
The original work still has closure but, by, the writer has made writing a sequel easier. If the audience demand is there, they'll be ready. In fact, this method is so common the audience will identify any unresolved plot element or any ending short of or as a hook. Sometimes the hook was just that, the writers are not sure which direction they would be going in the later movie.Pretty much every film based on a comic book sets itself up for a sequel, and any movie that goes out of its way to establish a very expansive universe that has room for a sequel. In the case of adaptations their source is usually a medium known for making multiple storylines and, in most cases, have a decades-long to mine for ideas.If the Sequel Hook revolves about a character other than the main character, it may indicate a possibility of. Make note that a Sequel Hook is not a combination of a you noticed and wishful thinking. This is where the movie takes a brief side glance to let you know that more is coming.

In mystery game series that I really loved, like 999/VLR or Danganronpa, the central mystery of the first game is wrapped up neatly, and the sequel deals with a different mystery in the same world. I think I'd rather see (say) some DLC wrapping up the Atlas stuff, and have the sequel deal with something completely different. Contradiction is a unique adventure/murder mystery game that uses live-action video for the entirety of the game play. All you have to do is interview characters, spot their lies and catch them out! Alias: Contradiction - Spot The Liar!

This is recognizable to almost anyone watching/reading, not just the fans that notice a minor gag in an adaptation.If the story is complex enough, there can be a fine line between this and an outright. And the two can overlap if the story concludes, everyone's happy and then a new problem shows up to put everyone in turmoil.If a movie poses a Sequel Hook only for, this can be the source of.Considering that most stories need a conflict because of the, this trope may often result in, or if the sequel is made. The ending of the fanfic ends with a zombie invasion though several characters have escaped the school by helicopter. The city is in chaos and the story leaves them still in the chopper. Not to mention the author announces the sequel imminently afterward 'See you in To-love-Carnage!' .: The conversation between Fluttershy and Fleur de Lis at the end of the story hints that there might be future adventures.

And the very last line is a: 'Fleur returned the smile, and decided not to tell Fluttershy about the other Snakes.' . Most of 's final chapter is a Sequel Hook, with, and fully aware now that is out there and will be returning.

But it's the final scene with Moriarty himself that really clinches it. At the end of, the four (especially Ringo) ask to be given another opportunity to use their magical bodies.: After the showing what's happened to all the characters in the year following defeat, the last scene shows essentially becoming the MLP version of Doctor Doom and swearing revenge on all who have opposed her.

The last chapter of sets the stage for the next novel, The Road to Reichenbach, by showing receiving an offer from the French government (as mentioned in 'The Final Problem'). The epilogue goes on to sum up the characters with the Reichenbach Falls used as a motif. The coda of reveals that as a backup plan. Post Nuptials, the first story of, deals with the emotional fallout of Twilight's friends not believing her in ', and while most of it is dealt with, Spike still feels incredibly guilty and won't speak to Twilight. Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash senses something is wrong with Scootaloo, and Pinkie is dealing with her own family issues.

All of these problems are dealt with in the sequel Families. The side story ends with Chrysalis swearing revenge on Twilight, Shining Armor, and Cadance.

Families ends with contacting Chrysalis in a dream and ordering her to meet with an 'associate' of his in order to plan his release. Meanwhile, relations with the dragons are now tense due to Garble's actions, and on top of that, several canon Season 3 events are alluded to (Trixie plotting her revenge, the reemergence of the Crystal Empire). At the end of, Chrysalis is still on the loose, and has embarked on a scheme to replenish her strength by becoming a beloved foal actress. dangles one of these by way of a. In the story, Courtney acquires the Violin of Doom at the end of the story.

Subverted in that the story's closing note of uncertainty is actually a nod to the sci-fi classics of the 1950s, which tended to despite there being no plans for a sequel. So far as is known, the author has no plans to actually write a sequel (which would obviously be titled Courtney and the Violin of Doom); but that if he ever does, it might be something like The Perils of Pauline and would probably be openly pro-Courtney as opposed to the subversion of the original. ends with the words 'End of Volume 1' and credits. It then cuts to the five remaining elements of harmony discussing their plans to invade Equestria and take over the bodies of the Bearers. The sequel, The Abundance, does it again: Everything is wrapped up and the characters get a happy ending.

Except Princess Celestia and Luna's adopted father, Lord Tydal, escapes from the afterlife to warn them that the precursors to the ponies are coming and will be bringing hellfire with them. The series has a setup of each story having two sequel hooks — one for each individual story's potential sequel, and the other being part of the setup for the eventual main crossover between all the storylines:. Mare of Steel: First, there's the fact that is still free, and has samples of Supermare's DNA to experiment on. Then, the last scene shows opening a boomtube to Equestria. The Princess of Themyscria:, defeated by Diana and now, meets, setting up a future. Tintin: How's your thirst for adventure, Captain?Haddock: Unquenchable, Tintin!. ends with Fievel riding on the back of his pigeon friend Henri.

When he looks to the west, beyond New York City, and asks if he can explore more of America, Henri replies 'Someday, you will!' This scene was replayed at the beginning of the trailer for the sequel, with the voice-over declaring 'That day. for has Shredder escaping the ruins of Ace Chemicals. Dracula: That's what he thinks!Dracula and the Hunch Bunch: We're back!.

Parodied in, where the family is watching the credits at the end. Maggie's first word is 'Sequel.'

. ends with Miles in his dorm listening to music when a portal suddenly opens up above him, with Gwen's voice asking Miles if he's got a minute. Subverted in; after Superman finishes pummeling 's body into scrap, the chip that remains of the original Brainiac is seen ominously blinking amidst the wreckage. Until Superman's fist comes down on it, smashing it to pieces. Played straight in, though: Lex Luthor, having been seemingly killed by the Superman clone earlier in the movie, turns up in a body cast at the end, musing over whether or not Superman is really impossible to destroy. ends with Karai suggesting a familiar face from the past will return, suggesting a sequel to the 2007 film would've featured the return of The Shredder. has 'wow, a puppy!' Actual sunlight.

Has 'worried about Andy?' Even so, there was a. The movie The Secret of the Lost Kingdom ends with that in the process of Bloom destroying Mandragora and the Obsidian Circle, she unknowingly freed the spirits of the Ancestral Witches, who search for new hosts to possess, and turn to their descendants: the Trix. This issue was later solved in the second movie, Magical Adventure. Series:.

Contradiction spot the liar sequel full

tends to combine this with, wherein a secondary plotline is given a major twist at the end of each season, and then becomes the main focus of the next season. Season 1: The Mountain Men, frequently mentioned to be an enemy of the Grounders, capture the remaining delinquents using modern technology after the climactic battle.

Season 2: Murphy and Jaha search for the City of Light, only to find the AI A.L.I.E., responsible for the nuclear devastation a century ago. Season 3: While shutting down A.L.I.E.

For good, Clarke finds out that remaining nuclear reactors are breaking down, and the deadly radiation will cover the entire planet in a matter of months. Season 4: There are several mentions of the Eligus Mining Corporation across the season, which pays off when one of their spaceships shows up in the final scene. Season 5: Everyone enters cryo-sleep to wait for Earth to recover. Clarke and Bellamy are awoken to find that Monty and Harper figured out that Earth wouldn’t recover and died of old age on the ship, leaving behind their son Jordan.

General Infinity Blade II Money Tips - (Good thing you have a bag of holding for all that gold) TOP TIP: Click on obstacles like rocks to pick up gold hidden behind them. Also check shadows. For example, there's always two moneybags under the far end of this bridge, but one (magenta) is invisible. Master the Infinity Blade. (You can use it a bunch during the tutorial to master it or you can buy the mastery in the tutorial or whenever you have the infinity blade in your possession. Infinity blade ii money.


