer. Now, years later, through much practice and time spent with the Lord in study and prayer, I find that being alone with God is my deepest joy. I love to get lost deep in His presence, where there is fullness of joy. I love to spend time with Him more than any other thing. And I am consumed by passion for His Word.Only God could take someone so broken and hurting as I was and give me a heart for His Word. It\'s truly a miracle.

And if He did it for me when I asked, He can and will do it for you if you ask.Related: Hear stories of prayer and past, present, and future revivals in my (part 3 of the 3-part Ministry of the Intercessor series). You can download it instantly and listen to it today on, IF you want inspiration to let God take you to a whole new level in prayer that is. Set a watch on my mouth. Let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth if I’m even tempted to say anything that’s not from You.In Psalm 141:3, David prayed:Set a guard, O Lord, over my mouth; Keep watch over the door of my lips.”And then Psalm 137:6 lists a similar prayer:If I do not remember you, Let my tongue cling to the roof of my mouth—If I do not exalt Jerusalem Above my chief joy.”If David, the man after God\'s own heart, asked for help like that with his words, then I sure need to. And if the Israelites could pray that about Jerusalem, I can certainly pray it asking God to keep me from sin.When I pray about this, I actually ask God to send angels to hold my tongue down in front, at the sides, and in the middle.

I ask God not to let my tongue move at all if I\'m tempted to say anything that\'s not from Him.It sounds funny, but the freaky thing is that He answers!Sometimes when I go to say something that He doesn\'t want me to say, I just can\'t get it out. My brain might want to say something, but I just can\'t do it. Or even typing; my flesh might want to send a mean retort if I get a nasty email, but I can\'t. I think that God really does send angels to hold my hands and tongue still in situations like that.But if I don\'t remember to pray this uh oh. Watch out, world.Sigh. You can click this image if you\'d like to share it on Facebook.Help me, Jesus.

Take this tongue of mine and use it to speak Your Word and may I be silent if I\'m tempted to speak any words at all that are not from You. Make me like You. Conform me to the image of Christ. More than anything else, give me godly character.When I say “more than anything else,” I mean it. Godly character is worth more than anything else. That\'s why Paul wrote:My little children, for whom I labor in birth again until Christ is formed in you” (Galatians 4:19)It\'s all about Jesus.

Becoming like Christ is our eternal destiny. Would you help me with my work of reaching people for Jesus as a domestic missionary? I need you; we are in this together!This blog, and all of our ministry efforts, are made possible through your partnerships, donations, and product purchases. If you\'d like to help, please check out the.

And, thank you in advance! A note about comments:Your feedback means the world to me. Please keep your comments coming. However, because there are so many Presence seekers in this community and only one of me, I am not always able to respond to each one. I do read them all and pray for you, though! So, thank you for participating in this community! Hi Jamie, thanks SO VERY MUCH for this blog and this article.

In my quest to experience more of God, I was led to your blog a few weeks ago. I just started receiving your emails and I couldn’t wait to read this article.

Oh how I want to know Him more. I will be praying all these 11 prayers (some of which I pray now), every day. Thanks again for allowing Holy Spirit to use you. Your blog really ministers to me.I just know that God led me to you in answer to my prayer for more. I am also reading Bill Johnson’s book, “Face to Face with God.” I will not give up until He comes to me.Thanks! I like the idea of praying not to sin. I say things that are often perceived as complaining, even if it’s the truth, and I’m trying to correct something.

Then, I get really irritated, Jesus was the only perfect one. I never considered what He had to deal with both mentally and physically. I was a Christian who thought of Him as a superhero, I had too! But the Holy Spirit wanted me to know different. Now, I know a precious, personal Savior. When I found I was having trouble guarding my own heart, and with the watch on my mouth. I asked Him to, I need Him for that too.

Thank you woman of God, I will read these prayers as I desire to be closer to my creator. I want to seek His Kingdom first and I will pray these prayers with a humble heart. May God continue to bless you and expand your ministry.Jamie please pray for me I have one child his name is Theo is nearly three and he’s been taken away from me three times now. Last time was in August 2015 he had left the flat walked outside and for that I was taken into custody for 24 hours no charges but my son he is not with me the pain I am enduring everyday it’s unbearable.

I pray to God that when he turns 3 in April this year he should be with me. He is the only family I have got left alive my sister. I am also praying for many parents and children that are in foster care without their choice May God strengthen them.

