
One of the two researchers for Abbadon Pharmaceuticals whose gender bender formula kick starts the plot.: One of the genetic alterations Lynn can receive, giving her a feline appearance.: Liam/Lynn's female appearance.: A major raison d'etre for the research, though slightly less so than Dina. /: For the most part Dina generally is the most conscientious between her and Dina of their role in the involuntary transformation of everyone into women and tries her best to be the more understanding of the two to the others who aren't happy with their transformations.: Somewhat. Realizes they are responsible for turning everyone in the lab into a girl and is more concerned about it than Derek/Dina, but otherwise is somewhat amoral at the same time, figuring that a temporary transformation into another gender would give everyone a new look at life.

Immediately regrets this assumption when she finds out the transformation is permanent on everyone involved in the initial explosion. Also tends to serve as Dina's conscience and vetoes some of her more moments.: Permanently stuck as a girl.: Thinks Zeke turning into a girl is awesome. The fact that people gender bending (even in universe) and even getting animal like features doesn't seem to faze her at all, though Zeke's route take place when the latter is becoming common.: Liked Zeke but, but him turning into Zara provided a nice loophole for her sexuality.: Was apparently immune to very same gas that turned Zeke into a girl despite being in the same area it went off.

Then again, it may have been tailored to his specific DNA.: Wants to be called 'Lexie-chan', nothing else.: Her face seems to be frozen with this expression about half the time.: Well, considering she lives like she's in an anime, Zeke definitely thinks so. Then again, considering she's in an game with a to sci-fi and anime tropes, she's only wrong to a degree. Nathan's fiance, turns male in her own route as Russell.: Gets caught in a trap in the beginning of his route where he getr subjected to sex change gas, which doesn't initially seem to have any effect. Turns out it just took a little while to take effect. In any event, the result was that Russell gained shapeshifter powers to be anyone he comes in physical contact as but only when in contact with them in his base form as Russell.: Is this with way with Nathan (as Nadine) in his own route.: Discovers how to turn into an exact clone of Nadine, who suggest they try this trope.: Female to male, though this gets played with in her own route.

'Any character, after being gender bent, will come to enjoy their new gender more than their old gender.' A fictional character that gets his or her gender bent often becomes gradually accustomed to life as a new man or woman. Eventually they likely will experience an epiphany: that they are better off in their new gender than they ever were in their old one.

Gender Bender DNA Twister Extreme is an absolutely baffling project. The first arguably trans character we get is Dina (since Lynn seems to.

This is the Second Law of Gender Bending, where a gender bent person would, if offered a chance to revert to their former gender, turn it down because they have come to enjoy the benefits of the change. The epiphany typically takes one of two forms:. A reluctant admission, either because they've changed too much to return to the way things were or are loath to admit the enjoyment they get from their new lifestyle.

A jovial acceptance, where they quickly discover how much fun life is after the gender flip, and they never want to go back.A specific variation of which often results from. May involve or depending upon surrounding circumstances. Can result in when the allows a character to reveal a hidden side of their personality. Contrast for characters who'd like to return to their former gender but realize they've changed too much to make that possible. See the, which frequently (but not always) precedes or overlaps with this trope. Since the ensures that most of these characters are male-to-female, is frequently a contributing reason for these characters' choice.

Though it would take to assume this as someone's primary reason for wanting to keep his/her gender change permanent, many 'adult' stories often do make use of the common pornographic cliche that sex is inherently more pleasurable for women even if their authors would rather point to more dignified reasons. Even in those works where the above is not the case, the law likely is as prominent as it is at the behest of the first, as from a perspective, there are not a lot of other ways of resolving the situation that result in both a and don't violate the.: Hazumu never expresses any desire to return to her former gender. Of course, the aliens announced from the get-go that she couldn't become a boy again even if she wanted to, but you'd think she'd have missed something about life as a boy, even if it was only the ability to write her name in the snow. However, since the gender change allows her to get together with the girl( s) of her dreams and her parents seem to prefer it she really doesn't have all that much to complain about. (It doesn't hurt that pre-change Hazumu was more girly than every other girl in the series and may even have been transgender without realizing it.). Averted in: Ranma never, ever, ever stops looking for a cure for his curse (except for one filler episode after he hits his head) though he does stop complaining about it. That said, Ranma starts to bring his macho approach to acting girly and cute.

As seen in his competition with Tsubasa, Ranma's competitive streak is so hardwired that he even refuses to lose in a contest of femininity. This doesn't stop him from exploiting the advantages of his female form for one minute, however. Anything Goes Martial Arts, after all. He also enjoys using his female form to eat sweet girly desserts that would be too embarrassing for him to order as a guy, especially as shopkeepers tend to give him extra for being so cute. Happens at the end of when Megumi finally realizes/admits that she'd been a girl all along: lacking the power to grant her wish to become male the trickster spirit had given her a purely mental instead.

Since the delusion had helped her foster the tough, fair, forthright, and assertive (i.e., stereotypically 'male') aspects of her personality Megumi considers her wish granted nonetheless. The transgender Megumi in goes the 'reluctant admission' route when she's menaced by a boy and realizes that she finally knows how it truly feels to be a girl. Fortunately her new-found sense of femininity also empowers her to free herself with the ultimate female defence against male attackers: a so severe it practically paralyzes him.

Subverted in. Homura deals with being a girl, but she doesn't like it and is obviously still uncomfortable with her growing attraction to her. Mai Natsume of was originally a boy, but got magically transformed into a girl right before the manga started. Mai was at first uncomfortable with her new gender and tried to find a way to change back, but later on she came to enjoy her life as a girl and even fell in love with a male classmate. The manga ends with Mai fully accepting her change in life and seeing herself as a girl. Mao of inverts the usual plot arc associated with this trope by accepting her involuntary straight off as an act of faith in her village deity. The drama comes from the various ways her family, her best friend, and her village deal with her change.

Her three older sisters exhibit the full range of reactions from simple acceptance to flat-out denial. Tao Nozomu from accepts that her gives her ready access to the cuteness she craves but still hides her new gender for an entire year (gradually transforming into a in the process) largely because she's not sure she won't change back and can't figure out how to break the news to her family and friends. Unlike most examples here Nozomu's occurs in early puberty and he was barely past the point of noticing girls before he became one. uses to offer an unusual and bittersweet take on this trope. Sagara is ultimately happy about her even though she does miss being a boy because the resulting struggle to forge a new identity broke her out of her self-imposed isolation, opened her eyes to the people who cared about her and taught her the true value of love and friendship.

It's not the change itself she accepts so much as the personal growth it triggered. The fact that is just icing on the cake. In contrast to Kanojo Ni Naru Hi Another the manga uses to offer a very 'base view of human nature' take on this trope because Manaka finds sex is so much more pleasurable for women (soft sensitive skin! Exquisitely delicate genitalia! Multiple orgasms!

Boobies! that he cannot accept the pale imitation of sexual pleasure that men experience.

Played with in as the protagonist can't decide whether to be a male or female angel while in Heaven. Played with in. At first, Gerald doesn't like being Daphne. Dresses are too drafty, he can't hit on women, etc. Eventually, though, he enjoys being female immensely, to the point where the with Osgood is so great that Joe makes him say 'I'm a boy,' over and over.