However, they also figured out where to find another habitable planet, and the ship has just arrived there. Season 6: The Anomaly goes crazy after Gabriel finally figures out how to interact with it. Diozya’s now-teenage daughter Hope suddenly appears and tells Octavia that her mother has been captured by “him” and stabs her, resulting in Octavia turning into mist and vanishing. Also, Octavia seems to be unsurprised by any of it despite not recalling any of her previous time in the Anomaly.: Season 1 ends with quite a few dangling threads for Season 2 to pick up on: Coulson is now and tasked with rebuilding the organization after the HYDRA infiltration; meanwhile, he has started to compulsively draw the same alien symbols that did after. Fitz, meanwhile, is left in critical condition after his near-, with his future uncertain. At the same time, both and escape Garrett's downfall, the former still in possession of, and the latter getting in touch with a mysterious figure who is apparently Skye's father.

There's also a nice subversion, where Garret starts to augment himself with cybernetic implants after everyone assumed he was dead. 'It is returning, returning through the dark. Oh, and Doctor. He will knock.' . set up for (though in a sense every regeneration episode except is a de facto Sequel Hook) by having the badly-damaged TARDIS falling towards Earth. said that set up for the entirety of Series 6 through the still-lingering mystery of the Silence.

The finale of series 6, blows them all away with the reveal of the First Question. The Oldest Question in the Universe. The Question That Must Never Be Answered. That question is:.: The AI Gus has gotten away, with his boss unidentified. And they know who and what the Doctor is, and know how the Foretold worked, which is what they wanted.

ends with the alien brain posing as the German doctor escaping into the body of a UNIT soldier. At the end of the first season of, Jane sends Dorothy back to Kansas against her will, but later Lucas comes to take her back to Oz because Jane has been taken prisoner by the Beast Forever. Season 1 of ends with a wherein Zombie!Mikey visits in prison and finally delivers to him. This results in him becoming.

After Hiro Nakamura defeats Adam Monroe, he's shown trapped in a coffin, still alive; a clear indication that the character would return to menace the at some point later. Also, Sylar's body disappearing at the end of Season 1. Heroes loved this trope. The first season of ends with the heroes slaying the Gigashadow and escaping into the Dark Zone ready to find a new home. As Xev embraces Kai, the camera zooms in on his face and a shadow flickers across his eyes.: Arthur's gone, but there is that legend of how he'll return when Britain needs him most.

Plus, Merlin's still alive in the present day. The eleventh episode of season 3 seems like — until a is brought by - who else - Captain Hook. The second season finale of ends with Mona being revealed as A. The scene ends with her sitting alone in a room in The Radley before telling someone in a red coat 'I did everything you asked me to.' . At the end of the episode ', after the crew defeats the eponymous creature, it is revealed that a second one has made it on board. Subverted in the remastered version, in which on-screen text reveals that this one, much less intelligent than the first, took up residence harmlessly in Lister's underwear drawer and eventually died of old age.

Doubly subverted by the episode Emohawk: Polymorph II three series later in which they meet another one.: The final episode has Mr. Root consider going on vacation to the United States next, but this hint to a sequel never came about.: Season 1 ends with the reveal that Audrey was working with and/or for the defeated and killed Ghostface killer all along. At the end of season one, the mystery of the Executioner's identity has been solved and Sarah's house is being shown to its new tenants, a couple and their young daughter. In the last scene, the little girl. specifically left the door open on the Ori threat in its final episode, for the express purpose of setting up the follow up movie. is that they were, for the first time ever, not expecting to be cancelled, so they didn't wrap up the current plotlines. Oops.

A television show can do this with its story arcs; alerting you that just because the episode ends, the plotline will continue. Take the episode '. The Enterprise has narrowly escaped by the skin of their teeth.

As Captain Picard and Guinan discuss their near-defeat, Guinan points out that humanity was never supposed to encounter them (the Borg) that early. But since they have. Guinan: Of course, now.they know of your existence.Picard (with understanding dawning): They're. Coming. The first season's ', one of the darkest episodes of the series, ends with the alien infiltrators defeated, but not without evidence that they sent some of distress call. The intent was to have a sequel; however, aspects of it were instead incorporated into the Borg stories.

The sixth season's ' also ends with a similar possibility of a sequel, but due to no one being satisfied with how that episode turned out after it took a budget cut, that was dropped. The end of the episode 'Space Seed' became quite literally a Sequel Hook nearly 20 years later for. The ending of the first season of was originally supposed to make it clear that Eleven made a, killing the monster at the cost of her own life. However, when the show was renewed for a second season, the creators decided to make her death, it being a case of. Hopper is later seen placing Eggos, Eleven's, in a box in the woods, hinting that she is alive. Also, Will is seen coughing up a slug from the Upside-Down and his surroundings briefly flash into a resemblance of their Upside-Down counterparts, but it's left ambiguous whether or not he just imagined it.

Both storylines are addressed in the next season. The second season ends with the child characters dancing at the Snow Ball, but the camera then pans to the Upside-Down where a new monster is seen watching over the school, very much alive.: The car bomb at the end of series 1.TV Movies:. The obscure UPN TV special Monster Trux 2000 - The New Thrillenium ends with the antagonist, 'Big Daddy', in the Bigfoot monster truck saying 'We'll be back!' And then letting out a - possibly meant as a setup for a second event. The event was panned by the monster truck fandom., Part 1 ends with news that Northumberland and Archbishop Scroop are arming for war. You'd think the 'Part 1' in the title would kind of give away that a sequel was intended as well.

Henry VI Part 3 ends with Richard of Gloucester's (the future King Richard III) monologue where he talks about how he'll do anything to gain control of the crown- setting up for 'Richard III'. end with Malvolio pledging 'I’ll be reveng’d on the whole pack of you!' Which looks like a good setup for a tragedy to follow this comedy. Sadly, Shakespeare. It has been argued that the sequel this set up was the real-life closing of the English theaters by the Malvolio-like Puritans. The first season of ends with Nightwing's murder, which definitely counts.

The special 'Precious Blood' ends with 'Precious Blood: 10:30PM', which shows that Terrence is still alive and has killed the Watcher. At the end of 'The Last Work', Julia swears revenge on the K-Team, and some of them say they still want to fight. The 'The Ascension' is followed by a short surprise video revealing that Lucy is still at large. Subverted in the cartoon,. In the end, it turns out that Strong Sad had the DNA Evidence all along, and then laughs maniacally. And then it turns out that Homsar was there, watching him.

Somebody unfamiliar with would guess he'd tell everybody the news, right? Strong Sad: Oh, hi.Homsar:. At the end of, both Roy and Karen are cartoonified, while Simon and Valerie get sucked into the Second Dimension. Both plot points play a major role in the follow-up, which itself ends on a major.: We never see what happened to the antagonist, or when the protagonists went to Celestia. However, a new production hasn't been made in years, so it's either been abandoned or stuck in. At the end of, minor character Daisy (who was killed pretty early on) wakes up in the same situation as Ruby did in the beginning of the quest, opening up the possiblity that she'll be the protagonist of the next attempt to escape the Metal Glen.: At the end of the Sleepwalker storyline, a page appears on Linkara's chair saying that he's invited to 'A Contest of Champions'.

ends with Vivian bursting into Fig and Ford's office, saying that terrible something has happened.: 'Attack of the Twonkies' ends with Jimmy realizing (which never mutated due to Sheen's ), which reproduces and its offspring hop into Retroville. Zuko's question to Ozai at the end of the: 'Where is my mother?' . It did technically lead to. But it takes place over 70 years in the future and most of the former cast is dead.

The first episode even about the hook, with a character asking about it and the explanation being cut off. There's also, a graphic novel trilogy set one year after the end of the War; in first installment, we discover the end of the conversation started by the above hook - which answers absolutely nothing.