The music and art are beautiful. Not many games attempt to explore the heart wrenching themes the player is presented with. However, at the end of the day bad gameplay ruins an otherwise serene immersive experience. Mind path to thalamus review pdf. Most of the puzzles in the game are simply optical illusions and rely on some super heavy CPU power - in other words, if you don\'t have the top of the line graphics for this game, look forward to never finding the right shadow or reflection you need in order to proceed further. As a player you frequently have to use these ball type objects to open portals, but they don\'t behave the way you\'d hoped and the player will frequently drop them for no reason.

So very thankful that God led me to your blog. I’ve been looking for something that could help me draw close to God. I’m one of those who gets caught up in my daily life and not spending enough time in reading and praying, praising, him. I love the Lord and know when his holy spirit is speaking to me. I have been asking him to draw me and my family closer to him and his will for our lives. Thankful that he is still working on me.

Please pray that he will show me what his will is and that i can be a help to my loved one that need to draw closer as well. Hi I too really love God,but for about two years now I have not been able to see his care.I know that He cares but its really hard to translate it to my own life,at first I thought that I should pray and ask Him to help me see him as a caring dad to me,but I didn’t go through because I thought He would get angry because He would say I have said just believe,but after reading the prayer I will now ask Him t.o help me see how he cares,and I won’t beat myself for asking for His help in places that are hard for me to see.Maybe faith is also believing that when I ask He will act.Pray for me. Thank you Jamie for the blog. I came across yours when I was browsing for some advice and helpful platforms on how to draw closer to God. I am inspired about your prayers and it feels so right to be in this platform where people are sharing their stories about God.

I myself wishing for the will of God to be done in my life but I feel like am not strong in prayer and in total surrender. Please pray for me to become strong and hungry for the Word at all times. My life been full of disappointments that sometimes I feel like I could quit but I jus keep remembering there is God.

Thank you, may the Lord bless you all my brothers and sisters in this platform.

...'>Stay Close To Christ(20.04.2020)
  • gridapp.netlify.appStay Close To Christ ★ ★
  • Do you want to grow in God today, and every day? If so, I believe you are going to be so blessed by the 10 best prayers for spiritual growth that Holy Spirit has given me–the prayers I pray continually to draw closer to God! Here\'s why these particular 10 prayers are so important to your spiritual life:Have you ever been alone with the Lord, when all of a sudden you feel a that feels different than ordinary prayer?You know.

    It\'s that feeling you get when you know you\'re speaking deeply to His heart, and He is listening hard and speaking deeply right back. That feeling of knowing the Holy Spirit is right there with you, and you\'re in the most intimate communion with the Father. It\'s when your heart is laid bare before Him, but you\'re safe there and you know it.Yeah. That feeling.There\'s really nothing like it. Just being with Him, opening your soul, and knowing that He\'s receiving it all and that He\'ll take care of you. How would you like to experience that kind of connection with Him, entering right into deep prayer, every time you pray?You can.How do I know?

    Because I love to spend time with the Lord in prayer, but some prayers draw me closer to Him than others. Sometimes I feel His presence and His heart more than I do at other times, and I\'ve noticed a pattern. Certain prayers seem to produce that connection with the Lord where all the deep parts of my heart are laid open, and it\'s all right.For me anyway, there are 10 prayers that draw me into this level of intimate closeness with the Lord during my quiet time.

    Her life lesson was comprised in four words, \'Keep close to Christ! We must stay the mind on Jesus, exercise confidence in Jesus, and look for the incessant. 3 Ways to Stay Close to God (& 10 Faith-Squeezers that Keep him Away) - Kelly Balarie Christian blog and commentary on Crosswalk.com.

    Well, actually, 11 prayers, because the first prayer is always asking the Lord to fill me with the Holy Spirit anew and afresh today. That\'s THE most important prayer of all.But after that, there are 10 specific prayers that draw me closer to God than any other prayers.

    I thought I\'d share them with you today, in case you\'d like to pray them yourself.What makes these the best prayers for spiritual growth?. They are prayers of surrender. They are honest prayers of frailty. They are prayers that admit that I\'ve got nothing in and of myself, and God has everything so please, Papa, help me.But, so He hears these prayers. He honors the broken cry of your deepest need, and He answers. He just loves His babies like that.So are you ready to take your walk with the Lord, and your prayer life, deeper than it\'s ever been before?