But hey — Nobody's perfect.: Though initially horrified, Clive uses Jessica's body to become a successful crook, and when Jessica tracks him down, Jessica has to trick Clive into getting her body back. Played with in, where a male character disguises as a (female) whore. Due to male's, the whores in this world are women who disguise as men. He quite enjoys the ability to walk around without being noticed. The protagonist of David Thomas's novel Girl is a macho, laddish twenty something bloke who is mistaken for another patient while in hospital and mistakenly given gender reassignment surgery. Though initially horrified, when the news that reversing the procedure is unviable is broken to him he ends up deciding to commit fully to his new identity, and after cosmetic surgery, hormone replacement and therapy adapts to the life as an attractive, well-adjusted young woman. In, it's a bit strange.

Time Lords can routinely change genders via regeneration, but they also change personalities, which means their feelings towards their old and current selves can change quite dramatically from one incarnation to the next. When a Time Lord only known as 'The General' regenerated from man to woman, they didn't seem uncomfortable in their male form but instantly remarked that they much preferred being female once the shift was done. The Doctor too, instantly felt quite pleased when they discovered that they had regenerated from to. The Master, whose attitude towards women has always been somewhat disdainful, embraces their new persona Missy with gusto. In 'Warlord', would-be planetary dictator Tiernan does a on Kes as he's dying.

His followers aren't happy that their fearsome leader is now a cute alien female, but Tiernan finds the change quite useful, and not only because of Kes' psychic powers. He even announces a political marriage to his, then strongly implies to his squicked-out wife that he'd be quite interested in a threesome. Possibly Tiresias from, who spent seven years as a woman (and had children) after killing a mating female snake, then transformed back into a man after killing a male; at very least, one can assume he enjoyed sex better as a woman. Zeus and Hera called upon him to settle an argument over which gender enjoyed it more (as he alone had experienced it from both perspectives), and Tiresias claimed, 'Of ten parts a man enjoys one only.' (In other words, he was saying a woman enjoys it ten times as much.) By the by, that crack was what got him turned into a. (Specifically, Zeus and Hera tried to make up for her husband's behavior by giving Tiresias magic powers.).


Downplayed in magazine's 'The Ecology of the Sheet Ghoul'. The story's is a greedy miser who becomes a sheet phantom upon dying, and like any, seeks a human host to transform into a Sheet Ghoul. Eventually, he succeeds by slaying a female thief who tries to rob his house.

He's a little irked at first upon finding himself in a woman's body, but then he figures, 'Eh, better than nothing' and goes about his business. Being, by that point, an undead monstrosity that no longer had any biological functions (such as a sex drive) probably meant that it didn't make a lot of difference. Almost every playable character in Gender Bender DNA Twister Extreme ends up feeling this way (the one exception is Stephenie/Stephan, who was also the first female to male transformation in the game- canonically, she goes back to being a woman after the end of her arc and is seen in both her male and female forms in subsequent arcs), and it's even pointed out by the characters responsible in certain paths. Good thing too, since. A cure is discovered eventually, but by that time none of the characters who were affected by the initial accident are interested in going back to being male. Xion from is an iffy example. She is physically male or genderless but was treated as female throughout the game.

Regardless, she considers herself female even after the reveal. Shouko Aihara from Gakuen Saimin Reido. He is originally a male bully and playboy known as Akira Aihara. As a revenge by the protagonist whom he used to bully, he is hypnotized into crossdressing and receiving breast implants. Though he tries to resist, Akira is then hypnotized again to act more feminine and gets his sexual orientation twisted. Afterwards, he falls in love with the protagonist, changes his name to Shouko, voluntarily takes female hormones offered by the protagonist, and eventually chooses to undergo sex change surgery.

Subverted in. Despite her life being much improved in several aspects, Ash is still vehemently trying to go back to being a boy, even if it means that all the good things she achieved in the meantime disappear. Keeping a firm grasp of 'his' male identity remains top priority over all else. Indeed, suddenly waking up as a girl and dealing with the loss of masculinity that living as a girl comes with is played more for horror than comedy. Averted in.

Roy doesn't seem to terribly mind being female for a dozen strips or so (it helps him get perspective on Miko Miyazaki is), but he'd much rather have his. The fact that he's just as bald female as he is male probably also helps. positively loves this trope, with four jocks-turned-cheerleaders (who later got a spinoff comic), a male teacher turned Asian girl student and an -turned-, amongst others. There's even a variation where a woman turned centaur decides she prefers that form as well. Special mention goes to a couple who keeps swapping bodies and gender as a. The one person who has expressed an interest in trying the other gender again recreationally is the girl, not the guy. Played straight in (the aforementioned spinoff comic of ) when Jo, the only one of the the transformed cheerleaders who knows she used to be a boy, freely admits that she and her friends were all troubled as boys and are all much happier as girls, though she still cries when she discovers that no one remembers her former male self's.

The other three jocks-turned-cheerleaders have so far averted this trope, since they don't appear to remember the past. Used sparingly in despite all of the constant:. Justin specifically rejects the idea even though it would make him sexually compatible with the object of his unrequited affection.

It's touching in Vlad/Vladia's case. There's nothing kinky about her accepting the change — for the first time in her whole life normal people aren't terrified by the sight of her, so she's willing to accept any form provided it's human, which her old, male form decidedly was not. And given that her one attempt to use her supposed shapeshifting powers was a painful, near-death experience she's not about to experiment even given the chance. Elliot initially had no interest in remaining female for long and considered his gender-bending distasteful. However, upon finding aspects of his magic he liked ( flying around as a ine and ogling his form in a mirror) he's grown to accept the female forms to the point of being worried that he might lose them if magic changes. Tedd at one point theorizes that Elliot would partly have to fulfil this trope to stop getting spells that involve or interact with turning into a woman (not enjoying being a female more than being a male, but finding things to enjoy about being a female). Tedd is a straight example.

He likes this form of shapeshifting because his androgynous face becomes an advantage while close enough to Tedd's own form and he likes to feel attractive. Once this problem became moot that is. Later strips established he's actually genderfluid, he just didn't know the term.

Ellen states she doesn't suffer gender dysphoria and wouldn't want to be male (though there are hints that the associated with was a sore point until she got a new set of memories). Variation 1 shows up in, though it seems less like grudging acceptance than flat-out surrender to hear Bay describe it. (Naturally, it's immediately followed by a due to amnesia, proving the first law takes precedence.). This may also be a case of the author wanting to take the comic back to its original premise (at least for a while), and a possible jab at those who think Bay should remain a girl. 'Brad' is quickly seen to be a though, so this could in fact be a at both sides, as evidenced by its WMG page.

Mocked in one strip of; the parody TF comic boils down to 'Boys are hideous and live bleak, miserable lives; girls (and boys turned girls) are pretty and have perfect lives with no problems'. The older T-Girls of all come to the first form of acceptance at varying rates.

However, teen T-Girl Cookie Jarr was an awkward young lad transformed into. She is quickly excited by the possibilities of being an extremely attractive and girl, even voicing a desire to remain female instead of taking a hypothetical antidote to Virus-X. Played with in: Angel is fond of using magic spells to force these sorts of second law declarations out of her brother as a form of torment. Played straight with Angel herself, though. Played with a great deal in, since there are a great deal of gender benders in it. It's all over the map, ranging from genuine gender dysphoria to total acceptance and everything in between.

Apparently played straight, then averted with Julius of, mainly because being female allows him to have a relationship with Nadia, who is a lesbian. However, after a talk on the subject matter, and how they love each other regardless, he asks if they might have straight sex from time to time, which in addition to other moments, suggest that he's doesn't prefer either gender over the other, and only really stays female because Nadia prefers it. Also played straight with his mom (who took to her mode-locking to female with gusto) but subverted with his dad, who is very much a manly badass-type who does not take well to his gender-changing. He has come to enjoy it for sex, but he's always male apart from that. The emperor from embraces this trope mere minutes after changing genders.