It even ends with the exact same sequel hook, only Zuko is now asking Azula about Mom instead of Ozai. Thankfully, the next comic interquel, has this plot hook as its central premise, so we'll finally get some closure. And then The Search saddles us with some more: Azula has escaped, and it's unclear whether she'll be redeemed. Also, Zuko and Mai are still broken up, despite Korra showing us that he had kids.

did this all the time, particularly in any episode introducing a new villain. There would always be a line at the end in which Batman suspects he hasn't seen the last of the new foe. Perhaps most blatant is the ending to the Ra's Al Ghul two-parter, in which Ra's falls into the Lazarus Pit and is presumed dead, but the final shot shows a hand rising up out of the pit while maniacal laughter is heard.: The Legend Reborn ends with Mata Nui and the other heroes discovering that uniting the settlements of Bara Magna (literally, by pulling them together) creates a and that the patterns on a stray coin and on the shield of a defeated Skrall soldier depict a map., with Mata Nui's friends determined to accompany him. And the toy-line got canceled, the sequel scrapped, so the story had to be wrapped up in a comic in which Mata Nui left his friends behind due to the page-limit. Subverted in with the episode 'The Ultimate Enemy', where the is shown to be contained, but not entirely defeated, as he was trying to bust out. But he never showed up again.

(This was the result of, canceling the show before they could go through with their plans to bring him back.). The Chicken Fights all. Even after it's been sucked through a jet engine, or pounded into submission with a saucepan, or. had a huge one at the end with Freddie's evil aunt escaping and him getting called over to Washington D.C. There was in fact, already a sequel in the works, but it got shelved when the movie didn't do well and the American release cut half the hook out. 'Gideon Rises': The has Grunkle Stan revealed to be the owner of Journal 1, and he uses all three journals to activate a mysterious portal in the hidden basement of the Mystery Shack.

The original airing punctuates this by having the character say that 'Gravity Falls will return' over the end credits, though we don't discover the portal's purpose until 'Not What He Seems.' . 'Scaryoke': The government agents Dipper called are revealed to have survived the zombie attack, which is enough confirmation for them to investigate Gravity Falls. The next several episodes have them in the background before they make their formal return in 'Not What He Seems.' .

'Weirdmageddon': The has Dipper opening the note he got from Wendy, which has the entire town thanking the twins and hoping they'll return next summer. Shows Bill Cipher as a live-action statue in the middle of the woods, implying that he would someday return too. Also from the finale, as Bill is dying, he shouts out a phrase in backwards speech:, MY TIME HAS COME TO BURN, I INVOKE THE ANCIENT POWER THAT I MAY RETURN. Interestingly enough, while this is a clear reference to frequently responding with a picture of an Axolotl when asked spoilery questions, Xolotl is the name of the.

In, after Jade destroys Shendu with one of his own Talismans, Uncle reveals that when an evil is destroyed, a new evil can fill the void, possibly being even more dangerous. The next season deals with Shendu's siblings forcing his spirit (which survived his body's destruction, likely due to the Sheep Talisman or demons naturally become spirits once they die), to take advantage of this void (via an ancient artifact), by using it to release them from their otherworldy prison so they can reconquer the world. set up its second season as possibly the last, so they ended it in a truly epic finale with the watchtower base being destroyed. At the end and after Hawkgirl resigns from the League, Superman asks what they are going to do now, which Batman replies with 'We rebuild.' This leads into Justice League Unlimited, but was enough to be considered.:. The story normally takes place in such a way that any episode can happen any day, but Season 3's premiere ended like this, with Princess Celestia nodding at Princess Luna, who magically summons a book with on the cover. The season 3 finale (which incidentally pays off said Star Swirl sequel hook) definitely is trying to draw you in for season 4.

Twilight turns into an alicorn and is now a princess of Equestria., she considers this episode the first in a 3-parter. The 2-part season 4 premiere serves as the final two parts. Considering season 5 was announced, plenty in. Orson Pig (singing): We'll bring to you, when we're back next time.Aloysius Pig (spoken, as he's being hit with pies): HELP! HEEELP!Orson Pig (singing): Something more wholesome than a nursery rhyme!

Is for informative and interesting gaming content and discussions. Please look over our and before posting. If you're looking for 'lighter' gaming-related entertainment, try!The goal of is to provide a place for informative and interesting gaming content and discussions. Submissions should be for the purpose of informing or initiating a discussion, not just with the goal of entertaining viewers.For an in-depth explanation of our rules don't forget to check our andSubreddit CalendarWant to schedule an AMA with us? Read our for more information! To see previous AMAs,.

Great game, if just a tiny bit short, it was clear they ran out of either time or money. Still well worth it.The story was solid. Again, there were some leftover story threads that I think could have been wrapped up, but (positive thinking) maybe that means there's a potential sequel some day.The acting was. Well, entertaining is definitely the right word. It varied a bit in quality, but none of it was ever so cringe-worthy to break me out of the game.Overall, a definite recommend for a good evening-or-two filler. I played through the thing and the game for the most part was quite fun, the puzzles well thought out and the story (mostly) was full of enough twists and turns to keep me interested. The varying levels of over-acting didn't hurt it for me but this is a more person-by-person thing.What damaged the game horribly though was one little clue right at the start that basically spelled out 'whodunnit' yet you were never allowed to mention it once until right at the end, at which point said suspect folded at lightning speed, leaving a load of plot still unanswered.

The original work still has closure but, by, the writer has made writing a sequel easier. If the audience demand is there, they\'ll be ready. In fact, this method is so common the audience will identify any unresolved plot element or any ending short of or as a hook. Sometimes the hook was just that, the writers are not sure which direction they would be going in the later movie.Pretty much every film based on a comic book sets itself up for a sequel, and any movie that goes out of its way to establish a very expansive universe that has room for a sequel. In the case of adaptations their source is usually a medium known for making multiple storylines and, in most cases, have a decades-long to mine for ideas.If the Sequel Hook revolves about a character other than the main character, it may indicate a possibility of. Make note that a Sequel Hook is not a combination of a you noticed and wishful thinking. This is where the movie takes a brief side glance to let you know that more is coming.

In mystery game series that I really loved, like 999/VLR or Danganronpa, the central mystery of the first game is wrapped up neatly, and the sequel deals with a different mystery in the same world. I think I\'d rather see (say) some DLC wrapping up the Atlas stuff, and have the sequel deal with something completely different. Contradiction is a unique adventure/murder mystery game that uses live-action video for the entirety of the game play. All you have to do is interview characters, spot their lies and catch them out! Alias: Contradiction - Spot The Liar!

This is recognizable to almost anyone watching/reading, not just the fans that notice a minor gag in an adaptation.If the story is complex enough, there can be a fine line between this and an outright. And the two can overlap if the story concludes, everyone\'s happy and then a new problem shows up to put everyone in turmoil.If a movie poses a Sequel Hook only for, this can be the source of.Considering that most stories need a conflict because of the, this trope may often result in, or if the sequel is made. The ending of the fanfic ends with a zombie invasion though several characters have escaped the school by helicopter. The city is in chaos and the story leaves them still in the chopper. Not to mention the author announces the sequel imminently afterward \'See you in To-love-Carnage!\' .: The conversation between Fluttershy and Fleur de Lis at the end of the story hints that there might be future adventures.

And the very last line is a: \'Fleur returned the smile, and decided not to tell Fluttershy about the other Snakes.\' . Most of \'s final chapter is a Sequel Hook, with, and fully aware now that is out there and will be returning.

But it\'s the final scene with Moriarty himself that really clinches it. At the end of, the four (especially Ringo) ask to be given another opportunity to use their magical bodies.: After the showing what\'s happened to all the characters in the year following defeat, the last scene shows essentially becoming the MLP version of Doctor Doom and swearing revenge on all who have opposed her.

The last chapter of sets the stage for the next novel, The Road to Reichenbach, by showing receiving an offer from the French government (as mentioned in \'The Final Problem\'). The epilogue goes on to sum up the characters with the Reichenbach Falls used as a motif. The coda of reveals that as a backup plan. Post Nuptials, the first story of, deals with the emotional fallout of Twilight\'s friends not believing her in \', and while most of it is dealt with, Spike still feels incredibly guilty and won\'t speak to Twilight. Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash senses something is wrong with Scootaloo, and Pinkie is dealing with her own family issues.

