
The point of a progress reset in an incremental game is to start over in exchange for some bonus. The problem with these progress resets is that they arent giving a bonus.

This page contains Castle Clicker Unlockables for PC called 'Steam Achievements' and has been posted or updated on Oct 2, 2017 by Neelix.

They are giving a replacement. Your stats are being replaced with what the dev thinks you SHOULD have at that poinT. Which means you lose the value of any gem levels or focussing you have done to that point.Why is this a problem?.It makes focussing click levels or worker levels impossible. And if you cant strategize how you level then WHY EVEN HAVE THEM?

If we are going to be forced to keep them all even then just have click strength and worker level. Dont even have sailor vs miner etc. Just one stat.Spending gems on levels. Which remains the only thing of any value to spend them on.

Is now worthless once you progress reset. So gems have almost no real meaning anymore.Since all of the bonuses you bought with your levels are gone but you KEEP YOUR ACTUAL LEVEL it can actually be HARDER to progress after the reset if you over leveled before it.

Level should either go back to 1 so you can regain those levels or it should provide an actual tangible benefit in game. Such as being a multiplier to all clicks or something. So after resetting on ng2 at level 79 i would have 1e6 x 7.9 click strength instead of 1e6 and start leveling from 80. As it is i had 654e6 build and 234e6 mine when i reached ng2. I progress reset and when i got back there i had 200e6 of each. I was worse off for having reset.The cost per reset goes up AND you cant start earning reset stones until you make new forward progress. Which means you have to gain MORE new ng+ levels each time while they become harder with each one.

Which means eventually resetting takes so long to earn that it has no purpose. Either it should always cost 1 stone or even better drop the stone thing altogether and just have an increasing minimum ng+ to reset.It would be far better to have progress reset just dump you 10 levels back with all your stats intact. No bonus and nothing taken away. Cashing in your progress and resources for the chance to rebuild those levels fir the bonuses. Or barring that, make all the bonuses multipliers like ship speed is and reset player level to 1.

The current way is just starting all over with arbitrarily selected stats that have little to nothing to do with how you played the game before. I see what you're saying. Deciding how to do progress resets was really hard to do. There is probably a better way to do them, but I'll try and talk a little bit about why things are the way they are.It's true that workers equalize after a progress reset. The idea behind this is that it kind of rebalances the game. If you have way too many levelups in one area or not enough, you might have a more balanced game after a progress reset. Also, it hopefully makes all of your workers more powerful once you catch up to your previous progress.

You can still specialize in different workers after a progress reset.Spending gems on levels helps you progress, if you can't make progress you won't have the ability to progress reset.All you should have to do is get back to your original progress and you'll start leveling again. Plus you'll have more of a multiplier XP bonus so it'll be easier to level overall. I didn't want players to get dozens of levelups as soon as they reset.

Because going through the levelup process dozens of times in a row isn't that fun.Yeah, the idea is progress gets a bit harder and harder as you go. I figured eventually people might collect a lot of reset stones and do a full reset, since you keep those stones after a full reset and will get more if you keep getting ng+.

I might look into changing this.The idea behind other resets in games like this (Ad Cap, Clicker Heroes, etc) is that you completely reset your game, but can make a little more progress each time. That doesn't really work too much in Castle Clicker, but I tried to make something a little bit like it.I know what your concerns are, I kind of had the same ones when I released it. You're the first person to put it out there so thanks for that.

I don't really want to dump people's strategies after a progress reset, but I thought this did kind of help stuck people that are making no progress, so that they can make the game easy again and hopefully make more progress than when they had before. Specializing workers or clicks takes the entire game to do. If i wanted it balanced i would level it that way in the first place. Specializing after a reset is like decorating a cake after youve eaten half of it.

Fine. But you are actively punishing us for spending them by not factoring our actual stats into post reset values. I gained 80 levels getting to new game plus 2. Losing 80 level bonuses is not leveled out by 2x experience by ANY means. Im nearly to ng4 now and im still 3 dozens level bonuses short.Finally the biggest problem is that i was NOT more powerful when i got back to where i reset from.