It's implied issues with a new body were never a big concern and she takes her second-in-command as (having never found a worthy one as a man) before going back to trying to conquer the universe. Very, very averted with the main character of, and played emphatically straight with one of the priests. The latter example started as a before a to the main character's plight. In, Keiri sees that people enjoy it after she changes them so that they'll be less likely to change back when the nightly reset button hits.

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has an ironic subversion: While Kass says she accepts her change (which came with an accompanying change of species) fairly quickly Matriarch Vislet believes Kass actually hasn't even begun to deal with it and her premature 'acceptance' is just another way of avoiding dealing with it. The main characters in play this trope across the entire spectrum.

It doesn't hurt that for most of them being turned female was a side effect to gaining the superpowers which make them some of the most attractive and powerful people on the planet. (It's also completely and utterly for them to change back, period.) Still, the degree of acceptance tends to be directly contingent upon the degree to which each character was (knowingly or unknowingly) transgender in the first place. Pretty much the second staple of amateur fiction after.

Case in point:. About the only stories that avoid this are the ones that use a male-to-female for, and even those sometimes go for a by way of this. There is a video where a young man is turned into a woman against his will in some unexplained way.

After a decade of assimilating to the point of dating, becoming a famous model, and becoming the leader of France, the man turns back on his wedding day. He then ends up with his best (girl) friend instead. Artist does a lot of gender-bending work, much of which plays with this trope. Link of succumbs to the Second Law a few times in his work, whether or. In the setting, humans are randomly, permanently changed into (with some experiencing a gender-change at the same time).

A number of stories follow the journey of gender-changed characters as they come to accept and then enjoy their new (usually female) gender. Some stories take this a notch further into territory. This, but for species rather than gender, is essentially the 54th law of.

(. Laws 76 and 77 from the will cause the Second Law to go into effect. In the, Agent Diogenes has had his/her gender changed so many times by magical artifacts that, in addition to a now very androgynous appearance, said Agent also is comfortable with the new gender identity they took, that identity being none. Diogenes refuses to pick either, state what the biological sex even is at this point and also refuses to alter things like hair or uniform to make a more masculine or feminine impression. Take A Lemon: Pretty much inevitable once Marsh realizes she'd received the memories of her alternate universe instead of an actual.:. In ', Bender pretends to be 'Coilette', a fembot from Robonia note whose national anthem is, according to Bender/Coilette, 'Hail, hail, Robonia, a land I didn't make up!' In order to compete in fembots' events in the Robolympics.

After winning five gold medals, he finds that sex testing is mandatory, so he has the Professor switch his 'testosteroil' with 'femmzoil', intending to switch back after the test. Then this trope kicks in. In ', a sexless alien first, then when asked to restore them gets everyone backwards.

The now-male Leela, Amy, and LaBarbara struggle to save the sinking Planet Express business, while the feminized men have fun being girls and goofing off. When the 'guys' force the 'girls' to make a swimsuit calendar, they go along with it a lot more happily than the real women did earlier. Despite all this, the men go back to their original sex with zero protests when the opportunity comes up ( except for Scruffy, who came in late). In, Victor gives himself female genitalia but is extremely hesitant when Elizabeth tries to treat him to stereotypically feminine things.

It's subverted slightly when he acts traditionally feminine to date Dracula, but that was only so he could. The case is a famous aversion.

When doctors botched a circumcision and cut off the baby's penis, some thought he would use this opportunity to prove that gender is wholly based on nurture rather than nature, and had the parents raise this child as a girl, expecting that he would just accept his new gender. This did not work, as the child always felt confused and grew to intensely hate the psychologist who was using 'her' as his personal guinea pig. Eventually David Reimer underwent treatment to reverse this, making himself as close physically to a man as he could.

Sadly his life started to fall apart a decade later and he was. Another aversion is in the case of, a slave boy whom Emperor Nero and (because Sporus physically resembled Nero's dead wife). Sporus was then forced to marry Nero's next two successors, until Nero's third successor planned to by which point.

Two rare conditions ( or ) can cause chromosomal males to develop around puberty rather than before birth. Some people with these conditions come to identify with their 'new' gender.

Common restriction in regards to those who seek sex reassignment surgery is to obtain a psychiatrist's approval (or several psychiatrists' approvals) following a lengthy evaluation period, before the surgery can be performed. This intended as a means of enforcing this trope, making sure that the person is likely to be happy after the procedure, rather than come to regret it. In practice, the difficulties in getting a sex change are a leading cause of suicide among trans people, possibly averting this trope.

One of the two researchers for Abbadon Pharmaceuticals whose gender bender formula kick starts the plot.: One of the genetic alterations Lynn can receive, giving her a feline appearance.: Liam/Lynn\'s female appearance.: A major raison d\'etre for the research, though slightly less so than Dina. /: For the most part Dina generally is the most conscientious between her and Dina of their role in the involuntary transformation of everyone into women and tries her best to be the more understanding of the two to the others who aren\'t happy with their transformations.: Somewhat. Realizes they are responsible for turning everyone in the lab into a girl and is more concerned about it than Derek/Dina, but otherwise is somewhat amoral at the same time, figuring that a temporary transformation into another gender would give everyone a new look at life.

Immediately regrets this assumption when she finds out the transformation is permanent on everyone involved in the initial explosion. Also tends to serve as Dina\'s conscience and vetoes some of her more moments.: Permanently stuck as a girl.: Thinks Zeke turning into a girl is awesome. The fact that people gender bending (even in universe) and even getting animal like features doesn\'t seem to faze her at all, though Zeke\'s route take place when the latter is becoming common.: Liked Zeke but, but him turning into Zara provided a nice loophole for her sexuality.: Was apparently immune to very same gas that turned Zeke into a girl despite being in the same area it went off.

Then again, it may have been tailored to his specific DNA.: Wants to be called \'Lexie-chan\', nothing else.: Her face seems to be frozen with this expression about half the time.: Well, considering she lives like she\'s in an anime, Zeke definitely thinks so. Then again, considering she\'s in an game with a to sci-fi and anime tropes, she\'s only wrong to a degree. Nathan\'s fiance, turns male in her own route as Russell.: Gets caught in a trap in the beginning of his route where he getr subjected to sex change gas, which doesn\'t initially seem to have any effect. Turns out it just took a little while to take effect. In any event, the result was that Russell gained shapeshifter powers to be anyone he comes in physical contact as but only when in contact with them in his base form as Russell.: Is this with way with Nathan (as Nadine) in his own route.: Discovers how to turn into an exact clone of Nadine, who suggest they try this trope.: Female to male, though this gets played with in her own route.

\'Any character, after being gender bent, will come to enjoy their new gender more than their old gender.\' A fictional character that gets his or her gender bent often becomes gradually accustomed to life as a new man or woman. Eventually they likely will experience an epiphany: that they are better off in their new gender than they ever were in their old one.

Gender Bender DNA Twister Extreme is an absolutely baffling project. The first arguably trans character we get is Dina (since Lynn seems to.

This is the Second Law of Gender Bending, where a gender bent person would, if offered a chance to revert to their former gender, turn it down because they have come to enjoy the benefits of the change. The epiphany typically takes one of two forms:. A reluctant admission, either because they\'ve changed too much to return to the way things were or are loath to admit the enjoyment they get from their new lifestyle.