All of these problems are dealt with in the sequel Families. The side story ends with Chrysalis swearing revenge on Twilight, Shining Armor, and Cadance.

Families ends with contacting Chrysalis in a dream and ordering her to meet with an \'associate\' of his in order to plan his release. Meanwhile, relations with the dragons are now tense due to Garble\'s actions, and on top of that, several canon Season 3 events are alluded to (Trixie plotting her revenge, the reemergence of the Crystal Empire). At the end of, Chrysalis is still on the loose, and has embarked on a scheme to replenish her strength by becoming a beloved foal actress. dangles one of these by way of a. In the story, Courtney acquires the Violin of Doom at the end of the story.

Subverted in that the story\'s closing note of uncertainty is actually a nod to the sci-fi classics of the 1950s, which tended to despite there being no plans for a sequel. So far as is known, the author has no plans to actually write a sequel (which would obviously be titled Courtney and the Violin of Doom); but that if he ever does, it might be something like The Perils of Pauline and would probably be openly pro-Courtney as opposed to the subversion of the original. ends with the words \'End of Volume 1\' and credits. It then cuts to the five remaining elements of harmony discussing their plans to invade Equestria and take over the bodies of the Bearers. The sequel, The Abundance, does it again: Everything is wrapped up and the characters get a happy ending.

Except Princess Celestia and Luna\'s adopted father, Lord Tydal, escapes from the afterlife to warn them that the precursors to the ponies are coming and will be bringing hellfire with them. The series has a setup of each story having two sequel hooks — one for each individual story\'s potential sequel, and the other being part of the setup for the eventual main crossover between all the storylines:. Mare of Steel: First, there\'s the fact that is still free, and has samples of Supermare\'s DNA to experiment on. Then, the last scene shows opening a boomtube to Equestria. The Princess of Themyscria:, defeated by Diana and now, meets, setting up a future. Tintin: How\'s your thirst for adventure, Captain?Haddock: Unquenchable, Tintin!. ends with Fievel riding on the back of his pigeon friend Henri.

When he looks to the west, beyond New York City, and asks if he can explore more of America, Henri replies \'Someday, you will!\' This scene was replayed at the beginning of the trailer for the sequel, with the voice-over declaring \'That day. for has Shredder escaping the ruins of Ace Chemicals. Dracula: That\'s what he thinks!Dracula and the Hunch Bunch: We\'re back!.

Parodied in, where the family is watching the credits at the end. Maggie\'s first word is \'Sequel.\'

. ends with Miles in his dorm listening to music when a portal suddenly opens up above him, with Gwen\'s voice asking Miles if he\'s got a minute. Subverted in; after Superman finishes pummeling \'s body into scrap, the chip that remains of the original Brainiac is seen ominously blinking amidst the wreckage. Until Superman\'s fist comes down on it, smashing it to pieces. Played straight in, though: Lex Luthor, having been seemingly killed by the Superman clone earlier in the movie, turns up in a body cast at the end, musing over whether or not Superman is really impossible to destroy. ends with Karai suggesting a familiar face from the past will return, suggesting a sequel to the 2007 film would\'ve featured the return of The Shredder. has \'wow, a puppy!\' Actual sunlight.

Has \'worried about Andy?\' Even so, there was a. The movie The Secret of the Lost Kingdom ends with that in the process of Bloom destroying Mandragora and the Obsidian Circle, she unknowingly freed the spirits of the Ancestral Witches, who search for new hosts to possess, and turn to their descendants: the Trix. This issue was later solved in the second movie, Magical Adventure. Series:.


tends to combine this with, wherein a secondary plotline is given a major twist at the end of each season, and then becomes the main focus of the next season. Season 1: The Mountain Men, frequently mentioned to be an enemy of the Grounders, capture the remaining delinquents using modern technology after the climactic battle.

Season 2: Murphy and Jaha search for the City of Light, only to find the AI A.L.I.E., responsible for the nuclear devastation a century ago. Season 3: While shutting down A.L.I.E.

For good, Clarke finds out that remaining nuclear reactors are breaking down, and the deadly radiation will cover the entire planet in a matter of months. Season 4: There are several mentions of the Eligus Mining Corporation across the season, which pays off when one of their spaceships shows up in the final scene. Season 5: Everyone enters cryo-sleep to wait for Earth to recover. Clarke and Bellamy are awoken to find that Monty and Harper figured out that Earth wouldn’t recover and died of old age on the ship, leaving behind their son Jordan.

General Infinity Blade II Money Tips - (Good thing you have a bag of holding for all that gold) TOP TIP: Click on obstacles like rocks to pick up gold hidden behind them. Also check shadows. For example, there\'s always two moneybags under the far end of this bridge, but one (magenta) is invisible. Master the Infinity Blade. (You can use it a bunch during the tutorial to master it or you can buy the mastery in the tutorial or whenever you have the infinity blade in your possession. Infinity blade ii money.


However, they also figured out where to find another habitable planet, and the ship has just arrived there. Season 6: The Anomaly goes crazy after Gabriel finally figures out how to interact with it. Diozya’s now-teenage daughter Hope suddenly appears and tells Octavia that her mother has been captured by “him” and stabs her, resulting in Octavia turning into mist and vanishing. Also, Octavia seems to be unsurprised by any of it despite not recalling any of her previous time in the Anomaly.: Season 1 ends with quite a few dangling threads for Season 2 to pick up on: Coulson is now and tasked with rebuilding the organization after the HYDRA infiltration; meanwhile, he has started to compulsively draw the same alien symbols that did after. Fitz, meanwhile, is left in critical condition after his near-, with his future uncertain. At the same time, both and escape Garrett\'s downfall, the former still in possession of, and the latter getting in touch with a mysterious figure who is apparently Skye\'s father.

There\'s also a nice subversion, where Garret starts to augment himself with cybernetic implants after everyone assumed he was dead. \'It is returning, returning through the dark. Oh, and Doctor. He will knock.\' . set up for (though in a sense every regeneration episode except is a de facto Sequel Hook) by having the badly-damaged TARDIS falling towards Earth. said that set up for the entirety of Series 6 through the still-lingering mystery of the Silence.

The finale of series 6, blows them all away with the reveal of the First Question. The Oldest Question in the Universe. The Question That Must Never Be Answered. That question is:.: The AI Gus has gotten away, with his boss unidentified. And they know who and what the Doctor is, and know how the Foretold worked, which is what they wanted.

ends with the alien brain posing as the German doctor escaping into the body of a UNIT soldier. At the end of the first season of, Jane sends Dorothy back to Kansas against her will, but later Lucas comes to take her back to Oz because Jane has been taken prisoner by the Beast Forever. Season 1 of ends with a wherein Zombie!Mikey visits in prison and finally delivers to him. This results in him becoming.

After Hiro Nakamura defeats Adam Monroe, he\'s shown trapped in a coffin, still alive; a clear indication that the character would return to menace the at some point later. Also, Sylar\'s body disappearing at the end of Season 1. Heroes loved this trope. The first season of ends with the heroes slaying the Gigashadow and escaping into the Dark Zone ready to find a new home. As Xev embraces Kai, the camera zooms in on his face and a shadow flickers across his eyes.: Arthur\'s gone, but there is that legend of how he\'ll return when Britain needs him most.

Plus, Merlin\'s still alive in the present day. The eleventh episode of season 3 seems like — until a is brought by - who else - Captain Hook. The second season finale of ends with Mona being revealed as A. The scene ends with her sitting alone in a room in The Radley before telling someone in a red coat \'I did everything you asked me to.\' . At the end of the episode \', after the crew defeats the eponymous creature, it is revealed that a second one has made it on board. Subverted in the remastered version, in which on-screen text reveals that this one, much less intelligent than the first, took up residence harmlessly in Lister\'s underwear drawer and eventually died of old age.