As i stated in my original post i was WEAKER after regaining my progress because i was actively punished for being thorough and leveling pre reset. Gaining a whole bunch of levels after a reset is the whole POINT of one. That is what makes you stronger when you get to where you were. As difficult as you have made it to reset already it is worse than worthless to reset if you have leveled any reasonable amount. It already takes 10x as long to do anything now as pre 2.4.

Castle clicker secret

If the idea is that it is supposed to get even slower as it goes then im just going to uninstall now. A week per ng+ is not playable. At all. Dig it a digger simulator free download free.

I have to agree with here.I think you're addressing too many conflicting things, and overthinking it a bit! I love this game and I love how much time you put into it, so I'm just going to say why I play it and why I spend money on it, and hopefully that will provide some insight, and if it doesn't oh well.First, Point 4: Absolutely. I expect further progression to be harder and harder and harder. That's the whole point of an incremental clicker game, and what everything should be based around. No contest.2: I definitely do not spend gems to help progress.

I spend it because I like it when 'Bonus Level Up!' Appears on the update thing and I get to pick things in it. I know that's like, something that goes TOWARD progress, but honestly I like that part.

If you could include it more often I would play even more often. Best part.3: See 2. I like making all those choices. Honestly I think everyone who plays, does, and that's why you get so much push-back when you do things like equalize stats. I made some mistakes, but they're MY mistakes and I really enjoy playing around the fact that I made terrible math mistakes and everything is a disaster.I think ultimately it comes down CHOICES are the most important part, and really ONLY part an incremental clicker. You cited Clicker Heroes and Ad Cap and they both HAVE these choices, permanently.

Clicker Heroes has those spirit-things, I can't remember what they're called but you can make the comparison to worker levels here, where you can VERY BADLY mess your overall game play up by spending them wrong, but you know what, who cares? You got to spend them, and you keep them how you spent them, and that's what the fun of it IS.Like I can't emphasize this enough. An incremental clicker is just a game that mostly plays itself. The only part you get to do is make the math choices. If we aren't even making math choices, why are we playing? It's a fully automated game that plays itself now. Your game on kongregate has some issues i wasted 60 kreds cause after buying items i lost the kreds and the items i bought i tried to buy lvl 2 auto clicker (twice second time i tried thinking i found out what i did wrong but i did not) and 12 gems i sent a message to you on kongregate as well and contacted kongregate your game is great and im a known coiner on games but to break like that costing me my kreds is not oki know this post is 5 months old so i hope your still reading these things please fix this issue and restore my purchases.

The point of a progress reset in an incremental game is to start over in exchange for some bonus. The problem with these progress resets is that they arent giving a bonus.

This page contains Castle Clicker Unlockables for PC called \'Steam Achievements\' and has been posted or updated on Oct 2, 2017 by Neelix.

They are giving a replacement. Your stats are being replaced with what the dev thinks you SHOULD have at that poinT. Which means you lose the value of any gem levels or focussing you have done to that point.Why is this a problem?.It makes focussing click levels or worker levels impossible. And if you cant strategize how you level then WHY EVEN HAVE THEM?

If we are going to be forced to keep them all even then just have click strength and worker level. Dont even have sailor vs miner etc. Just one stat.Spending gems on levels. Which remains the only thing of any value to spend them on.

Is now worthless once you progress reset. So gems have almost no real meaning anymore.Since all of the bonuses you bought with your levels are gone but you KEEP YOUR ACTUAL LEVEL it can actually be HARDER to progress after the reset if you over leveled before it.

Level should either go back to 1 so you can regain those levels or it should provide an actual tangible benefit in game. Such as being a multiplier to all clicks or something. So after resetting on ng2 at level 79 i would have 1e6 x 7.9 click strength instead of 1e6 and start leveling from 80. As it is i had 654e6 build and 234e6 mine when i reached ng2. I progress reset and when i got back there i had 200e6 of each. I was worse off for having reset.The cost per reset goes up AND you cant start earning reset stones until you make new forward progress. Which means you have to gain MORE new ng+ levels each time while they become harder with each one.