A jovial acceptance, where they quickly discover how much fun life is after the gender flip, and they never want to go back.A specific variation of which often results from. May involve or depending upon surrounding circumstances. Can result in when the allows a character to reveal a hidden side of their personality. Contrast for characters who\'d like to return to their former gender but realize they\'ve changed too much to make that possible. See the, which frequently (but not always) precedes or overlaps with this trope. Since the ensures that most of these characters are male-to-female, is frequently a contributing reason for these characters\' choice.

Though it would take to assume this as someone\'s primary reason for wanting to keep his/her gender change permanent, many \'adult\' stories often do make use of the common pornographic cliche that sex is inherently more pleasurable for women even if their authors would rather point to more dignified reasons. Even in those works where the above is not the case, the law likely is as prominent as it is at the behest of the first, as from a perspective, there are not a lot of other ways of resolving the situation that result in both a and don\'t violate the.: Hazumu never expresses any desire to return to her former gender. Of course, the aliens announced from the get-go that she couldn\'t become a boy again even if she wanted to, but you\'d think she\'d have missed something about life as a boy, even if it was only the ability to write her name in the snow. However, since the gender change allows her to get together with the girl( s) of her dreams and her parents seem to prefer it she really doesn\'t have all that much to complain about. (It doesn\'t hurt that pre-change Hazumu was more girly than every other girl in the series and may even have been transgender without realizing it.). Averted in: Ranma never, ever, ever stops looking for a cure for his curse (except for one filler episode after he hits his head) though he does stop complaining about it. That said, Ranma starts to bring his macho approach to acting girly and cute.

As seen in his competition with Tsubasa, Ranma\'s competitive streak is so hardwired that he even refuses to lose in a contest of femininity. This doesn\'t stop him from exploiting the advantages of his female form for one minute, however. Anything Goes Martial Arts, after all. He also enjoys using his female form to eat sweet girly desserts that would be too embarrassing for him to order as a guy, especially as shopkeepers tend to give him extra for being so cute. Happens at the end of when Megumi finally realizes/admits that she\'d been a girl all along: lacking the power to grant her wish to become male the trickster spirit had given her a purely mental instead.

Since the delusion had helped her foster the tough, fair, forthright, and assertive (i.e., stereotypically \'male\') aspects of her personality Megumi considers her wish granted nonetheless. The transgender Megumi in goes the \'reluctant admission\' route when she\'s menaced by a boy and realizes that she finally knows how it truly feels to be a girl. Fortunately her new-found sense of femininity also empowers her to free herself with the ultimate female defence against male attackers: a so severe it practically paralyzes him.

Subverted in. Homura deals with being a girl, but she doesn\'t like it and is obviously still uncomfortable with her growing attraction to her. Mai Natsume of was originally a boy, but got magically transformed into a girl right before the manga started. Mai was at first uncomfortable with her new gender and tried to find a way to change back, but later on she came to enjoy her life as a girl and even fell in love with a male classmate. The manga ends with Mai fully accepting her change in life and seeing herself as a girl. Mao of inverts the usual plot arc associated with this trope by accepting her involuntary straight off as an act of faith in her village deity. The drama comes from the various ways her family, her best friend, and her village deal with her change.

Her three older sisters exhibit the full range of reactions from simple acceptance to flat-out denial. Tao Nozomu from accepts that her gives her ready access to the cuteness she craves but still hides her new gender for an entire year (gradually transforming into a in the process) largely because she\'s not sure she won\'t change back and can\'t figure out how to break the news to her family and friends. Unlike most examples here Nozomu\'s occurs in early puberty and he was barely past the point of noticing girls before he became one. uses to offer an unusual and bittersweet take on this trope. Sagara is ultimately happy about her even though she does miss being a boy because the resulting struggle to forge a new identity broke her out of her self-imposed isolation, opened her eyes to the people who cared about her and taught her the true value of love and friendship.

It\'s not the change itself she accepts so much as the personal growth it triggered. The fact that is just icing on the cake. In contrast to Kanojo Ni Naru Hi Another the manga uses to offer a very \'base view of human nature\' take on this trope because Manaka finds sex is so much more pleasurable for women (soft sensitive skin! Exquisitely delicate genitalia! Multiple orgasms!

Boobies! that he cannot accept the pale imitation of sexual pleasure that men experience.

Played with in as the protagonist can\'t decide whether to be a male or female angel while in Heaven. Played with in. At first, Gerald doesn\'t like being Daphne. Dresses are too drafty, he can\'t hit on women, etc. Eventually, though, he enjoys being female immensely, to the point where the with Osgood is so great that Joe makes him say \'I'm a boy,\' over and over.

But hey — Nobody\'s perfect.: Though initially horrified, Clive uses Jessica\'s body to become a successful crook, and when Jessica tracks him down, Jessica has to trick Clive into getting her body back. Played with in, where a male character disguises as a (female) whore. Due to male\'s, the whores in this world are women who disguise as men. He quite enjoys the ability to walk around without being noticed. The protagonist of David Thomas\'s novel Girl is a macho, laddish twenty something bloke who is mistaken for another patient while in hospital and mistakenly given gender reassignment surgery. Though initially horrified, when the news that reversing the procedure is unviable is broken to him he ends up deciding to commit fully to his new identity, and after cosmetic surgery, hormone replacement and therapy adapts to the life as an attractive, well-adjusted young woman. In, it\'s a bit strange.

Time Lords can routinely change genders via regeneration, but they also change personalities, which means their feelings towards their old and current selves can change quite dramatically from one incarnation to the next. When a Time Lord only known as \'The General\' regenerated from man to woman, they didn\'t seem uncomfortable in their male form but instantly remarked that they much preferred being female once the shift was done. The Doctor too, instantly felt quite pleased when they discovered that they had regenerated from to. The Master, whose attitude towards women has always been somewhat disdainful, embraces their new persona Missy with gusto. In \'Warlord\', would-be planetary dictator Tiernan does a on Kes as he\'s dying.

His followers aren\'t happy that their fearsome leader is now a cute alien female, but Tiernan finds the change quite useful, and not only because of Kes\' psychic powers. He even announces a political marriage to his, then strongly implies to his squicked-out wife that he\'d be quite interested in a threesome. Possibly Tiresias from, who spent seven years as a woman (and had children) after killing a mating female snake, then transformed back into a man after killing a male; at very least, one can assume he enjoyed sex better as a woman. Zeus and Hera called upon him to settle an argument over which gender enjoyed it more (as he alone had experienced it from both perspectives), and Tiresias claimed, \'Of ten parts a man enjoys one only.\' (In other words, he was saying a woman enjoys it ten times as much.) By the by, that crack was what got him turned into a. (Specifically, Zeus and Hera tried to make up for her husband\'s behavior by giving Tiresias magic powers.).


Downplayed in magazine\'s \'The Ecology of the Sheet Ghoul\'. The story\'s is a greedy miser who becomes a sheet phantom upon dying, and like any, seeks a human host to transform into a Sheet Ghoul. Eventually, he succeeds by slaying a female thief who tries to rob his house.

He\'s a little irked at first upon finding himself in a woman\'s body, but then he figures, \'Eh, better than nothing\' and goes about his business. Being, by that point, an undead monstrosity that no longer had any biological functions (such as a sex drive) probably meant that it didn\'t make a lot of difference. Almost every playable character in Gender Bender DNA Twister Extreme ends up feeling this way (the one exception is Stephenie/Stephan, who was also the first female to male transformation in the game- canonically, she goes back to being a woman after the end of her arc and is seen in both her male and female forms in subsequent arcs), and it\'s even pointed out by the characters responsible in certain paths. Good thing too, since. A cure is discovered eventually, but by that time none of the characters who were affected by the initial accident are interested in going back to being male. Xion from is an iffy example. She is physically male or genderless but was treated as female throughout the game.