Doubly subverted by the episode Emohawk: Polymorph II three series later in which they meet another one.: The final episode has Mr. Root consider going on vacation to the United States next, but this hint to a sequel never came about.: Season 1 ends with the reveal that Audrey was working with and/or for the defeated and killed Ghostface killer all along. At the end of season one, the mystery of the Executioner\'s identity has been solved and Sarah\'s house is being shown to its new tenants, a couple and their young daughter. In the last scene, the little girl. specifically left the door open on the Ori threat in its final episode, for the express purpose of setting up the follow up movie. is that they were, for the first time ever, not expecting to be cancelled, so they didn\'t wrap up the current plotlines. Oops.

A television show can do this with its story arcs; alerting you that just because the episode ends, the plotline will continue. Take the episode \'. The Enterprise has narrowly escaped by the skin of their teeth.

As Captain Picard and Guinan discuss their near-defeat, Guinan points out that humanity was never supposed to encounter them (the Borg) that early. But since they have. Guinan: Of course, now.they know of your existence.Picard (with understanding dawning): They\'re. Coming. The first season\'s \', one of the darkest episodes of the series, ends with the alien infiltrators defeated, but not without evidence that they sent some of distress call. The intent was to have a sequel; however, aspects of it were instead incorporated into the Borg stories.

The sixth season\'s \' also ends with a similar possibility of a sequel, but due to no one being satisfied with how that episode turned out after it took a budget cut, that was dropped. The end of the episode \'Space Seed\' became quite literally a Sequel Hook nearly 20 years later for. The ending of the first season of was originally supposed to make it clear that Eleven made a, killing the monster at the cost of her own life. However, when the show was renewed for a second season, the creators decided to make her death, it being a case of. Hopper is later seen placing Eggos, Eleven\'s, in a box in the woods, hinting that she is alive. Also, Will is seen coughing up a slug from the Upside-Down and his surroundings briefly flash into a resemblance of their Upside-Down counterparts, but it\'s left ambiguous whether or not he just imagined it.

Both storylines are addressed in the next season. The second season ends with the child characters dancing at the Snow Ball, but the camera then pans to the Upside-Down where a new monster is seen watching over the school, very much alive.: The car bomb at the end of series 1.TV Movies:. The obscure UPN TV special Monster Trux 2000 - The New Thrillenium ends with the antagonist, \'Big Daddy\', in the Bigfoot monster truck saying \'We\'ll be back!\' And then letting out a - possibly meant as a setup for a second event. The event was panned by the monster truck fandom., Part 1 ends with news that Northumberland and Archbishop Scroop are arming for war. You\'d think the \'Part 1\' in the title would kind of give away that a sequel was intended as well.

Henry VI Part 3 ends with Richard of Gloucester\'s (the future King Richard III) monologue where he talks about how he\'ll do anything to gain control of the crown- setting up for \'Richard III\'. end with Malvolio pledging \'I’ll be reveng’d on the whole pack of you!\' Which looks like a good setup for a tragedy to follow this comedy. Sadly, Shakespeare. It has been argued that the sequel this set up was the real-life closing of the English theaters by the Malvolio-like Puritans. The first season of ends with Nightwing\'s murder, which definitely counts.

The special \'Precious Blood\' ends with \'Precious Blood: 10:30PM\', which shows that Terrence is still alive and has killed the Watcher. At the end of \'The Last Work\', Julia swears revenge on the K-Team, and some of them say they still want to fight. The \'The Ascension\' is followed by a short surprise video revealing that Lucy is still at large. Subverted in the cartoon,. In the end, it turns out that Strong Sad had the DNA Evidence all along, and then laughs maniacally. And then it turns out that Homsar was there, watching him.

Somebody unfamiliar with would guess he\'d tell everybody the news, right? Strong Sad: Oh, hi.Homsar:. At the end of, both Roy and Karen are cartoonified, while Simon and Valerie get sucked into the Second Dimension. Both plot points play a major role in the follow-up, which itself ends on a major.: We never see what happened to the antagonist, or when the protagonists went to Celestia. However, a new production hasn\'t been made in years, so it\'s either been abandoned or stuck in. At the end of, minor character Daisy (who was killed pretty early on) wakes up in the same situation as Ruby did in the beginning of the quest, opening up the possiblity that she\'ll be the protagonist of the next attempt to escape the Metal Glen.: At the end of the Sleepwalker storyline, a page appears on Linkara\'s chair saying that he\'s invited to \'A Contest of Champions\'.

ends with Vivian bursting into Fig and Ford\'s office, saying that terrible something has happened.: \'Attack of the Twonkies\' ends with Jimmy realizing (which never mutated due to Sheen\'s ), which reproduces and its offspring hop into Retroville. Zuko\'s question to Ozai at the end of the: \'Where is my mother?\' . It did technically lead to. But it takes place over 70 years in the future and most of the former cast is dead.

The first episode even about the hook, with a character asking about it and the explanation being cut off. There\'s also, a graphic novel trilogy set one year after the end of the War; in first installment, we discover the end of the conversation started by the above hook - which answers absolutely nothing.

It even ends with the exact same sequel hook, only Zuko is now asking Azula about Mom instead of Ozai. Thankfully, the next comic interquel, has this plot hook as its central premise, so we\'ll finally get some closure. And then The Search saddles us with some more: Azula has escaped, and it\'s unclear whether she\'ll be redeemed. Also, Zuko and Mai are still broken up, despite Korra showing us that he had kids.

did this all the time, particularly in any episode introducing a new villain. There would always be a line at the end in which Batman suspects he hasn\'t seen the last of the new foe. Perhaps most blatant is the ending to the Ra\'s Al Ghul two-parter, in which Ra\'s falls into the Lazarus Pit and is presumed dead, but the final shot shows a hand rising up out of the pit while maniacal laughter is heard.: The Legend Reborn ends with Mata Nui and the other heroes discovering that uniting the settlements of Bara Magna (literally, by pulling them together) creates a and that the patterns on a stray coin and on the shield of a defeated Skrall soldier depict a map., with Mata Nui\'s friends determined to accompany him. And the toy-line got canceled, the sequel scrapped, so the story had to be wrapped up in a comic in which Mata Nui left his friends behind due to the page-limit. Subverted in with the episode \'The Ultimate Enemy\', where the is shown to be contained, but not entirely defeated, as he was trying to bust out. But he never showed up again.

(This was the result of, canceling the show before they could go through with their plans to bring him back.). The Chicken Fights all. Even after it\'s been sucked through a jet engine, or pounded into submission with a saucepan, or. had a huge one at the end with Freddie\'s evil aunt escaping and him getting called over to Washington D.C. There was in fact, already a sequel in the works, but it got shelved when the movie didn\'t do well and the American release cut half the hook out. \'Gideon Rises\': The has Grunkle Stan revealed to be the owner of Journal 1, and he uses all three journals to activate a mysterious portal in the hidden basement of the Mystery Shack.

The original airing punctuates this by having the character say that \'Gravity Falls will return\' over the end credits, though we don\'t discover the portal\'s purpose until \'Not What He Seems.\' . \'Scaryoke\': The government agents Dipper called are revealed to have survived the zombie attack, which is enough confirmation for them to investigate Gravity Falls. The next several episodes have them in the background before they make their formal return in \'Not What He Seems.\' .

\'Weirdmageddon\': The has Dipper opening the note he got from Wendy, which has the entire town thanking the twins and hoping they\'ll return next summer. Shows Bill Cipher as a live-action statue in the middle of the woods, implying that he would someday return too. Also from the finale, as Bill is dying, he shouts out a phrase in backwards speech:, MY TIME HAS COME TO BURN, I INVOKE THE ANCIENT POWER THAT I MAY RETURN. Interestingly enough, while this is a clear reference to frequently responding with a picture of an Axolotl when asked spoilery questions, Xolotl is the name of the.