    If so, pray these prayers with me. Here are the 10 prayers that draw me closer to God than any other prayers–the 10 best prayers for spiritual growth:(And by the way, if you\'d like a bookmark of these prayers, I made you a free, printable PDF! Just click the link to download the PDF!)1. God, be Lord of my life today. Have total and complete control of me and my life. Take my heart for Your own.Even though I\'m already saved, I choose to surrender to the Lord again every day every moment, really.

    Yesterday\'s surrender will not get me through today\'s trials. I need a new surrender to get me through today. I need that fresh surrender to keep my mind and heart set on Jesus today. I bow to You, Lord Jesus. I acknowledge you as my Lord and King.He is the Supreme Governor of Creation.

    His throne is the governmental center of the universe.We tend to forget that fact. We tend to think that Jesus\' Kingship is a sweet-by-and-by type of thing; that someday we\'ll see Jesus coming back on a white horse with a crown on His head, and that will be really fun and pretty, like the painting hanging in your church.The problem with that isThis Kingship stuff is not symbolic. It\'s very literal. We forget that this same Jesus is wearing that crown right now.

    He\'s King of Kings and Lord of Lords, and we should worship Him as such NOW.Related:If you live in a country that is ruled by a king, and you met that king in person, you\'d bow to them, right? Well, just the same way, except even more so, you DO live in a country that is ruled by a King. This “country” is called Earth, and it\'s a tiny little blip in the solar system, but King Jesus Christ rules over this entire world whether we like to admit it or not. So do yourself a favor; go ahead and bow when you pray. Yes, physically bow.You don\'t have to do it every time you pray; you can pray anywhere, anytime. But at least sometimes, it will really help you draw closer to the Lord just to get on your face and worship Him.I bow to Him often and in that surrender, I sense His presence and feel His heart. He receives my worship, and He receives yours too.Recommended resource: Graham Cooke\'s book helped me learn how to pray God\'s Word back to Him in prayers He ALWAYS answers.

    🙂 I definitely recommend it! (affiliate link).

    Heavenly Father, keep me from sinning against You today.Even Jesus had to pray this prayer. Hebrews 5:7-9 tells us:who, in the days of His flesh, when He had offered up prayers and supplications, with vehement cries and tears to Him who was able to save Him from death, and was heard because of His godly fear, though He was a Son, yet He learned obedience by the things which He suffered. And having been perfected, He became the author of eternal salvation to all who obey Him,”When Jesus prayed to be saved from death, He wasn\'t praying to be spared from the cross. He was asking the Father to keep Him from sinning.How do we know? Because it says Jesus was heard–He got what He prayed for. Well, He didn\'t get to escape the cross even though He asked to be spared from it when He prayed in Gethsemane. But He DID get spared from eternal death. Death could not hold Jesus BECAUSE JESUS NEVER SINNED.You see, if Jesus had sinned, He would have been lost forever. Pixelmon game apk. He would have been doomed to eternal death, and all of mankind would have been lost with Him.But JESUS offered up prayers and supplications to the Father, with vehement cries and tears, pleading with God to keep Him from sin.And He was heard.

    Did you get that? Jesus had to ask for help to keep from sinning!

    (!!!!!) 🙂 JESUS!Therefore I ask God to keep me from sin all the time.I figure that if Jesus needed help with this, I should ask too because I need every bit as much help! And sure enough. Whenever I remember to ask God to keep me from sinning against Him, He helps me.

    When I pray this prayer, I can tell a difference:. I\'m more focused on Him.

    I let things roll off my back easier. Things don\'t bother me much or at all.

    I don\'t get mad or anxious or fall into doubt and unbelief when I pray this.It\'s almost like God answers prayer or something. 🙂So go ahead; if you need help to keep from sinning too, pray this today and watch God answer! This blog is made possible by people like you, who give a little bit each month (or as they can) to help me in my work of being a domestic missionary. Is Papa God calling you to partner with me? Jesus, let Your government increase in my life today.This is one of my favorite prayers. Isaiah 9:6-7 tells us this:For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given; and the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.Of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end, upon the throne of David and over His kingdom, to order it and establish it with judgment and justice from that time forward, even forever.


    The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this” (Isaiah 9:6-7, emphasis mine).If God says that Jesus\' government will increase forever, I figure He might as well start in my life. So I ask Him to let His government increase in me. What does that mean? Simply put, I\'m asking God:. to have His way in me today more than He did yesterday. to help me obey Him more today that I did yesterday. to make me more humble, more moldable, and more pliable in His hands today than I was yesterday.It\'s really all about surrender. I need His help even to surrender at all, and I want to be more surrendered to Him today than I was yesterday.