Regardless, she considers herself female even after the reveal. Shouko Aihara from Gakuen Saimin Reido. He is originally a male bully and playboy known as Akira Aihara. As a revenge by the protagonist whom he used to bully, he is hypnotized into crossdressing and receiving breast implants. Though he tries to resist, Akira is then hypnotized again to act more feminine and gets his sexual orientation twisted. Afterwards, he falls in love with the protagonist, changes his name to Shouko, voluntarily takes female hormones offered by the protagonist, and eventually chooses to undergo sex change surgery.

Subverted in. Despite her life being much improved in several aspects, Ash is still vehemently trying to go back to being a boy, even if it means that all the good things she achieved in the meantime disappear. Keeping a firm grasp of \'his\' male identity remains top priority over all else. Indeed, suddenly waking up as a girl and dealing with the loss of masculinity that living as a girl comes with is played more for horror than comedy. Averted in.

Roy doesn\'t seem to terribly mind being female for a dozen strips or so (it helps him get perspective on Miko Miyazaki is), but he\'d much rather have his. The fact that he\'s just as bald female as he is male probably also helps. positively loves this trope, with four jocks-turned-cheerleaders (who later got a spinoff comic), a male teacher turned Asian girl student and an -turned-, amongst others. There\'s even a variation where a woman turned centaur decides she prefers that form as well. Special mention goes to a couple who keeps swapping bodies and gender as a. The one person who has expressed an interest in trying the other gender again recreationally is the girl, not the guy. Played straight in (the aforementioned spinoff comic of ) when Jo, the only one of the the transformed cheerleaders who knows she used to be a boy, freely admits that she and her friends were all troubled as boys and are all much happier as girls, though she still cries when she discovers that no one remembers her former male self\'s.

The other three jocks-turned-cheerleaders have so far averted this trope, since they don\'t appear to remember the past. Used sparingly in despite all of the constant:. Justin specifically rejects the idea even though it would make him sexually compatible with the object of his unrequited affection.

It\'s touching in Vlad/Vladia\'s case. There\'s nothing kinky about her accepting the change — for the first time in her whole life normal people aren\'t terrified by the sight of her, so she\'s willing to accept any form provided it\'s human, which her old, male form decidedly was not. And given that her one attempt to use her supposed shapeshifting powers was a painful, near-death experience she\'s not about to experiment even given the chance. Elliot initially had no interest in remaining female for long and considered his gender-bending distasteful. However, upon finding aspects of his magic he liked ( flying around as a ine and ogling his form in a mirror) he\'s grown to accept the female forms to the point of being worried that he might lose them if magic changes. Tedd at one point theorizes that Elliot would partly have to fulfil this trope to stop getting spells that involve or interact with turning into a woman (not enjoying being a female more than being a male, but finding things to enjoy about being a female). Tedd is a straight example.

He likes this form of shapeshifting because his androgynous face becomes an advantage while close enough to Tedd\'s own form and he likes to feel attractive. Once this problem became moot that is. Later strips established he\'s actually genderfluid, he just didn\'t know the term.

Ellen states she doesn\'t suffer gender dysphoria and wouldn\'t want to be male (though there are hints that the associated with was a sore point until she got a new set of memories). Variation 1 shows up in, though it seems less like grudging acceptance than flat-out surrender to hear Bay describe it. (Naturally, it\'s immediately followed by a due to amnesia, proving the first law takes precedence.). This may also be a case of the author wanting to take the comic back to its original premise (at least for a while), and a possible jab at those who think Bay should remain a girl. \'Brad\' is quickly seen to be a though, so this could in fact be a at both sides, as evidenced by its WMG page.

Mocked in one strip of; the parody TF comic boils down to \'Boys are hideous and live bleak, miserable lives; girls (and boys turned girls) are pretty and have perfect lives with no problems\'. The older T-Girls of all come to the first form of acceptance at varying rates.

However, teen T-Girl Cookie Jarr was an awkward young lad transformed into. She is quickly excited by the possibilities of being an extremely attractive and girl, even voicing a desire to remain female instead of taking a hypothetical antidote to Virus-X. Played with in: Angel is fond of using magic spells to force these sorts of second law declarations out of her brother as a form of torment. Played straight with Angel herself, though. Played with a great deal in, since there are a great deal of gender benders in it. It\'s all over the map, ranging from genuine gender dysphoria to total acceptance and everything in between.

Apparently played straight, then averted with Julius of, mainly because being female allows him to have a relationship with Nadia, who is a lesbian. However, after a talk on the subject matter, and how they love each other regardless, he asks if they might have straight sex from time to time, which in addition to other moments, suggest that he\'s doesn\'t prefer either gender over the other, and only really stays female because Nadia prefers it. Also played straight with his mom (who took to her mode-locking to female with gusto) but subverted with his dad, who is very much a manly badass-type who does not take well to his gender-changing. He has come to enjoy it for sex, but he\'s always male apart from that. The emperor from embraces this trope mere minutes after changing genders.

It\'s implied issues with a new body were never a big concern and she takes her second-in-command as (having never found a worthy one as a man) before going back to trying to conquer the universe. Very, very averted with the main character of, and played emphatically straight with one of the priests. The latter example started as a before a to the main character\'s plight. In, Keiri sees that people enjoy it after she changes them so that they\'ll be less likely to change back when the nightly reset button hits.

This mod is great, this mod is fantastic. Dungeon boss discord. The boss has great visual design and the mechanics are solid.

has an ironic subversion: While Kass says she accepts her change (which came with an accompanying change of species) fairly quickly Matriarch Vislet believes Kass actually hasn\'t even begun to deal with it and her premature \'acceptance\' is just another way of avoiding dealing with it. The main characters in play this trope across the entire spectrum.

It doesn\'t hurt that for most of them being turned female was a side effect to gaining the superpowers which make them some of the most attractive and powerful people on the planet. (It\'s also completely and utterly for them to change back, period.) Still, the degree of acceptance tends to be directly contingent upon the degree to which each character was (knowingly or unknowingly) transgender in the first place. Pretty much the second staple of amateur fiction after.

Case in point:. About the only stories that avoid this are the ones that use a male-to-female for, and even those sometimes go for a by way of this. There is a video where a young man is turned into a woman against his will in some unexplained way.

After a decade of assimilating to the point of dating, becoming a famous model, and becoming the leader of France, the man turns back on his wedding day. He then ends up with his best (girl) friend instead. Artist does a lot of gender-bending work, much of which plays with this trope. Link of succumbs to the Second Law a few times in his work, whether or. In the setting, humans are randomly, permanently changed into (with some experiencing a gender-change at the same time).

A number of stories follow the journey of gender-changed characters as they come to accept and then enjoy their new (usually female) gender. Some stories take this a notch further into territory. This, but for species rather than gender, is essentially the 54th law of.

(. Laws 76 and 77 from the will cause the Second Law to go into effect. In the, Agent Diogenes has had his/her gender changed so many times by magical artifacts that, in addition to a now very androgynous appearance, said Agent also is comfortable with the new gender identity they took, that identity being none. Diogenes refuses to pick either, state what the biological sex even is at this point and also refuses to alter things like hair or uniform to make a more masculine or feminine impression. Take A Lemon: Pretty much inevitable once Marsh realizes she\'d received the memories of her alternate universe instead of an actual.:. In \', Bender pretends to be \'Coilette\', a fembot from Robonia note whose national anthem is, according to Bender/Coilette, \'Hail, hail, Robonia, a land I didn\'t make up!\' In order to compete in fembots\' events in the Robolympics.