Which means eventually resetting takes so long to earn that it has no purpose. Either it should always cost 1 stone or even better drop the stone thing altogether and just have an increasing minimum ng+ to reset.It would be far better to have progress reset just dump you 10 levels back with all your stats intact. No bonus and nothing taken away. Cashing in your progress and resources for the chance to rebuild those levels fir the bonuses. Or barring that, make all the bonuses multipliers like ship speed is and reset player level to 1.

The current way is just starting all over with arbitrarily selected stats that have little to nothing to do with how you played the game before. I see what you\'re saying. Deciding how to do progress resets was really hard to do. There is probably a better way to do them, but I\'ll try and talk a little bit about why things are the way they are.It\'s true that workers equalize after a progress reset. The idea behind this is that it kind of rebalances the game. If you have way too many levelups in one area or not enough, you might have a more balanced game after a progress reset. Also, it hopefully makes all of your workers more powerful once you catch up to your previous progress.

You can still specialize in different workers after a progress reset.Spending gems on levels helps you progress, if you can\'t make progress you won\'t have the ability to progress reset.All you should have to do is get back to your original progress and you\'ll start leveling again. Plus you\'ll have more of a multiplier XP bonus so it\'ll be easier to level overall. I didn\'t want players to get dozens of levelups as soon as they reset.

Because going through the levelup process dozens of times in a row isn\'t that fun.Yeah, the idea is progress gets a bit harder and harder as you go. I figured eventually people might collect a lot of reset stones and do a full reset, since you keep those stones after a full reset and will get more if you keep getting ng+.

I might look into changing this.The idea behind other resets in games like this (Ad Cap, Clicker Heroes, etc) is that you completely reset your game, but can make a little more progress each time. That doesn\'t really work too much in Castle Clicker, but I tried to make something a little bit like it.I know what your concerns are, I kind of had the same ones when I released it. You\'re the first person to put it out there so thanks for that.

I don\'t really want to dump people\'s strategies after a progress reset, but I thought this did kind of help stuck people that are making no progress, so that they can make the game easy again and hopefully make more progress than when they had before. Specializing workers or clicks takes the entire game to do. If i wanted it balanced i would level it that way in the first place. Specializing after a reset is like decorating a cake after youve eaten half of it.

Fine. But you are actively punishing us for spending them by not factoring our actual stats into post reset values. I gained 80 levels getting to new game plus 2. Losing 80 level bonuses is not leveled out by 2x experience by ANY means. Im nearly to ng4 now and im still 3 dozens level bonuses short.Finally the biggest problem is that i was NOT more powerful when i got back to where i reset from.

As i stated in my original post i was WEAKER after regaining my progress because i was actively punished for being thorough and leveling pre reset. Gaining a whole bunch of levels after a reset is the whole POINT of one. That is what makes you stronger when you get to where you were. As difficult as you have made it to reset already it is worse than worthless to reset if you have leveled any reasonable amount. It already takes 10x as long to do anything now as pre 2.4.


If the idea is that it is supposed to get even slower as it goes then im just going to uninstall now. A week per ng+ is not playable. At all. Dig it a digger simulator free download free.

I have to agree with here.I think you\'re addressing too many conflicting things, and overthinking it a bit! I love this game and I love how much time you put into it, so I\'m just going to say why I play it and why I spend money on it, and hopefully that will provide some insight, and if it doesn\'t oh well.First, Point 4: Absolutely. I expect further progression to be harder and harder and harder. That\'s the whole point of an incremental clicker game, and what everything should be based around. No contest.2: I definitely do not spend gems to help progress.

I spend it because I like it when \'Bonus Level Up!\' Appears on the update thing and I get to pick things in it. I know that\'s like, something that goes TOWARD progress, but honestly I like that part.

If you could include it more often I would play even more often. Best part.3: See 2. I like making all those choices. Honestly I think everyone who plays, does, and that\'s why you get so much push-back when you do things like equalize stats. I made some mistakes, but they\'re MY mistakes and I really enjoy playing around the fact that I made terrible math mistakes and everything is a disaster.I think ultimately it comes down CHOICES are the most important part, and really ONLY part an incremental clicker. You cited Clicker Heroes and Ad Cap and they both HAVE these choices, permanently.

