
President Harold B. Lee, First Counselor in the First Presidency; President Joseph Fielding Smith, President, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints; President N. Eldon Tanner, Second Counselor in the First Presidency. (Photography by Merrett Smith.)Family unity and family commitment to the gospel are so important that the adversary has turned much of his attention to the destruction of families in our society. On every side there is an attack on the basic integrity of the family as the foundation of what is good and noble in life.

The messages are the first written records from Mr. Ensign documenting his efforts to find clients for Mr. Hampton, a top aide and close friend,.

Private and government efforts to limit the size of families, sometimes under the guise of saving the world from overpopulation, are gaining acceptance by some Latter-day Saints. And these efforts now include proposals to place some sort of legal penalties on those who may have more than two children. Liberalization of abortion laws throughout the world suggests the existing disregard for the sacredness of life. Families are torn apart by increasing use of illegal drugs and the abuse of legal drugs. Contempt for authority by more and more young people usually begins with disrespect and disobedience in homes. Respected magazines proclaim “the myth of motherhood” and champion the more radical ideas of women’s liberation.As the forces of evil attack the individual by tearing away at his family roots, it becomes critical for Latter-day Saint parents to maintain and strengthen the family. There may possibly be a few very strong individuals who can survive without the support of a family, but more of us need the love, teaching, and acceptance that come from those who care very deeply.The primary function of a Latter-day Saint home is to insure that every member of the family works to create the climate and conditions in which all can grow toward perfection.

For parents, this requires a dedication of time and energy far beyond the mere providing of their children’s physical needs. For children, this means controlling the natural tendency toward selfishness.Do you spend as much time making your family and home successful as you do in pursuing social and professional success? Are you devoting your best creative energy to the most important unit in society—the family?

Or is your relationship with your family merely a routine, unrewarding part of life? Parent and child must be willing to put family responsibilities first in order to achieve family exaltation.Just a word about several programs of the Church to assist you. Since 1965 the Church has offered the family home evening lessons. Parents who ignore the great help of this program are gambling with the future of their children.The new magazine, the Ensign, which has carried this message to you, is another effort on the part of the Church to help individuals and families stay closer to the Lord.

This magazine can be a great influence for good if you will read it. Over the months it will help build your testimony and offer aid in coping with the problems of the world.

The Ensign Message

In like manner, younger people of the Church will be motivated and strengthened if they have access to the children’s magazine, the Friend, or the magazine for our youth and young adults, the New Era.We live in a marvelous time, my brothers and sisters. There are great blessings attached to being part of this final dispensation.


But there are also great challenges and temptations. I pray that our Heavenly Father will give all of us the strength to reach our true potential.

I invoke his Spirit on the homes of the Church, that there may be love and harmony found there. May our Father preserve and exalt our families, I pray in the name of Jesus Christ. President Harold B. LeeMy brief remarks are to be directed especially to the youth of the Church—you young men of the Aaronic Priesthood, you Beehive, Mia Maid, and Laurel girls, and you young adults of college age.It has become almost trite to say that we are living in a momentous period of the earth’s history, but it is true, and we need to remind ourselves of this as we struggle to overcome the difficulties of life.Because we are privileged to live at this special time, we may be faced with intense challenges to our faith.

Contents.Plot The Ensign takes place on an unnamed planet. The player character is part of an alien species known as 'the Wanderers', so named for their lust to conquer planet by planet.

At the time of the game, the Wanderers are losing a war with humans despite possessing highly advanced technology. As The Ensign starts, the player character's ship has fallen, leaving both him and his admiral heavily injured. The wounded admiral stays behind while the protagonist seeks out the fallen ship.

Eventually discovering and repairing it, the player character takes off in the ship, but it collides with an asteroid and crashes, leading into the events of A Dark Room.Gameplay The Ensign is a text based game with characteristics. Navigating the game world is done in an interface resembling the originalin which all characters, terrain, and objects are represented by letters and symbols, as in the 'Dusty Path' segment from.

Zooming in and out between these two maps with the enter key is possible even when overburdened, giving a handy way to drop some of the excess weight in the wilderness map carried to be picked up at a more convenient time. Unreal world map.