After winning five gold medals, he finds that sex testing is mandatory, so he has the Professor switch his \'testosteroil\' with \'femmzoil\', intending to switch back after the test. Then this trope kicks in. In \', a sexless alien first, then when asked to restore them gets everyone backwards.

The now-male Leela, Amy, and LaBarbara struggle to save the sinking Planet Express business, while the feminized men have fun being girls and goofing off. When the \'guys\' force the \'girls\' to make a swimsuit calendar, they go along with it a lot more happily than the real women did earlier. Despite all this, the men go back to their original sex with zero protests when the opportunity comes up ( except for Scruffy, who came in late). In, Victor gives himself female genitalia but is extremely hesitant when Elizabeth tries to treat him to stereotypically feminine things.

It\'s subverted slightly when he acts traditionally feminine to date Dracula, but that was only so he could. The case is a famous aversion.

When doctors botched a circumcision and cut off the baby\'s penis, some thought he would use this opportunity to prove that gender is wholly based on nurture rather than nature, and had the parents raise this child as a girl, expecting that he would just accept his new gender. This did not work, as the child always felt confused and grew to intensely hate the psychologist who was using \'her\' as his personal guinea pig. Eventually David Reimer underwent treatment to reverse this, making himself as close physically to a man as he could.

Sadly his life started to fall apart a decade later and he was. Another aversion is in the case of, a slave boy whom Emperor Nero and (because Sporus physically resembled Nero\'s dead wife). Sporus was then forced to marry Nero\'s next two successors, until Nero\'s third successor planned to by which point.

Two rare conditions ( or ) can cause chromosomal males to develop around puberty rather than before birth. Some people with these conditions come to identify with their \'new\' gender.

Common restriction in regards to those who seek sex reassignment surgery is to obtain a psychiatrist\'s approval (or several psychiatrists\' approvals) following a lengthy evaluation period, before the surgery can be performed. This intended as a means of enforcing this trope, making sure that the person is likely to be happy after the procedure, rather than come to regret it. In practice, the difficulties in getting a sex change are a leading cause of suicide among trans people, possibly averting this trope.

...'>Gender Bender Dna Twister Extreme Characters(26.02.2020)
  • gridapp.netlify.appGender Bender Dna Twister Extreme Characters ★ ★
  • One of the two researchers for Abbadon Pharmaceuticals whose gender bender formula kick starts the plot.: One of the genetic alterations Lynn can receive, giving her a feline appearance.: Liam/Lynn\'s female appearance.: A major raison d\'etre for the research, though slightly less so than Dina. /: For the most part Dina generally is the most conscientious between her and Dina of their role in the involuntary transformation of everyone into women and tries her best to be the more understanding of the two to the others who aren\'t happy with their transformations.: Somewhat. Realizes they are responsible for turning everyone in the lab into a girl and is more concerned about it than Derek/Dina, but otherwise is somewhat amoral at the same time, figuring that a temporary transformation into another gender would give everyone a new look at life.

    Immediately regrets this assumption when she finds out the transformation is permanent on everyone involved in the initial explosion. Also tends to serve as Dina\'s conscience and vetoes some of her more moments.: Permanently stuck as a girl.: Thinks Zeke turning into a girl is awesome. The fact that people gender bending (even in universe) and even getting animal like features doesn\'t seem to faze her at all, though Zeke\'s route take place when the latter is becoming common.: Liked Zeke but, but him turning into Zara provided a nice loophole for her sexuality.: Was apparently immune to very same gas that turned Zeke into a girl despite being in the same area it went off.

    Then again, it may have been tailored to his specific DNA.: Wants to be called \'Lexie-chan\', nothing else.: Her face seems to be frozen with this expression about half the time.: Well, considering she lives like she\'s in an anime, Zeke definitely thinks so. Then again, considering she\'s in an game with a to sci-fi and anime tropes, she\'s only wrong to a degree. Nathan\'s fiance, turns male in her own route as Russell.: Gets caught in a trap in the beginning of his route where he getr subjected to sex change gas, which doesn\'t initially seem to have any effect. Turns out it just took a little while to take effect. In any event, the result was that Russell gained shapeshifter powers to be anyone he comes in physical contact as but only when in contact with them in his base form as Russell.: Is this with way with Nathan (as Nadine) in his own route.: Discovers how to turn into an exact clone of Nadine, who suggest they try this trope.: Female to male, though this gets played with in her own route.

    \'Any character, after being gender bent, will come to enjoy their new gender more than their old gender.\' A fictional character that gets his or her gender bent often becomes gradually accustomed to life as a new man or woman. Eventually they likely will experience an epiphany: that they are better off in their new gender than they ever were in their old one.

    Gender Bender DNA Twister Extreme is an absolutely baffling project. The first arguably trans character we get is Dina (since Lynn seems to.

    This is the Second Law of Gender Bending, where a gender bent person would, if offered a chance to revert to their former gender, turn it down because they have come to enjoy the benefits of the change. The epiphany typically takes one of two forms:. A reluctant admission, either because they\'ve changed too much to return to the way things were or are loath to admit the enjoyment they get from their new lifestyle.

    A jovial acceptance, where they quickly discover how much fun life is after the gender flip, and they never want to go back.A specific variation of which often results from. May involve or depending upon surrounding circumstances. Can result in when the allows a character to reveal a hidden side of their personality. Contrast for characters who\'d like to return to their former gender but realize they\'ve changed too much to make that possible. See the, which frequently (but not always) precedes or overlaps with this trope. Since the ensures that most of these characters are male-to-female, is frequently a contributing reason for these characters\' choice.

    Though it would take to assume this as someone\'s primary reason for wanting to keep his/her gender change permanent, many \'adult\' stories often do make use of the common pornographic cliche that sex is inherently more pleasurable for women even if their authors would rather point to more dignified reasons. Even in those works where the above is not the case, the law likely is as prominent as it is at the behest of the first, as from a perspective, there are not a lot of other ways of resolving the situation that result in both a and don\'t violate the.: Hazumu never expresses any desire to return to her former gender. Of course, the aliens announced from the get-go that she couldn\'t become a boy again even if she wanted to, but you\'d think she\'d have missed something about life as a boy, even if it was only the ability to write her name in the snow. However, since the gender change allows her to get together with the girl( s) of her dreams and her parents seem to prefer it she really doesn\'t have all that much to complain about. (It doesn\'t hurt that pre-change Hazumu was more girly than every other girl in the series and may even have been transgender without realizing it.). Averted in: Ranma never, ever, ever stops looking for a cure for his curse (except for one filler episode after he hits his head) though he does stop complaining about it. That said, Ranma starts to bring his macho approach to acting girly and cute.

    As seen in his competition with Tsubasa, Ranma\'s competitive streak is so hardwired that he even refuses to lose in a contest of femininity. This doesn\'t stop him from exploiting the advantages of his female form for one minute, however. Anything Goes Martial Arts, after all. He also enjoys using his female form to eat sweet girly desserts that would be too embarrassing for him to order as a guy, especially as shopkeepers tend to give him extra for being so cute. Happens at the end of when Megumi finally realizes/admits that she\'d been a girl all along: lacking the power to grant her wish to become male the trickster spirit had given her a purely mental instead.

    Since the delusion had helped her foster the tough, fair, forthright, and assertive (i.e., stereotypically \'male\') aspects of her personality Megumi considers her wish granted nonetheless. The transgender Megumi in goes the \'reluctant admission\' route when she\'s menaced by a boy and realizes that she finally knows how it truly feels to be a girl. Fortunately her new-found sense of femininity also empowers her to free herself with the ultimate female defence against male attackers: a so severe it practically paralyzes him.