In, after Jade destroys Shendu with one of his own Talismans, Uncle reveals that when an evil is destroyed, a new evil can fill the void, possibly being even more dangerous. The next season deals with Shendu\'s siblings forcing his spirit (which survived his body\'s destruction, likely due to the Sheep Talisman or demons naturally become spirits once they die), to take advantage of this void (via an ancient artifact), by using it to release them from their otherworldy prison so they can reconquer the world. set up its second season as possibly the last, so they ended it in a truly epic finale with the watchtower base being destroyed. At the end and after Hawkgirl resigns from the League, Superman asks what they are going to do now, which Batman replies with \'We rebuild.\' This leads into Justice League Unlimited, but was enough to be considered.:. The story normally takes place in such a way that any episode can happen any day, but Season 3\'s premiere ended like this, with Princess Celestia nodding at Princess Luna, who magically summons a book with on the cover. The season 3 finale (which incidentally pays off said Star Swirl sequel hook) definitely is trying to draw you in for season 4.

Twilight turns into an alicorn and is now a princess of Equestria., she considers this episode the first in a 3-parter. The 2-part season 4 premiere serves as the final two parts. Considering season 5 was announced, plenty in. Orson Pig (singing): We\'ll bring to you, when we\'re back next time.Aloysius Pig (spoken, as he\'s being hit with pies): HELP! HEEELP!Orson Pig (singing): Something more wholesome than a nursery rhyme!

Is for informative and interesting gaming content and discussions. Please look over our and before posting. If you\'re looking for \'lighter\' gaming-related entertainment, try!The goal of is to provide a place for informative and interesting gaming content and discussions. Submissions should be for the purpose of informing or initiating a discussion, not just with the goal of entertaining viewers.For an in-depth explanation of our rules don\'t forget to check our andSubreddit CalendarWant to schedule an AMA with us? Read our for more information! To see previous AMAs,.

Great game, if just a tiny bit short, it was clear they ran out of either time or money. Still well worth it.The story was solid. Again, there were some leftover story threads that I think could have been wrapped up, but (positive thinking) maybe that means there\'s a potential sequel some day.The acting was. Well, entertaining is definitely the right word. It varied a bit in quality, but none of it was ever so cringe-worthy to break me out of the game.Overall, a definite recommend for a good evening-or-two filler. I played through the thing and the game for the most part was quite fun, the puzzles well thought out and the story (mostly) was full of enough twists and turns to keep me interested. The varying levels of over-acting didn\'t hurt it for me but this is a more person-by-person thing.What damaged the game horribly though was one little clue right at the start that basically spelled out \'whodunnit\' yet you were never allowed to mention it once until right at the end, at which point said suspect folded at lightning speed, leaving a load of plot still unanswered.

...'>Contradiction Spot The Liar Sequel(28.02.2020)
  • gridapp.netlify.appContradiction Spot The Liar Sequel ★ ★
  • The original work still has closure but, by, the writer has made writing a sequel easier. If the audience demand is there, they\'ll be ready. In fact, this method is so common the audience will identify any unresolved plot element or any ending short of or as a hook. Sometimes the hook was just that, the writers are not sure which direction they would be going in the later movie.Pretty much every film based on a comic book sets itself up for a sequel, and any movie that goes out of its way to establish a very expansive universe that has room for a sequel. In the case of adaptations their source is usually a medium known for making multiple storylines and, in most cases, have a decades-long to mine for ideas.If the Sequel Hook revolves about a character other than the main character, it may indicate a possibility of. Make note that a Sequel Hook is not a combination of a you noticed and wishful thinking. This is where the movie takes a brief side glance to let you know that more is coming.

    In mystery game series that I really loved, like 999/VLR or Danganronpa, the central mystery of the first game is wrapped up neatly, and the sequel deals with a different mystery in the same world. I think I\'d rather see (say) some DLC wrapping up the Atlas stuff, and have the sequel deal with something completely different. Contradiction is a unique adventure/murder mystery game that uses live-action video for the entirety of the game play. All you have to do is interview characters, spot their lies and catch them out! Alias: Contradiction - Spot The Liar!

    This is recognizable to almost anyone watching/reading, not just the fans that notice a minor gag in an adaptation.If the story is complex enough, there can be a fine line between this and an outright. And the two can overlap if the story concludes, everyone\'s happy and then a new problem shows up to put everyone in turmoil.If a movie poses a Sequel Hook only for, this can be the source of.Considering that most stories need a conflict because of the, this trope may often result in, or if the sequel is made. The ending of the fanfic ends with a zombie invasion though several characters have escaped the school by helicopter. The city is in chaos and the story leaves them still in the chopper. Not to mention the author announces the sequel imminently afterward \'See you in To-love-Carnage!\' .: The conversation between Fluttershy and Fleur de Lis at the end of the story hints that there might be future adventures.

    And the very last line is a: \'Fleur returned the smile, and decided not to tell Fluttershy about the other Snakes.\' . Most of \'s final chapter is a Sequel Hook, with, and fully aware now that is out there and will be returning.

    But it\'s the final scene with Moriarty himself that really clinches it. At the end of, the four (especially Ringo) ask to be given another opportunity to use their magical bodies.: After the showing what\'s happened to all the characters in the year following defeat, the last scene shows essentially becoming the MLP version of Doctor Doom and swearing revenge on all who have opposed her.

    The last chapter of sets the stage for the next novel, The Road to Reichenbach, by showing receiving an offer from the French government (as mentioned in \'The Final Problem\'). The epilogue goes on to sum up the characters with the Reichenbach Falls used as a motif. The coda of reveals that as a backup plan. Post Nuptials, the first story of, deals with the emotional fallout of Twilight\'s friends not believing her in \', and while most of it is dealt with, Spike still feels incredibly guilty and won\'t speak to Twilight. Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash senses something is wrong with Scootaloo, and Pinkie is dealing with her own family issues.

    All of these problems are dealt with in the sequel Families. The side story ends with Chrysalis swearing revenge on Twilight, Shining Armor, and Cadance.

    Families ends with contacting Chrysalis in a dream and ordering her to meet with an \'associate\' of his in order to plan his release. Meanwhile, relations with the dragons are now tense due to Garble\'s actions, and on top of that, several canon Season 3 events are alluded to (Trixie plotting her revenge, the reemergence of the Crystal Empire). At the end of, Chrysalis is still on the loose, and has embarked on a scheme to replenish her strength by becoming a beloved foal actress. dangles one of these by way of a. In the story, Courtney acquires the Violin of Doom at the end of the story.

    Subverted in that the story\'s closing note of uncertainty is actually a nod to the sci-fi classics of the 1950s, which tended to despite there being no plans for a sequel. So far as is known, the author has no plans to actually write a sequel (which would obviously be titled Courtney and the Violin of Doom); but that if he ever does, it might be something like The Perils of Pauline and would probably be openly pro-Courtney as opposed to the subversion of the original. ends with the words \'End of Volume 1\' and credits. It then cuts to the five remaining elements of harmony discussing their plans to invade Equestria and take over the bodies of the Bearers. The sequel, The Abundance, does it again: Everything is wrapped up and the characters get a happy ending.

    Except Princess Celestia and Luna\'s adopted father, Lord Tydal, escapes from the afterlife to warn them that the precursors to the ponies are coming and will be bringing hellfire with them. The series has a setup of each story having two sequel hooks — one for each individual story\'s potential sequel, and the other being part of the setup for the eventual main crossover between all the storylines:. Mare of Steel: First, there\'s the fact that is still free, and has samples of Supermare\'s DNA to experiment on. Then, the last scene shows opening a boomtube to Equestria. The Princess of Themyscria:, defeated by Diana and now, meets, setting up a future. Tintin: How\'s your thirst for adventure, Captain?Haddock: Unquenchable, Tintin!. ends with Fievel riding on the back of his pigeon friend Henri.

    When he looks to the west, beyond New York City, and asks if he can explore more of America, Henri replies \'Someday, you will!\' This scene was replayed at the beginning of the trailer for the sequel, with the voice-over declaring \'That day. for has Shredder escaping the ruins of Ace Chemicals. Dracula: That\'s what he thinks!Dracula and the Hunch Bunch: We\'re back!.