If the character dies, the game displays a 'Time Paradox' message in place of '. The game then restarts from the beginning.Critical reception ReceptionReview scorePublicationScoregave the game a rating of 3 out of 5 stars, writing, 'If you're looking for something that takes the mechanics of the original game and builds on them, this prequel has very little to offer you.

On the other hand, if you're extremely interested in its story and world to the point that you would gladly play it again to get a few more details filled in, or you want some kind of pretense to run through the RPG portion of the game again at a much higher difficulty level, spend your dollar without guilt or worry. It might not be the follow-up to A Dark Room you would like, but it's highly likely nothing could be.' Modojo gave it 4 out of 5, writing, ' The Ensign is a fantastically weird and wonderful RPG that has plenty going for it, but only if you have the time and patience to peel away the several layers. You'll find that it's delightfully bizarre in many ways, especially if you were a previous fan of A Dark Room.'

Said, ' The Ensign is engaging and addictive, as long as you don't get too frustrated by your almost certain early failures.' 148Apps said, ' The Ensign takes most of its cues from A Dark Room to create a wonderfully weird text adventure.' Game Mob gave it 8.5 out of 10, commenting, ' The Ensign is truly a game of its own, carrying much of the same qualities of A Dark Room which allowed this simple text-based game to be enjoyable. Although the story doesn’t feel as complete, the mechanics are there for a very good RPG experience.' References.

President Harold B. Lee, First Counselor in the First Presidency; President Joseph Fielding Smith, President, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints; President N. Eldon Tanner, Second Counselor in the First Presidency. (Photography by Merrett Smith.)Family unity and family commitment to the gospel are so important that the adversary has turned much of his attention to the destruction of families in our society. On every side there is an attack on the basic integrity of the family as the foundation of what is good and noble in life.

The messages are the first written records from Mr. Ensign documenting his efforts to find clients for Mr. Hampton, a top aide and close friend,.

Private and government efforts to limit the size of families, sometimes under the guise of saving the world from overpopulation, are gaining acceptance by some Latter-day Saints. And these efforts now include proposals to place some sort of legal penalties on those who may have more than two children. Liberalization of abortion laws throughout the world suggests the existing disregard for the sacredness of life. Families are torn apart by increasing use of illegal drugs and the abuse of legal drugs. Contempt for authority by more and more young people usually begins with disrespect and disobedience in homes. Respected magazines proclaim “the myth of motherhood” and champion the more radical ideas of women’s liberation.As the forces of evil attack the individual by tearing away at his family roots, it becomes critical for Latter-day Saint parents to maintain and strengthen the family. There may possibly be a few very strong individuals who can survive without the support of a family, but more of us need the love, teaching, and acceptance that come from those who care very deeply.The primary function of a Latter-day Saint home is to insure that every member of the family works to create the climate and conditions in which all can grow toward perfection.

For parents, this requires a dedication of time and energy far beyond the mere providing of their children’s physical needs. For children, this means controlling the natural tendency toward selfishness.Do you spend as much time making your family and home successful as you do in pursuing social and professional success? Are you devoting your best creative energy to the most important unit in society—the family?

Or is your relationship with your family merely a routine, unrewarding part of life? Parent and child must be willing to put family responsibilities first in order to achieve family exaltation.Just a word about several programs of the Church to assist you. Since 1965 the Church has offered the family home evening lessons. Parents who ignore the great help of this program are gambling with the future of their children.The new magazine, the Ensign, which has carried this message to you, is another effort on the part of the Church to help individuals and families stay closer to the Lord.

This magazine can be a great influence for good if you will read it. Over the months it will help build your testimony and offer aid in coping with the problems of the world.


In like manner, younger people of the Church will be motivated and strengthened if they have access to the children’s magazine, the Friend, or the magazine for our youth and young adults, the New Era.We live in a marvelous time, my brothers and sisters. There are great blessings attached to being part of this final dispensation.


But there are also great challenges and temptations. I pray that our Heavenly Father will give all of us the strength to reach our true potential.