    Subverted in. Homura deals with being a girl, but she doesn\'t like it and is obviously still uncomfortable with her growing attraction to her. Mai Natsume of was originally a boy, but got magically transformed into a girl right before the manga started. Mai was at first uncomfortable with her new gender and tried to find a way to change back, but later on she came to enjoy her life as a girl and even fell in love with a male classmate. The manga ends with Mai fully accepting her change in life and seeing herself as a girl. Mao of inverts the usual plot arc associated with this trope by accepting her involuntary straight off as an act of faith in her village deity. The drama comes from the various ways her family, her best friend, and her village deal with her change.

    Her three older sisters exhibit the full range of reactions from simple acceptance to flat-out denial. Tao Nozomu from accepts that her gives her ready access to the cuteness she craves but still hides her new gender for an entire year (gradually transforming into a in the process) largely because she\'s not sure she won\'t change back and can\'t figure out how to break the news to her family and friends. Unlike most examples here Nozomu\'s occurs in early puberty and he was barely past the point of noticing girls before he became one. uses to offer an unusual and bittersweet take on this trope. Sagara is ultimately happy about her even though she does miss being a boy because the resulting struggle to forge a new identity broke her out of her self-imposed isolation, opened her eyes to the people who cared about her and taught her the true value of love and friendship.

    It\'s not the change itself she accepts so much as the personal growth it triggered. The fact that is just icing on the cake. In contrast to Kanojo Ni Naru Hi Another the manga uses to offer a very \'base view of human nature\' take on this trope because Manaka finds sex is so much more pleasurable for women (soft sensitive skin! Exquisitely delicate genitalia! Multiple orgasms!

    Boobies! that he cannot accept the pale imitation of sexual pleasure that men experience.

    Played with in as the protagonist can\'t decide whether to be a male or female angel while in Heaven. Played with in. At first, Gerald doesn\'t like being Daphne. Dresses are too drafty, he can\'t hit on women, etc. Eventually, though, he enjoys being female immensely, to the point where the with Osgood is so great that Joe makes him say \'I'm a boy,\' over and over.

    But hey — Nobody\'s perfect.: Though initially horrified, Clive uses Jessica\'s body to become a successful crook, and when Jessica tracks him down, Jessica has to trick Clive into getting her body back. Played with in, where a male character disguises as a (female) whore. Due to male\'s, the whores in this world are women who disguise as men. He quite enjoys the ability to walk around without being noticed. The protagonist of David Thomas\'s novel Girl is a macho, laddish twenty something bloke who is mistaken for another patient while in hospital and mistakenly given gender reassignment surgery. Though initially horrified, when the news that reversing the procedure is unviable is broken to him he ends up deciding to commit fully to his new identity, and after cosmetic surgery, hormone replacement and therapy adapts to the life as an attractive, well-adjusted young woman. In, it\'s a bit strange.

    Time Lords can routinely change genders via regeneration, but they also change personalities, which means their feelings towards their old and current selves can change quite dramatically from one incarnation to the next. When a Time Lord only known as \'The General\' regenerated from man to woman, they didn\'t seem uncomfortable in their male form but instantly remarked that they much preferred being female once the shift was done. The Doctor too, instantly felt quite pleased when they discovered that they had regenerated from to. The Master, whose attitude towards women has always been somewhat disdainful, embraces their new persona Missy with gusto. In \'Warlord\', would-be planetary dictator Tiernan does a on Kes as he\'s dying.

    His followers aren\'t happy that their fearsome leader is now a cute alien female, but Tiernan finds the change quite useful, and not only because of Kes\' psychic powers. He even announces a political marriage to his, then strongly implies to his squicked-out wife that he\'d be quite interested in a threesome. Possibly Tiresias from, who spent seven years as a woman (and had children) after killing a mating female snake, then transformed back into a man after killing a male; at very least, one can assume he enjoyed sex better as a woman. Zeus and Hera called upon him to settle an argument over which gender enjoyed it more (as he alone had experienced it from both perspectives), and Tiresias claimed, \'Of ten parts a man enjoys one only.\' (In other words, he was saying a woman enjoys it ten times as much.) By the by, that crack was what got him turned into a. (Specifically, Zeus and Hera tried to make up for her husband\'s behavior by giving Tiresias magic powers.).


    Downplayed in magazine\'s \'The Ecology of the Sheet Ghoul\'. The story\'s is a greedy miser who becomes a sheet phantom upon dying, and like any, seeks a human host to transform into a Sheet Ghoul. Eventually, he succeeds by slaying a female thief who tries to rob his house.

    He\'s a little irked at first upon finding himself in a woman\'s body, but then he figures, \'Eh, better than nothing\' and goes about his business. Being, by that point, an undead monstrosity that no longer had any biological functions (such as a sex drive) probably meant that it didn\'t make a lot of difference. Almost every playable character in Gender Bender DNA Twister Extreme ends up feeling this way (the one exception is Stephenie/Stephan, who was also the first female to male transformation in the game- canonically, she goes back to being a woman after the end of her arc and is seen in both her male and female forms in subsequent arcs), and it\'s even pointed out by the characters responsible in certain paths. Good thing too, since. A cure is discovered eventually, but by that time none of the characters who were affected by the initial accident are interested in going back to being male. Xion from is an iffy example. She is physically male or genderless but was treated as female throughout the game.

    Regardless, she considers herself female even after the reveal. Shouko Aihara from Gakuen Saimin Reido. He is originally a male bully and playboy known as Akira Aihara. As a revenge by the protagonist whom he used to bully, he is hypnotized into crossdressing and receiving breast implants. Though he tries to resist, Akira is then hypnotized again to act more feminine and gets his sexual orientation twisted. Afterwards, he falls in love with the protagonist, changes his name to Shouko, voluntarily takes female hormones offered by the protagonist, and eventually chooses to undergo sex change surgery.

    Subverted in. Despite her life being much improved in several aspects, Ash is still vehemently trying to go back to being a boy, even if it means that all the good things she achieved in the meantime disappear. Keeping a firm grasp of \'his\' male identity remains top priority over all else. Indeed, suddenly waking up as a girl and dealing with the loss of masculinity that living as a girl comes with is played more for horror than comedy. Averted in.

    Roy doesn\'t seem to terribly mind being female for a dozen strips or so (it helps him get perspective on Miko Miyazaki is), but he\'d much rather have his. The fact that he\'s just as bald female as he is male probably also helps. positively loves this trope, with four jocks-turned-cheerleaders (who later got a spinoff comic), a male teacher turned Asian girl student and an -turned-, amongst others. There\'s even a variation where a woman turned centaur decides she prefers that form as well. Special mention goes to a couple who keeps swapping bodies and gender as a. The one person who has expressed an interest in trying the other gender again recreationally is the girl, not the guy. Played straight in (the aforementioned spinoff comic of ) when Jo, the only one of the the transformed cheerleaders who knows she used to be a boy, freely admits that she and her friends were all troubled as boys and are all much happier as girls, though she still cries when she discovers that no one remembers her former male self\'s.

    The other three jocks-turned-cheerleaders have so far averted this trope, since they don\'t appear to remember the past. Used sparingly in despite all of the constant:. Justin specifically rejects the idea even though it would make him sexually compatible with the object of his unrequited affection.