    So this prayer burns with passion from my heart.God, increase Your government in my life today.Recommended resource: Find out exactly how to see God\'s Kingdom come in your life, “on earth as it is in Heaven,” in Bill Johnson\'s foundational book (Amazon affiliate link). Help me to abide in Jesus.Jesus Himself told us in John 15 that we\'re supposed to “abide” in Him:Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me.I am the vine, you are the branches.

    He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.If anyone does not abide in Me, he is cast out as a branch and is withered; and they gather them and throw them into the fire, and they are burned” (John 15:4-6). What does it mean to abide in Jesus? It means:. to walk with an awareness and sensitivity to Him every moment of every day;.

    obeying Him in all things;. living your whole life aware of His Presence;.

    being plugged into Him and receiving your life from Him every moment of every day.And I need God\'s help in this.It\'s not that Jesus isn\'t beautiful enough to think about all day every day; He is. But without God\'s help, the rigors of daily life would get in the way. I\'d be abiding in thoughts of dishes to wash, errands to run, work to do, and people who need help.

    Unless God helps me, those things would crowd out abiding in Jesus. But God does help. He\'s ready and willing.And whenever I ask Him to help me abide in Jesus, He does. He keeps Jesus at the forefront of my mind and heart. He keeps me in an attitude of prayer all day. He helps me think and pray before I talk or act.

    He makes me sensitive to the Holy Spirit, so that I am conscious of the Holy Spirit with me and in me all day, every day.He\'ll do the same thing for you if you\'ll ask Him to. Make me a woman/man of Your Word and of prayer.Obviously, as a woman, I pray the woman version; but if you\'re a man, do what works for you. 😉 Anyhow THIS prayer is something I began praying years ago, after I first got saved. At that time, I really had a hard time praying or reading my Bible. I simply had no capacity for prayer or for God\'s Word; I had no appetite or tolerance for it.So I got started by just reading a verse or two at a time, and praying very short prayers about my day. Meanwhile, however, I asked God to make me a woman of prayer.I had a mental picture in my mind of the old saints of medieval times, kneeling at their beds at 2:00 AM, praying the night away with a candle flickering nearby.

    That\'s what I wanted my life to look like.So when I asked God to make me a woman of prayer and of His Word, He began to answer. Now, years later, through much practice and time spent with the Lord in study and prayer, I find that being alone with God is my deepest joy. I love to get lost deep in His presence, where there is fullness of joy. I love to spend time with Him more than any other thing. And I am consumed by passion for His Word.Only God could take someone so broken and hurting as I was and give me a heart for His Word. It\'s truly a miracle.

    And if He did it for me when I asked, He can and will do it for you if you ask.Related: Hear stories of prayer and past, present, and future revivals in my (part 3 of the 3-part Ministry of the Intercessor series). You can download it instantly and listen to it today on, IF you want inspiration to let God take you to a whole new level in prayer that is. Set a watch on my mouth. Let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth if I’m even tempted to say anything that’s not from You.In Psalm 141:3, David prayed:Set a guard, O Lord, over my mouth; Keep watch over the door of my lips.”And then Psalm 137:6 lists a similar prayer:If I do not remember you, Let my tongue cling to the roof of my mouth—If I do not exalt Jerusalem Above my chief joy.”If David, the man after God\'s own heart, asked for help like that with his words, then I sure need to. And if the Israelites could pray that about Jerusalem, I can certainly pray it asking God to keep me from sin.When I pray about this, I actually ask God to send angels to hold my tongue down in front, at the sides, and in the middle.

    I ask God not to let my tongue move at all if I\'m tempted to say anything that\'s not from Him.It sounds funny, but the freaky thing is that He answers!Sometimes when I go to say something that He doesn\'t want me to say, I just can\'t get it out. My brain might want to say something, but I just can\'t do it. Or even typing; my flesh might want to send a mean retort if I get a nasty email, but I can\'t. I think that God really does send angels to hold my hands and tongue still in situations like that.But if I don\'t remember to pray this uh oh. Watch out, world.Sigh. You can click this image if you\'d like to share it on Facebook.Help me, Jesus.