    Parodied in, where the family is watching the credits at the end. Maggie\'s first word is \'Sequel.\'

    . ends with Miles in his dorm listening to music when a portal suddenly opens up above him, with Gwen\'s voice asking Miles if he\'s got a minute. Subverted in; after Superman finishes pummeling \'s body into scrap, the chip that remains of the original Brainiac is seen ominously blinking amidst the wreckage. Until Superman\'s fist comes down on it, smashing it to pieces. Played straight in, though: Lex Luthor, having been seemingly killed by the Superman clone earlier in the movie, turns up in a body cast at the end, musing over whether or not Superman is really impossible to destroy. ends with Karai suggesting a familiar face from the past will return, suggesting a sequel to the 2007 film would\'ve featured the return of The Shredder. has \'wow, a puppy!\' Actual sunlight.

    Has \'worried about Andy?\' Even so, there was a. The movie The Secret of the Lost Kingdom ends with that in the process of Bloom destroying Mandragora and the Obsidian Circle, she unknowingly freed the spirits of the Ancestral Witches, who search for new hosts to possess, and turn to their descendants: the Trix. This issue was later solved in the second movie, Magical Adventure. Series:.


    tends to combine this with, wherein a secondary plotline is given a major twist at the end of each season, and then becomes the main focus of the next season. Season 1: The Mountain Men, frequently mentioned to be an enemy of the Grounders, capture the remaining delinquents using modern technology after the climactic battle.

    Season 2: Murphy and Jaha search for the City of Light, only to find the AI A.L.I.E., responsible for the nuclear devastation a century ago. Season 3: While shutting down A.L.I.E.

    For good, Clarke finds out that remaining nuclear reactors are breaking down, and the deadly radiation will cover the entire planet in a matter of months. Season 4: There are several mentions of the Eligus Mining Corporation across the season, which pays off when one of their spaceships shows up in the final scene. Season 5: Everyone enters cryo-sleep to wait for Earth to recover. Clarke and Bellamy are awoken to find that Monty and Harper figured out that Earth wouldn’t recover and died of old age on the ship, leaving behind their son Jordan.

    General Infinity Blade II Money Tips - (Good thing you have a bag of holding for all that gold) TOP TIP: Click on obstacles like rocks to pick up gold hidden behind them. Also check shadows. For example, there\'s always two moneybags under the far end of this bridge, but one (magenta) is invisible. Master the Infinity Blade. (You can use it a bunch during the tutorial to master it or you can buy the mastery in the tutorial or whenever you have the infinity blade in your possession. Infinity blade ii money.


    However, they also figured out where to find another habitable planet, and the ship has just arrived there. Season 6: The Anomaly goes crazy after Gabriel finally figures out how to interact with it. Diozya’s now-teenage daughter Hope suddenly appears and tells Octavia that her mother has been captured by “him” and stabs her, resulting in Octavia turning into mist and vanishing. Also, Octavia seems to be unsurprised by any of it despite not recalling any of her previous time in the Anomaly.: Season 1 ends with quite a few dangling threads for Season 2 to pick up on: Coulson is now and tasked with rebuilding the organization after the HYDRA infiltration; meanwhile, he has started to compulsively draw the same alien symbols that did after. Fitz, meanwhile, is left in critical condition after his near-, with his future uncertain. At the same time, both and escape Garrett\'s downfall, the former still in possession of, and the latter getting in touch with a mysterious figure who is apparently Skye\'s father.

    There\'s also a nice subversion, where Garret starts to augment himself with cybernetic implants after everyone assumed he was dead. \'It is returning, returning through the dark. Oh, and Doctor. He will knock.\' . set up for (though in a sense every regeneration episode except is a de facto Sequel Hook) by having the badly-damaged TARDIS falling towards Earth. said that set up for the entirety of Series 6 through the still-lingering mystery of the Silence.

    The finale of series 6, blows them all away with the reveal of the First Question. The Oldest Question in the Universe. The Question That Must Never Be Answered. That question is:.: The AI Gus has gotten away, with his boss unidentified. And they know who and what the Doctor is, and know how the Foretold worked, which is what they wanted.

    ends with the alien brain posing as the German doctor escaping into the body of a UNIT soldier. At the end of the first season of, Jane sends Dorothy back to Kansas against her will, but later Lucas comes to take her back to Oz because Jane has been taken prisoner by the Beast Forever. Season 1 of ends with a wherein Zombie!Mikey visits in prison and finally delivers to him. This results in him becoming.

    After Hiro Nakamura defeats Adam Monroe, he\'s shown trapped in a coffin, still alive; a clear indication that the character would return to menace the at some point later. Also, Sylar\'s body disappearing at the end of Season 1. Heroes loved this trope. The first season of ends with the heroes slaying the Gigashadow and escaping into the Dark Zone ready to find a new home. As Xev embraces Kai, the camera zooms in on his face and a shadow flickers across his eyes.: Arthur\'s gone, but there is that legend of how he\'ll return when Britain needs him most.

    Plus, Merlin\'s still alive in the present day. The eleventh episode of season 3 seems like — until a is brought by - who else - Captain Hook. The second season finale of ends with Mona being revealed as A. The scene ends with her sitting alone in a room in The Radley before telling someone in a red coat \'I did everything you asked me to.\' . At the end of the episode \', after the crew defeats the eponymous creature, it is revealed that a second one has made it on board. Subverted in the remastered version, in which on-screen text reveals that this one, much less intelligent than the first, took up residence harmlessly in Lister\'s underwear drawer and eventually died of old age.

    Doubly subverted by the episode Emohawk: Polymorph II three series later in which they meet another one.: The final episode has Mr. Root consider going on vacation to the United States next, but this hint to a sequel never came about.: Season 1 ends with the reveal that Audrey was working with and/or for the defeated and killed Ghostface killer all along. At the end of season one, the mystery of the Executioner\'s identity has been solved and Sarah\'s house is being shown to its new tenants, a couple and their young daughter. In the last scene, the little girl. specifically left the door open on the Ori threat in its final episode, for the express purpose of setting up the follow up movie. is that they were, for the first time ever, not expecting to be cancelled, so they didn\'t wrap up the current plotlines. Oops.

    A television show can do this with its story arcs; alerting you that just because the episode ends, the plotline will continue. Take the episode \'. The Enterprise has narrowly escaped by the skin of their teeth.

    As Captain Picard and Guinan discuss their near-defeat, Guinan points out that humanity was never supposed to encounter them (the Borg) that early. But since they have. Guinan: Of course, now.they know of your existence.Picard (with understanding dawning): They\'re. Coming. The first season\'s \', one of the darkest episodes of the series, ends with the alien infiltrators defeated, but not without evidence that they sent some of distress call. The intent was to have a sequel; however, aspects of it were instead incorporated into the Borg stories.

    The sixth season\'s \' also ends with a similar possibility of a sequel, but due to no one being satisfied with how that episode turned out after it took a budget cut, that was dropped. The end of the episode \'Space Seed\' became quite literally a Sequel Hook nearly 20 years later for. The ending of the first season of was originally supposed to make it clear that Eleven made a, killing the monster at the cost of her own life. However, when the show was renewed for a second season, the creators decided to make her death, it being a case of. Hopper is later seen placing Eggos, Eleven\'s, in a box in the woods, hinting that she is alive. Also, Will is seen coughing up a slug from the Upside-Down and his surroundings briefly flash into a resemblance of their Upside-Down counterparts, but it\'s left ambiguous whether or not he just imagined it.

    Both storylines are addressed in the next season. The second season ends with the child characters dancing at the Snow Ball, but the camera then pans to the Upside-Down where a new monster is seen watching over the school, very much alive.: The car bomb at the end of series 1.TV Movies:. The obscure UPN TV special Monster Trux 2000 - The New Thrillenium ends with the antagonist, \'Big Daddy\', in the Bigfoot monster truck saying \'We\'ll be back!\' And then letting out a - possibly meant as a setup for a second event. The event was panned by the monster truck fandom., Part 1 ends with news that Northumberland and Archbishop Scroop are arming for war. You\'d think the \'Part 1\' in the title would kind of give away that a sequel was intended as well.