I invoke his Spirit on the homes of the Church, that there may be love and harmony found there. May our Father preserve and exalt our families, I pray in the name of Jesus Christ. President Harold B. LeeMy brief remarks are to be directed especially to the youth of the Church—you young men of the Aaronic Priesthood, you Beehive, Mia Maid, and Laurel girls, and you young adults of college age.It has become almost trite to say that we are living in a momentous period of the earth’s history, but it is true, and we need to remind ourselves of this as we struggle to overcome the difficulties of life.Because we are privileged to live at this special time, we may be faced with intense challenges to our faith.

Contents.Plot The Ensign takes place on an unnamed planet. The player character is part of an alien species known as \'the Wanderers\', so named for their lust to conquer planet by planet.

At the time of the game, the Wanderers are losing a war with humans despite possessing highly advanced technology. As The Ensign starts, the player character\'s ship has fallen, leaving both him and his admiral heavily injured. The wounded admiral stays behind while the protagonist seeks out the fallen ship.

Eventually discovering and repairing it, the player character takes off in the ship, but it collides with an asteroid and crashes, leading into the events of A Dark Room.Gameplay The Ensign is a text based game with characteristics. Navigating the game world is done in an interface resembling the originalin which all characters, terrain, and objects are represented by letters and symbols, as in the \'Dusty Path\' segment from.

Zooming in and out between these two maps with the enter key is possible even when overburdened, giving a handy way to drop some of the excess weight in the wilderness map carried to be picked up at a more convenient time. Unreal world map.

If the character dies, the game displays a \'Time Paradox\' message in place of \'. The game then restarts from the beginning.Critical reception ReceptionReview scorePublicationScoregave the game a rating of 3 out of 5 stars, writing, \'If you\'re looking for something that takes the mechanics of the original game and builds on them, this prequel has very little to offer you.

On the other hand, if you\'re extremely interested in its story and world to the point that you would gladly play it again to get a few more details filled in, or you want some kind of pretense to run through the RPG portion of the game again at a much higher difficulty level, spend your dollar without guilt or worry. It might not be the follow-up to A Dark Room you would like, but it\'s highly likely nothing could be.\' Modojo gave it 4 out of 5, writing, \' The Ensign is a fantastically weird and wonderful RPG that has plenty going for it, but only if you have the time and patience to peel away the several layers. You\'ll find that it\'s delightfully bizarre in many ways, especially if you were a previous fan of A Dark Room.\'

Said, \' The Ensign is engaging and addictive, as long as you don\'t get too frustrated by your almost certain early failures.\' 148Apps said, \' The Ensign takes most of its cues from A Dark Room to create a wonderfully weird text adventure.\' Game Mob gave it 8.5 out of 10, commenting, \' The Ensign is truly a game of its own, carrying much of the same qualities of A Dark Room which allowed this simple text-based game to be enjoyable. Although the story doesn’t feel as complete, the mechanics are there for a very good RPG experience.\' References.

...'>The Ensign Message(22.03.2020)
  • gridapp.netlify.appThe Ensign Message ★ ★
  • President Harold B. Lee, First Counselor in the First Presidency; President Joseph Fielding Smith, President, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints; President N. Eldon Tanner, Second Counselor in the First Presidency. (Photography by Merrett Smith.)Family unity and family commitment to the gospel are so important that the adversary has turned much of his attention to the destruction of families in our society. On every side there is an attack on the basic integrity of the family as the foundation of what is good and noble in life.

    The messages are the first written records from Mr. Ensign documenting his efforts to find clients for Mr. Hampton, a top aide and close friend,.

    Private and government efforts to limit the size of families, sometimes under the guise of saving the world from overpopulation, are gaining acceptance by some Latter-day Saints. And these efforts now include proposals to place some sort of legal penalties on those who may have more than two children. Liberalization of abortion laws throughout the world suggests the existing disregard for the sacredness of life. Families are torn apart by increasing use of illegal drugs and the abuse of legal drugs. Contempt for authority by more and more young people usually begins with disrespect and disobedience in homes. Respected magazines proclaim “the myth of motherhood” and champion the more radical ideas of women’s liberation.As the forces of evil attack the individual by tearing away at his family roots, it becomes critical for Latter-day Saint parents to maintain and strengthen the family. There may possibly be a few very strong individuals who can survive without the support of a family, but more of us need the love, teaching, and acceptance that come from those who care very deeply.The primary function of a Latter-day Saint home is to insure that every member of the family works to create the climate and conditions in which all can grow toward perfection.