    It\'s touching in Vlad/Vladia\'s case. There\'s nothing kinky about her accepting the change — for the first time in her whole life normal people aren\'t terrified by the sight of her, so she\'s willing to accept any form provided it\'s human, which her old, male form decidedly was not. And given that her one attempt to use her supposed shapeshifting powers was a painful, near-death experience she\'s not about to experiment even given the chance. Elliot initially had no interest in remaining female for long and considered his gender-bending distasteful. However, upon finding aspects of his magic he liked ( flying around as a ine and ogling his form in a mirror) he\'s grown to accept the female forms to the point of being worried that he might lose them if magic changes. Tedd at one point theorizes that Elliot would partly have to fulfil this trope to stop getting spells that involve or interact with turning into a woman (not enjoying being a female more than being a male, but finding things to enjoy about being a female). Tedd is a straight example.

    He likes this form of shapeshifting because his androgynous face becomes an advantage while close enough to Tedd\'s own form and he likes to feel attractive. Once this problem became moot that is. Later strips established he\'s actually genderfluid, he just didn\'t know the term.

    Ellen states she doesn\'t suffer gender dysphoria and wouldn\'t want to be male (though there are hints that the associated with was a sore point until she got a new set of memories). Variation 1 shows up in, though it seems less like grudging acceptance than flat-out surrender to hear Bay describe it. (Naturally, it\'s immediately followed by a due to amnesia, proving the first law takes precedence.). This may also be a case of the author wanting to take the comic back to its original premise (at least for a while), and a possible jab at those who think Bay should remain a girl. \'Brad\' is quickly seen to be a though, so this could in fact be a at both sides, as evidenced by its WMG page.

    Mocked in one strip of; the parody TF comic boils down to \'Boys are hideous and live bleak, miserable lives; girls (and boys turned girls) are pretty and have perfect lives with no problems\'. The older T-Girls of all come to the first form of acceptance at varying rates.

    However, teen T-Girl Cookie Jarr was an awkward young lad transformed into. She is quickly excited by the possibilities of being an extremely attractive and girl, even voicing a desire to remain female instead of taking a hypothetical antidote to Virus-X. Played with in: Angel is fond of using magic spells to force these sorts of second law declarations out of her brother as a form of torment. Played straight with Angel herself, though. Played with a great deal in, since there are a great deal of gender benders in it. It\'s all over the map, ranging from genuine gender dysphoria to total acceptance and everything in between.

    Apparently played straight, then averted with Julius of, mainly because being female allows him to have a relationship with Nadia, who is a lesbian. However, after a talk on the subject matter, and how they love each other regardless, he asks if they might have straight sex from time to time, which in addition to other moments, suggest that he\'s doesn\'t prefer either gender over the other, and only really stays female because Nadia prefers it. Also played straight with his mom (who took to her mode-locking to female with gusto) but subverted with his dad, who is very much a manly badass-type who does not take well to his gender-changing. He has come to enjoy it for sex, but he\'s always male apart from that. The emperor from embraces this trope mere minutes after changing genders.

    It\'s implied issues with a new body were never a big concern and she takes her second-in-command as (having never found a worthy one as a man) before going back to trying to conquer the universe. Very, very averted with the main character of, and played emphatically straight with one of the priests. The latter example started as a before a to the main character\'s plight. In, Keiri sees that people enjoy it after she changes them so that they\'ll be less likely to change back when the nightly reset button hits.

    This mod is great, this mod is fantastic. Dungeon boss discord. The boss has great visual design and the mechanics are solid.

    has an ironic subversion: While Kass says she accepts her change (which came with an accompanying change of species) fairly quickly Matriarch Vislet believes Kass actually hasn\'t even begun to deal with it and her premature \'acceptance\' is just another way of avoiding dealing with it. The main characters in play this trope across the entire spectrum.

    It doesn\'t hurt that for most of them being turned female was a side effect to gaining the superpowers which make them some of the most attractive and powerful people on the planet. (It\'s also completely and utterly for them to change back, period.) Still, the degree of acceptance tends to be directly contingent upon the degree to which each character was (knowingly or unknowingly) transgender in the first place. Pretty much the second staple of amateur fiction after.

    Case in point:. About the only stories that avoid this are the ones that use a male-to-female for, and even those sometimes go for a by way of this. There is a video where a young man is turned into a woman against his will in some unexplained way.

    After a decade of assimilating to the point of dating, becoming a famous model, and becoming the leader of France, the man turns back on his wedding day. He then ends up with his best (girl) friend instead. Artist does a lot of gender-bending work, much of which plays with this trope. Link of succumbs to the Second Law a few times in his work, whether or. In the setting, humans are randomly, permanently changed into (with some experiencing a gender-change at the same time).

    A number of stories follow the journey of gender-changed characters as they come to accept and then enjoy their new (usually female) gender. Some stories take this a notch further into territory. This, but for species rather than gender, is essentially the 54th law of.

    (. Laws 76 and 77 from the will cause the Second Law to go into effect. In the, Agent Diogenes has had his/her gender changed so many times by magical artifacts that, in addition to a now very androgynous appearance, said Agent also is comfortable with the new gender identity they took, that identity being none. Diogenes refuses to pick either, state what the biological sex even is at this point and also refuses to alter things like hair or uniform to make a more masculine or feminine impression. Take A Lemon: Pretty much inevitable once Marsh realizes she\'d received the memories of her alternate universe instead of an actual.:. In \', Bender pretends to be \'Coilette\', a fembot from Robonia note whose national anthem is, according to Bender/Coilette, \'Hail, hail, Robonia, a land I didn\'t make up!\' In order to compete in fembots\' events in the Robolympics.

    After winning five gold medals, he finds that sex testing is mandatory, so he has the Professor switch his \'testosteroil\' with \'femmzoil\', intending to switch back after the test. Then this trope kicks in. In \', a sexless alien first, then when asked to restore them gets everyone backwards.

    The now-male Leela, Amy, and LaBarbara struggle to save the sinking Planet Express business, while the feminized men have fun being girls and goofing off. When the \'guys\' force the \'girls\' to make a swimsuit calendar, they go along with it a lot more happily than the real women did earlier. Despite all this, the men go back to their original sex with zero protests when the opportunity comes up ( except for Scruffy, who came in late). In, Victor gives himself female genitalia but is extremely hesitant when Elizabeth tries to treat him to stereotypically feminine things.

    It\'s subverted slightly when he acts traditionally feminine to date Dracula, but that was only so he could. The case is a famous aversion.

    When doctors botched a circumcision and cut off the baby\'s penis, some thought he would use this opportunity to prove that gender is wholly based on nurture rather than nature, and had the parents raise this child as a girl, expecting that he would just accept his new gender. This did not work, as the child always felt confused and grew to intensely hate the psychologist who was using \'her\' as his personal guinea pig. Eventually David Reimer underwent treatment to reverse this, making himself as close physically to a man as he could.

    Sadly his life started to fall apart a decade later and he was. Another aversion is in the case of, a slave boy whom Emperor Nero and (because Sporus physically resembled Nero\'s dead wife). Sporus was then forced to marry Nero\'s next two successors, until Nero\'s third successor planned to by which point.

    Two rare conditions ( or ) can cause chromosomal males to develop around puberty rather than before birth. Some people with these conditions come to identify with their \'new\' gender.

    Common restriction in regards to those who seek sex reassignment surgery is to obtain a psychiatrist\'s approval (or several psychiatrists\' approvals) following a lengthy evaluation period, before the surgery can be performed. This intended as a means of enforcing this trope, making sure that the person is likely to be happy after the procedure, rather than come to regret it. In practice, the difficulties in getting a sex change are a leading cause of suicide among trans people, possibly averting this trope.

    ...'>Gender Bender Dna Twister Extreme Characters(26.02.2020)