Clicker Heroes has those spirit-things, I can\'t remember what they\'re called but you can make the comparison to worker levels here, where you can VERY BADLY mess your overall game play up by spending them wrong, but you know what, who cares? You got to spend them, and you keep them how you spent them, and that\'s what the fun of it IS.Like I can\'t emphasize this enough. An incremental clicker is just a game that mostly plays itself. The only part you get to do is make the math choices. If we aren\'t even making math choices, why are we playing? It\'s a fully automated game that plays itself now. Your game on kongregate has some issues i wasted 60 kreds cause after buying items i lost the kreds and the items i bought i tried to buy lvl 2 auto clicker (twice second time i tried thinking i found out what i did wrong but i did not) and 12 gems i sent a message to you on kongregate as well and contacted kongregate your game is great and im a known coiner on games but to break like that costing me my kreds is not oki know this post is 5 months old so i hope your still reading these things please fix this issue and restore my purchases.

...'>Castle Clicker Reset(24.03.2020)
  • gridapp.netlify.appCastle Clicker Reset ★ ★
  • The point of a progress reset in an incremental game is to start over in exchange for some bonus. The problem with these progress resets is that they arent giving a bonus.

    This page contains Castle Clicker Unlockables for PC called \'Steam Achievements\' and has been posted or updated on Oct 2, 2017 by Neelix.

    They are giving a replacement. Your stats are being replaced with what the dev thinks you SHOULD have at that poinT. Which means you lose the value of any gem levels or focussing you have done to that point.Why is this a problem?.It makes focussing click levels or worker levels impossible. And if you cant strategize how you level then WHY EVEN HAVE THEM?

    If we are going to be forced to keep them all even then just have click strength and worker level. Dont even have sailor vs miner etc. Just one stat.Spending gems on levels. Which remains the only thing of any value to spend them on.

    Is now worthless once you progress reset. So gems have almost no real meaning anymore.Since all of the bonuses you bought with your levels are gone but you KEEP YOUR ACTUAL LEVEL it can actually be HARDER to progress after the reset if you over leveled before it.

    Level should either go back to 1 so you can regain those levels or it should provide an actual tangible benefit in game. Such as being a multiplier to all clicks or something. So after resetting on ng2 at level 79 i would have 1e6 x 7.9 click strength instead of 1e6 and start leveling from 80. As it is i had 654e6 build and 234e6 mine when i reached ng2. I progress reset and when i got back there i had 200e6 of each. I was worse off for having reset.The cost per reset goes up AND you cant start earning reset stones until you make new forward progress. Which means you have to gain MORE new ng+ levels each time while they become harder with each one.

    Which means eventually resetting takes so long to earn that it has no purpose. Either it should always cost 1 stone or even better drop the stone thing altogether and just have an increasing minimum ng+ to reset.It would be far better to have progress reset just dump you 10 levels back with all your stats intact. No bonus and nothing taken away. Cashing in your progress and resources for the chance to rebuild those levels fir the bonuses. Or barring that, make all the bonuses multipliers like ship speed is and reset player level to 1.

    The current way is just starting all over with arbitrarily selected stats that have little to nothing to do with how you played the game before. I see what you\'re saying. Deciding how to do progress resets was really hard to do. There is probably a better way to do them, but I\'ll try and talk a little bit about why things are the way they are.It\'s true that workers equalize after a progress reset. The idea behind this is that it kind of rebalances the game. If you have way too many levelups in one area or not enough, you might have a more balanced game after a progress reset. Also, it hopefully makes all of your workers more powerful once you catch up to your previous progress.

    You can still specialize in different workers after a progress reset.Spending gems on levels helps you progress, if you can\'t make progress you won\'t have the ability to progress reset.All you should have to do is get back to your original progress and you\'ll start leveling again. Plus you\'ll have more of a multiplier XP bonus so it\'ll be easier to level overall. I didn\'t want players to get dozens of levelups as soon as they reset.