    For parents, this requires a dedication of time and energy far beyond the mere providing of their children’s physical needs. For children, this means controlling the natural tendency toward selfishness.Do you spend as much time making your family and home successful as you do in pursuing social and professional success? Are you devoting your best creative energy to the most important unit in society—the family?

    Or is your relationship with your family merely a routine, unrewarding part of life? Parent and child must be willing to put family responsibilities first in order to achieve family exaltation.Just a word about several programs of the Church to assist you. Since 1965 the Church has offered the family home evening lessons. Parents who ignore the great help of this program are gambling with the future of their children.The new magazine, the Ensign, which has carried this message to you, is another effort on the part of the Church to help individuals and families stay closer to the Lord.

    This magazine can be a great influence for good if you will read it. Over the months it will help build your testimony and offer aid in coping with the problems of the world.


    In like manner, younger people of the Church will be motivated and strengthened if they have access to the children’s magazine, the Friend, or the magazine for our youth and young adults, the New Era.We live in a marvelous time, my brothers and sisters. There are great blessings attached to being part of this final dispensation.


    But there are also great challenges and temptations. I pray that our Heavenly Father will give all of us the strength to reach our true potential.

    I invoke his Spirit on the homes of the Church, that there may be love and harmony found there. May our Father preserve and exalt our families, I pray in the name of Jesus Christ. President Harold B. LeeMy brief remarks are to be directed especially to the youth of the Church—you young men of the Aaronic Priesthood, you Beehive, Mia Maid, and Laurel girls, and you young adults of college age.It has become almost trite to say that we are living in a momentous period of the earth’s history, but it is true, and we need to remind ourselves of this as we struggle to overcome the difficulties of life.Because we are privileged to live at this special time, we may be faced with intense challenges to our faith.

    Contents.Plot The Ensign takes place on an unnamed planet. The player character is part of an alien species known as \'the Wanderers\', so named for their lust to conquer planet by planet.

    At the time of the game, the Wanderers are losing a war with humans despite possessing highly advanced technology. As The Ensign starts, the player character\'s ship has fallen, leaving both him and his admiral heavily injured. The wounded admiral stays behind while the protagonist seeks out the fallen ship.

    Eventually discovering and repairing it, the player character takes off in the ship, but it collides with an asteroid and crashes, leading into the events of A Dark Room.Gameplay The Ensign is a text based game with characteristics. Navigating the game world is done in an interface resembling the originalin which all characters, terrain, and objects are represented by letters and symbols, as in the \'Dusty Path\' segment from.

    Zooming in and out between these two maps with the enter key is possible even when overburdened, giving a handy way to drop some of the excess weight in the wilderness map carried to be picked up at a more convenient time. Unreal world map.

    If the character dies, the game displays a \'Time Paradox\' message in place of \'. The game then restarts from the beginning.Critical reception ReceptionReview scorePublicationScoregave the game a rating of 3 out of 5 stars, writing, \'If you\'re looking for something that takes the mechanics of the original game and builds on them, this prequel has very little to offer you.

    On the other hand, if you\'re extremely interested in its story and world to the point that you would gladly play it again to get a few more details filled in, or you want some kind of pretense to run through the RPG portion of the game again at a much higher difficulty level, spend your dollar without guilt or worry. It might not be the follow-up to A Dark Room you would like, but it\'s highly likely nothing could be.\' Modojo gave it 4 out of 5, writing, \' The Ensign is a fantastically weird and wonderful RPG that has plenty going for it, but only if you have the time and patience to peel away the several layers. You\'ll find that it\'s delightfully bizarre in many ways, especially if you were a previous fan of A Dark Room.\'

    Said, \' The Ensign is engaging and addictive, as long as you don\'t get too frustrated by your almost certain early failures.\' 148Apps said, \' The Ensign takes most of its cues from A Dark Room to create a wonderfully weird text adventure.\' Game Mob gave it 8.5 out of 10, commenting, \' The Ensign is truly a game of its own, carrying much of the same qualities of A Dark Room which allowed this simple text-based game to be enjoyable. Although the story doesn’t feel as complete, the mechanics are there for a very good RPG experience.\' References.

    ...'>The Ensign Message(22.03.2020)