    Henry VI Part 3 ends with Richard of Gloucester\'s (the future King Richard III) monologue where he talks about how he\'ll do anything to gain control of the crown- setting up for \'Richard III\'. end with Malvolio pledging \'I’ll be reveng’d on the whole pack of you!\' Which looks like a good setup for a tragedy to follow this comedy. Sadly, Shakespeare. It has been argued that the sequel this set up was the real-life closing of the English theaters by the Malvolio-like Puritans. The first season of ends with Nightwing\'s murder, which definitely counts.

    The special \'Precious Blood\' ends with \'Precious Blood: 10:30PM\', which shows that Terrence is still alive and has killed the Watcher. At the end of \'The Last Work\', Julia swears revenge on the K-Team, and some of them say they still want to fight. The \'The Ascension\' is followed by a short surprise video revealing that Lucy is still at large. Subverted in the cartoon,. In the end, it turns out that Strong Sad had the DNA Evidence all along, and then laughs maniacally. And then it turns out that Homsar was there, watching him.

    Somebody unfamiliar with would guess he\'d tell everybody the news, right? Strong Sad: Oh, hi.Homsar:. At the end of, both Roy and Karen are cartoonified, while Simon and Valerie get sucked into the Second Dimension. Both plot points play a major role in the follow-up, which itself ends on a major.: We never see what happened to the antagonist, or when the protagonists went to Celestia. However, a new production hasn\'t been made in years, so it\'s either been abandoned or stuck in. At the end of, minor character Daisy (who was killed pretty early on) wakes up in the same situation as Ruby did in the beginning of the quest, opening up the possiblity that she\'ll be the protagonist of the next attempt to escape the Metal Glen.: At the end of the Sleepwalker storyline, a page appears on Linkara\'s chair saying that he\'s invited to \'A Contest of Champions\'.

    ends with Vivian bursting into Fig and Ford\'s office, saying that terrible something has happened.: \'Attack of the Twonkies\' ends with Jimmy realizing (which never mutated due to Sheen\'s ), which reproduces and its offspring hop into Retroville. Zuko\'s question to Ozai at the end of the: \'Where is my mother?\' . It did technically lead to. But it takes place over 70 years in the future and most of the former cast is dead.

    The first episode even about the hook, with a character asking about it and the explanation being cut off. There\'s also, a graphic novel trilogy set one year after the end of the War; in first installment, we discover the end of the conversation started by the above hook - which answers absolutely nothing.

    It even ends with the exact same sequel hook, only Zuko is now asking Azula about Mom instead of Ozai. Thankfully, the next comic interquel, has this plot hook as its central premise, so we\'ll finally get some closure. And then The Search saddles us with some more: Azula has escaped, and it\'s unclear whether she\'ll be redeemed. Also, Zuko and Mai are still broken up, despite Korra showing us that he had kids.

    did this all the time, particularly in any episode introducing a new villain. There would always be a line at the end in which Batman suspects he hasn\'t seen the last of the new foe. Perhaps most blatant is the ending to the Ra\'s Al Ghul two-parter, in which Ra\'s falls into the Lazarus Pit and is presumed dead, but the final shot shows a hand rising up out of the pit while maniacal laughter is heard.: The Legend Reborn ends with Mata Nui and the other heroes discovering that uniting the settlements of Bara Magna (literally, by pulling them together) creates a and that the patterns on a stray coin and on the shield of a defeated Skrall soldier depict a map., with Mata Nui\'s friends determined to accompany him. And the toy-line got canceled, the sequel scrapped, so the story had to be wrapped up in a comic in which Mata Nui left his friends behind due to the page-limit. Subverted in with the episode \'The Ultimate Enemy\', where the is shown to be contained, but not entirely defeated, as he was trying to bust out. But he never showed up again.

    (This was the result of, canceling the show before they could go through with their plans to bring him back.). The Chicken Fights all. Even after it\'s been sucked through a jet engine, or pounded into submission with a saucepan, or. had a huge one at the end with Freddie\'s evil aunt escaping and him getting called over to Washington D.C. There was in fact, already a sequel in the works, but it got shelved when the movie didn\'t do well and the American release cut half the hook out. \'Gideon Rises\': The has Grunkle Stan revealed to be the owner of Journal 1, and he uses all three journals to activate a mysterious portal in the hidden basement of the Mystery Shack.

    The original airing punctuates this by having the character say that \'Gravity Falls will return\' over the end credits, though we don\'t discover the portal\'s purpose until \'Not What He Seems.\' . \'Scaryoke\': The government agents Dipper called are revealed to have survived the zombie attack, which is enough confirmation for them to investigate Gravity Falls. The next several episodes have them in the background before they make their formal return in \'Not What He Seems.\' .

    \'Weirdmageddon\': The has Dipper opening the note he got from Wendy, which has the entire town thanking the twins and hoping they\'ll return next summer. Shows Bill Cipher as a live-action statue in the middle of the woods, implying that he would someday return too. Also from the finale, as Bill is dying, he shouts out a phrase in backwards speech:, MY TIME HAS COME TO BURN, I INVOKE THE ANCIENT POWER THAT I MAY RETURN. Interestingly enough, while this is a clear reference to frequently responding with a picture of an Axolotl when asked spoilery questions, Xolotl is the name of the.

    In, after Jade destroys Shendu with one of his own Talismans, Uncle reveals that when an evil is destroyed, a new evil can fill the void, possibly being even more dangerous. The next season deals with Shendu\'s siblings forcing his spirit (which survived his body\'s destruction, likely due to the Sheep Talisman or demons naturally become spirits once they die), to take advantage of this void (via an ancient artifact), by using it to release them from their otherworldy prison so they can reconquer the world. set up its second season as possibly the last, so they ended it in a truly epic finale with the watchtower base being destroyed. At the end and after Hawkgirl resigns from the League, Superman asks what they are going to do now, which Batman replies with \'We rebuild.\' This leads into Justice League Unlimited, but was enough to be considered.:. The story normally takes place in such a way that any episode can happen any day, but Season 3\'s premiere ended like this, with Princess Celestia nodding at Princess Luna, who magically summons a book with on the cover. The season 3 finale (which incidentally pays off said Star Swirl sequel hook) definitely is trying to draw you in for season 4.

    Twilight turns into an alicorn and is now a princess of Equestria., she considers this episode the first in a 3-parter. The 2-part season 4 premiere serves as the final two parts. Considering season 5 was announced, plenty in. Orson Pig (singing): We\'ll bring to you, when we\'re back next time.Aloysius Pig (spoken, as he\'s being hit with pies): HELP! HEEELP!Orson Pig (singing): Something more wholesome than a nursery rhyme!

    Is for informative and interesting gaming content and discussions. Please look over our and before posting. If you\'re looking for \'lighter\' gaming-related entertainment, try!The goal of is to provide a place for informative and interesting gaming content and discussions. Submissions should be for the purpose of informing or initiating a discussion, not just with the goal of entertaining viewers.For an in-depth explanation of our rules don\'t forget to check our andSubreddit CalendarWant to schedule an AMA with us? Read our for more information! To see previous AMAs,.

    Great game, if just a tiny bit short, it was clear they ran out of either time or money. Still well worth it.The story was solid. Again, there were some leftover story threads that I think could have been wrapped up, but (positive thinking) maybe that means there\'s a potential sequel some day.The acting was. Well, entertaining is definitely the right word. It varied a bit in quality, but none of it was ever so cringe-worthy to break me out of the game.Overall, a definite recommend for a good evening-or-two filler. I played through the thing and the game for the most part was quite fun, the puzzles well thought out and the story (mostly) was full of enough twists and turns to keep me interested. The varying levels of over-acting didn\'t hurt it for me but this is a more person-by-person thing.What damaged the game horribly though was one little clue right at the start that basically spelled out \'whodunnit\' yet you were never allowed to mention it once until right at the end, at which point said suspect folded at lightning speed, leaving a load of plot still unanswered.

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