    Because going through the levelup process dozens of times in a row isn\'t that fun.Yeah, the idea is progress gets a bit harder and harder as you go. I figured eventually people might collect a lot of reset stones and do a full reset, since you keep those stones after a full reset and will get more if you keep getting ng+.

    I might look into changing this.The idea behind other resets in games like this (Ad Cap, Clicker Heroes, etc) is that you completely reset your game, but can make a little more progress each time. That doesn\'t really work too much in Castle Clicker, but I tried to make something a little bit like it.I know what your concerns are, I kind of had the same ones when I released it. You\'re the first person to put it out there so thanks for that.

    I don\'t really want to dump people\'s strategies after a progress reset, but I thought this did kind of help stuck people that are making no progress, so that they can make the game easy again and hopefully make more progress than when they had before. Specializing workers or clicks takes the entire game to do. If i wanted it balanced i would level it that way in the first place. Specializing after a reset is like decorating a cake after youve eaten half of it.

    Fine. But you are actively punishing us for spending them by not factoring our actual stats into post reset values. I gained 80 levels getting to new game plus 2. Losing 80 level bonuses is not leveled out by 2x experience by ANY means. Im nearly to ng4 now and im still 3 dozens level bonuses short.Finally the biggest problem is that i was NOT more powerful when i got back to where i reset from.

    As i stated in my original post i was WEAKER after regaining my progress because i was actively punished for being thorough and leveling pre reset. Gaining a whole bunch of levels after a reset is the whole POINT of one. That is what makes you stronger when you get to where you were. As difficult as you have made it to reset already it is worse than worthless to reset if you have leveled any reasonable amount. It already takes 10x as long to do anything now as pre 2.4.


    If the idea is that it is supposed to get even slower as it goes then im just going to uninstall now. A week per ng+ is not playable. At all. Dig it a digger simulator free download free.

    I have to agree with here.I think you\'re addressing too many conflicting things, and overthinking it a bit! I love this game and I love how much time you put into it, so I\'m just going to say why I play it and why I spend money on it, and hopefully that will provide some insight, and if it doesn\'t oh well.First, Point 4: Absolutely. I expect further progression to be harder and harder and harder. That\'s the whole point of an incremental clicker game, and what everything should be based around. No contest.2: I definitely do not spend gems to help progress.

    I spend it because I like it when \'Bonus Level Up!\' Appears on the update thing and I get to pick things in it. I know that\'s like, something that goes TOWARD progress, but honestly I like that part.

    If you could include it more often I would play even more often. Best part.3: See 2. I like making all those choices. Honestly I think everyone who plays, does, and that\'s why you get so much push-back when you do things like equalize stats. I made some mistakes, but they\'re MY mistakes and I really enjoy playing around the fact that I made terrible math mistakes and everything is a disaster.I think ultimately it comes down CHOICES are the most important part, and really ONLY part an incremental clicker. You cited Clicker Heroes and Ad Cap and they both HAVE these choices, permanently.

    Clicker Heroes has those spirit-things, I can\'t remember what they\'re called but you can make the comparison to worker levels here, where you can VERY BADLY mess your overall game play up by spending them wrong, but you know what, who cares? You got to spend them, and you keep them how you spent them, and that\'s what the fun of it IS.Like I can\'t emphasize this enough. An incremental clicker is just a game that mostly plays itself. The only part you get to do is make the math choices. If we aren\'t even making math choices, why are we playing? It\'s a fully automated game that plays itself now. Your game on kongregate has some issues i wasted 60 kreds cause after buying items i lost the kreds and the items i bought i tried to buy lvl 2 auto clicker (twice second time i tried thinking i found out what i did wrong but i did not) and 12 gems i sent a message to you on kongregate as well and contacted kongregate your game is great and im a known coiner on games but to break like that costing me my kreds is not oki know this post is 5 months old so i hope your still reading these things please fix this issue and restore my purchases.

    ...'>Castle Clicker Reset(24.03.2020)