    Take this tongue of mine and use it to speak Your Word and may I be silent if I\'m tempted to speak any words at all that are not from You. Make me like You. Conform me to the image of Christ. More than anything else, give me godly character.When I say “more than anything else,” I mean it. Godly character is worth more than anything else. That\'s why Paul wrote:My little children, for whom I labor in birth again until Christ is formed in you” (Galatians 4:19)It\'s all about Jesus.

    Becoming like Christ is our eternal destiny. Would you help me with my work of reaching people for Jesus as a domestic missionary? I need you; we are in this together!This blog, and all of our ministry efforts, are made possible through your partnerships, donations, and product purchases. If you\'d like to help, please check out the.

    And, thank you in advance! A note about comments:Your feedback means the world to me. Please keep your comments coming. However, because there are so many Presence seekers in this community and only one of me, I am not always able to respond to each one. I do read them all and pray for you, though! So, thank you for participating in this community! Hi Jamie, thanks SO VERY MUCH for this blog and this article.

    In my quest to experience more of God, I was led to your blog a few weeks ago. I just started receiving your emails and I couldn’t wait to read this article.

    Oh how I want to know Him more. I will be praying all these 11 prayers (some of which I pray now), every day. Thanks again for allowing Holy Spirit to use you. Your blog really ministers to me.I just know that God led me to you in answer to my prayer for more. I am also reading Bill Johnson’s book, “Face to Face with God.” I will not give up until He comes to me.Thanks! I like the idea of praying not to sin. I say things that are often perceived as complaining, even if it’s the truth, and I’m trying to correct something.

    Then, I get really irritated, Jesus was the only perfect one. I never considered what He had to deal with both mentally and physically. I was a Christian who thought of Him as a superhero, I had too! But the Holy Spirit wanted me to know different. Now, I know a precious, personal Savior. When I found I was having trouble guarding my own heart, and with the watch on my mouth. I asked Him to, I need Him for that too.

    Thank you woman of God, I will read these prayers as I desire to be closer to my creator. I want to seek His Kingdom first and I will pray these prayers with a humble heart. May God continue to bless you and expand your ministry.Jamie please pray for me I have one child his name is Theo is nearly three and he’s been taken away from me three times now. Last time was in August 2015 he had left the flat walked outside and for that I was taken into custody for 24 hours no charges but my son he is not with me the pain I am enduring everyday it’s unbearable.

    I pray to God that when he turns 3 in April this year he should be with me. He is the only family I have got left alive my sister. I am also praying for many parents and children that are in foster care without their choice May God strengthen them.

    The music and art are beautiful. Not many games attempt to explore the heart wrenching themes the player is presented with. However, at the end of the day bad gameplay ruins an otherwise serene immersive experience. Mind path to thalamus review pdf. Most of the puzzles in the game are simply optical illusions and rely on some super heavy CPU power - in other words, if you don\'t have the top of the line graphics for this game, look forward to never finding the right shadow or reflection you need in order to proceed further. As a player you frequently have to use these ball type objects to open portals, but they don\'t behave the way you\'d hoped and the player will frequently drop them for no reason.

    So very thankful that God led me to your blog. I’ve been looking for something that could help me draw close to God. I’m one of those who gets caught up in my daily life and not spending enough time in reading and praying, praising, him. I love the Lord and know when his holy spirit is speaking to me. I have been asking him to draw me and my family closer to him and his will for our lives. Thankful that he is still working on me.

    Please pray that he will show me what his will is and that i can be a help to my loved one that need to draw closer as well. Hi I too really love God,but for about two years now I have not been able to see his care.I know that He cares but its really hard to translate it to my own life,at first I thought that I should pray and ask Him to help me see him as a caring dad to me,but I didn’t go through because I thought He would get angry because He would say I have said just believe,but after reading the prayer I will now ask Him t.o help me see how he cares,and I won’t beat myself for asking for His help in places that are hard for me to see.Maybe faith is also believing that when I ask He will act.Pray for me. Thank you Jamie for the blog. I came across yours when I was browsing for some advice and helpful platforms on how to draw closer to God. I am inspired about your prayers and it feels so right to be in this platform where people are sharing their stories about God.

    I myself wishing for the will of God to be done in my life but I feel like am not strong in prayer and in total surrender. Please pray for me to become strong and hungry for the Word at all times. My life been full of disappointments that sometimes I feel like I could quit but I jus keep remembering there is God.

    Thank you, may the Lord bless you all my brothers and sisters in this platform.

    ...'>Stay Close To Christ(20.04.2020)